Common functions used by several work chains.
Module Contents¶
Concatenate two results pandas data frames. |
Create AiiDA data node from standard python variable. |
Create surface slab from surface data. |
Get results from the depreciated ElectronicProperties work chain. |
Obtain value from AiiDA data node. |
Wrap the seekpath function to be used as a calcfunction. |
Helper-function to control the number of workchains run simultaneously. The function is |
aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.concatenate_workflow_results(workflow_results1, workflow_results2, map_result1=
, map_result2='parent_node'
)[source]¶ Concatenate two results pandas data frames.
- Parameters:¶
workflow_results1 (pandas.DataFrame) – Pandas data frame of the first workflow.
workflow_results2 (pandas.DataFrame) – Pandas data frame of the second workflow.
map_result1 (str (optional)) – Result used to connect the two workflows.
map_result2 (str (optional)) – Result used to connect the two workflows.
- Returns:¶
pandas.DataFrame – New pandas data frame representing results from both workflows.
aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.create_aiida_node(value, node_type=
)[source]¶ Create AiiDA data node from standard python variable.
- aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.create_surface_slab(surface, nr_layers, parameters)[source]¶
Create surface slab from surface data.
- aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.get_results_cp2k_legacy_wc(aiida_group_labels)[source]¶
Get results from the depreciated ElectronicProperties work chain.
- aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.obtain_value_from_aiida_node(aiida_node)[source]¶
Obtain value from AiiDA data node.
- aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.seekpath_structure_analysis(structure, parameters)[source]¶
Wrap the seekpath function to be used as a calcfunction.
aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils.workflow_queue(maxrun_workflows, running_workflows_list, waiting_time=
)[source]¶ Helper-function to control the number of workchains run simultaneously. The function is called in a loop after the workchain has been submitted.
- Parameters:¶
maxrun_workflows (int) – Maximum number of workchains run in parallel.
running_workflows_list (list) – List of workchain-nodes that have been started.
waiting_time (float (optional)) – Time to wait between submissions in minutes. The default value is