AiiDA data classes for surfaces.
# Standard library imports
import copy
# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
from aiida.orm import Data
# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.strct.strct_validation import (
class SurfaceData(Data):
"""AiiDA data object to store surface data."""
def __init__(self, aperiodic_dir=2, miller_indices=(1, 0, 0), termination=1, **kwargs):
"""Initialize object."""
self.aperiodic_dir = aperiodic_dir
self.miller_indices = miller_indices
self.termination = termination
def aperiodic_dir(self):
"""Non-periodic direction of the slab."""
return self.base.attributes.get("aperiodic_dir")
def aperiodic_dir(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("`miller_indices` needs to be of type int.")
if value not in [0, 1, 2]:
raise ValueError("`aperiodic_dir` needs to be a number between 0 and 2.")
self.base.attributes.set("aperiodic_dir", value)
def miller_indices(self):
"""Miller indices of the surface facet."""
return copy.deepcopy(self.base.attributes.get("miller_indices"))
def miller_indices(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError("`miller_indices` needs to be of type tuple or list.")
if len(value) != 3:
raise ValueError("`miller_indices` needs to have a length of 3.")
if not all(isinstance(val0, int) for val0 in value):
raise ValueError("All entries of `miller_indices` need to be of type integer.")
self.base.attributes.set("miller_indices", tuple(value))
def termination(self):
"""Termination of the surface facet."""
return self.base.attributes.get("termination")
def termination(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("`termination` needs to be of type int.")
if value < 1:
raise ValueError("`termination` needs to be larger than 0.")
self.base.attributes.set("termination", value)
def repeating_structure(self):
"""Repeating structure of the surface."""
return self._get_structure("repeating_structure")
def top_terminating_structure(self):
"""Top terminating structure of the surface."""
return self._get_structure("top_structure")
def top_terminating_structure_nsym(self):
"""Top terminating non-symmetric structure of the surface."""
return self._get_structure("top_structure_nsym")
def bottom_terminating_structure(self):
"""Bottom terminating structure of the surface."""
return self._get_structure("bottom_structure")
def surface_area(self):
"""Surface area."""
if self.repeating_structure is None:
return None
periodic_dirs = [idx0 for idx0 in range(3) if idx0 != self.aperiodic_dir]
cell_v1 = np.array(self.repeating_structure["cell"][periodic_dirs[0]])
cell_v2 = np.array(self.repeating_structure["cell"][periodic_dirs[1]])
return np.linalg.norm(np.cross(cell_v1, cell_v2))
def set_repeating_structure(
self, elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian, translational_vector, kinds=None
Set repeating structure.
elements : list
List of elements or atomic numbers.
positions : list
Nested list of the coordinates, either in cartesian or scaled coordinates.
cell : list or np.array
Nested 3x3 list of the cell vectors in angstrom.
is_cartesian : bool
Whether the coordinates are cartesian or scaled.
translational_vector : list or np.array
Translational shift between two layers of repeating units.
add_kws={"translational_vector": translational_vector},
def set_top_terminating_structure(self, elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian, kinds=None):
Set top-terminating structure.
elements : list
List of elements or atomic numbers.
positions : list
Nested list of the coordinates, either in cartesian or scaled coordinates.
cell : list or np.array
Nested 3x3 list of the cell vectors in angstrom.
is_cartesian : bool
Whether the coordinates are cartesian or scaled.
self._set_structure("top_structure", elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian)
def set_top_terminating_structure_nsym(self, elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian):
Set top-terminating non-symmetric structure.
elements : list
List of elements or atomic numbers.
positions : list
Nested list of the coordinates, either in cartesian or scaled coordinates.
cell : list or np.array
Nested 3x3 list of the cell vectors in angstrom.
is_cartesian : bool
Whether the coordinates are cartesian or scaled.
self._set_structure("top_structure_nsym", elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian)
def set_bottom_terminating_structure(
self, elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian, kinds=None
Set bottom-terminating non-symmetric structure.
elements : list
List of elements or atomic numbers.
positions : list
Nested list of the coordinates, either in cartesian or scaled coordinates.
cell : list or np.array
Nested 3x3 list of the cell vectors in angstrom.
is_cartesian : bool
Whether the coordinates are cartesian or scaled.
self._set_structure("bottom_structure", elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian)
def _set_structure(self, attr_label, elements, positions, cell, is_cartesian, add_kws={}):
cell, inv_cell = _structure_validate_cell(cell)
elements, positions_cart, _ = _structure_validate_el_pos(
elements, positions, [True, True, False], cell, inv_cell, is_cartesian
strct_dict = {
"elements": elements,
"positions": positions,
"cell": cell,
"is_cartesian": True,
for keyw, value in add_kws.items():
strct_dict[keyw] = value
self.base.attributes.set(attr_label, strct_dict)
def _get_structure(self, attr_label):
structure = None
if attr_label in self.base.attributes:
structure = copy.deepcopy(self.base.attributes.get(attr_label))
return structure