Methods acting on a Structure
object to calculate structural properties and features.
Package Contents¶
Calculate ACSF descriptor as defined in doi:10.1063/1.3553717. This method is |
Calculate order parameters for the total structure and for each individual site. |
Calculate interaction matrices as defined in doi:10.1002/qua.24917. |
Calculate MBTR descriptor as defined in doi:10.1088/2632-2153/aca005. This method |
Find planar arangements of atoms in the structure. |
Calculate the partial radial distribution function. The calculation is based on: |
Calculate SOAP descriptor as defined in doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.184115. This method |
Calculate Warren-Cowley like order parameters as defined in doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.96.024104. |
Create graph based on the coordination. |
Find molecular fragments in a larger molecule/cluster of periodic crystal. |
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_acsf_descriptor(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, r_cut: float =
, g2_params: list =None
, g3_params: list =None
, g4_params: list =None
, g5_params: list =None
, elements: list =None
, periodic: bool =False
, sparse: bool =False
, dscribe_n_jobs: int =1
, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool =False
) list[float] [source]¶ Calculate ACSF descriptor as defined in doi:10.1063/1.3553717. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
r_cut (float) – Cutoff value.
g2_params (np.array) – List of pairs of eta and R_s values for the G^2 functions.
g3_params (np.array) – List of kappa values for the G^3 functions.
g4_params (np.array) – List of triplets of eta, zeta and lambda values for G^4 functions.
g5_params (np.array) – List of triplets of eta, zeta and lambda values for G^5 functions.
elements (list) – List of atomic numbers or chemical symbols.
periodic (bool) – Whether to consider periodic boundary conditions.
sparse (bool) – Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense array.
dscribe_n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix.
dscribe_only_physical_cores (bool) – Whether to only use physicsl cores.
- Returns:¶
list – ACSF descriptor.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_ffingerprint_order_p(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, r_max: float =
, delta_bin: float =0.005
, sigma: float =0.05
, distinguish_kinds: bool =False
) tuple[float, list[float]] [source]¶ Calculate order parameters for the total structure and for each individual site.
The calculation is based on equation (5) in doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2010.06.007.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
r_max (float (optional)) – Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom.
delta_bin (float (optional)) – Bin size to descritize the function in angstrom.
sigma (float (optional)) – Smearing parameter for the Gaussian function.
distinguish_kinds (bool (optional)) – Whether different kinds should be distinguished e.g. Ni0 and Ni1 would be considered as different elements if
- Returns:¶
total_order_p (float) – Order parameter of the structure.
atomic_fingerprints (list) – List of order parameters for each atomic site.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_interaction_matrix(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, matrix_type: str =
, n_atoms_max: int =None
, enforce_real: bool =False
, permutation: str ='eigenspectrum'
, sigma: float =None
, seed: int =None
, sparse: bool =False
, ewald_accuracy: float =1e-05
, ewald_w: int =1
, ewald_r_cut: float =None
, ewald_g_cut: float =None
, ewald_a: float =None
, dscribe_n_jobs: int =1
, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool =False
) list [source]¶ Calculate interaction matrices as defined in doi:10.1002/qua.24917. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package.
- Variables:¶
- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure¶
Structure object.
- matrix_type : str¶
Matrix type. Supported options are
.- permutation : str¶
Defines the output format. Options are:
.- sigma : float¶
Standar deviation of the Gaussian distributed noise when using
.- seed : int¶
Seed for the random numbers in case
is chosen for thepermutation
attibute.- sparse : bool¶
Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense 1D array.
- ewald_accuracy : float¶
Accuracy threshold for the Ewald sum.
- ewald_w : int¶
Weight parameter.
- ewald_r_cut : float or None¶
Real space cutoff parameter.
- ewald_g_cut : float or None¶
Reciprocal space cutoff parameter.
- ewald_a : float or None¶
Parameter controlling the width of the Gaussian functions.
- dscribe_n_jobs : int¶
Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix.
- dscribe_only_physical_cores : bool¶
Whether to only use physicsl cores.
- Returns:¶
list – Interaction matrix descriptor.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_mbtr_descriptor(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, geometry: dict =
{'function': 'inverse_distance'}
, grid: dict ={'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'n': 100, 'sigma': 0.1}
, weighting: dict ={'function': 'exp', 'scale': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.001}
, normalize_gaussians: bool =True
, normalization: str ='l2'
, elements: list =None
, periodic: bool =False
, sparse: bool =False
, dscribe_n_jobs: int =1
, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool =False
) list[float] [source]¶ Calculate MBTR descriptor as defined in doi:10.1088/2632-2153/aca005. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
geometry (dict) – Setup the geometry function.
grid (dict) – Setup the discretization grid.
weighting (dict) – Setup the weighting function and its parameters.
normalize_gaussians (bool) – Whether to normalize the gaussians to an area of 1.
normalization (str) – Method for normalizing. Supported options are
.elements (list) – List of atomic numbers or chemical symbols.
periodic (bool) – Whether to consider periodic boundary conditions.
sparse (bool) – Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense array.
dscribe_n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix.
dscribe_only_physical_cores (bool) – Whether to only use physicsl cores.
- Returns:¶
list – MBTR descriptor.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_planes(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, r_max: float =
, fragment: list =None
, threshold: float =0.05
, margin: float =1.0
, vector_lengths: list[float] =None
, min_nr_atoms: int =5
, use_scaled_coordinates: bool =False
) list [source]¶ Find planar arangements of atoms in the structure.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
r_max (float (optional)) – Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom.
fragment (list or None (optional)) – Whether to restrict the search to a fragment of the structure.
threshold (float (optional)) – Numerical threshold to consider an atom to be part of the plane.
margin (float (optional)) – Margin between the plane vectors and outermost atoms.
vector_lengths (list (optional)) – Absolute lengths of the plane vectors (overwrites
).use_scaled_coordinates (bool (optional)) – Whether to use scaled coordinates for the calculation.
- Returns:¶
list – List of planes.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_prdf(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, r_max: float =
, delta_bin: float =0.005
, distinguish_kinds: bool =False
) tuple[dict, dict] [source]¶ Calculate the partial radial distribution function. The calculation is based on: doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.89.205118.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
r_max (float (optional)) – Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom.
delta_bin (float (optional)) – Bin size to descritize the function in angstrom.
distinguish_kinds (bool (optional)) – Whether different kinds should be distinguished e.g. Ni0 and Ni1 would be considered as different elements if
- Returns:¶
element_prdf (dict) – Dictionary containing all partial radial distribution functions of the structure summed over all atoms of the same element.
atomic_prdf (dict) – Dictionary containing all individual partial radial distribution functions for each atomic site.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_soap_descriptor(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, r_cut: float =
, n_max: list =8
, l_max: list =6
, sigma: float =1.0
, rbf: str ='gto'
, weighting: dict =None
, compression: dict ={'mode': 'off', 'species_weighting': None}
, average: str ='off'
, elements: list =None
, periodic: bool =False
, sparse: bool =False
, dscribe_n_jobs: int =1
, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool =False
) list[float] [source]¶ - Calculate SOAP descriptor as defined in doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.184115. This method
is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
r_cut (float) – Cutoff value.
n_max (int) – The number of radial basis functions.
l_max (int) – The maximum degree of spherical harmonics.
sigma (float) – The standard deviation of the gaussians.
rbf (str) – The radial basis functions to use. Supported options are:
.weighting (dict) – Contains the options which control the weighting of the atomic density.
compression (dict) – Feature compression options.
average (str) – The averaging mode over the centers of interest. Supported options are:
.elements (list) – List of atomic numbers or chemical symbols.
periodic (bool) – Whether to consider periodic boundary conditions.
sparse (bool) – Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense array.
dscribe_n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix.
dscribe_only_physical_cores (bool) – Whether to only use physicsl cores.
- Returns:¶
list – SOAP descriptor.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.calculate_warren_cowley_order_p(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, r_max: float =
, max_shells: int =3
)[source]¶ Calculate Warren-Cowley like order parameters as defined in doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.96.024104.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.create_graph(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, graphviz_engine: str =
, graphviz_edge_rank_colors: list[str] =['blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'darkblue']
, r_max: float =20.0
, cn_method: str ='minimum_distance'
, min_dist_delta: float =0.1
, n_nearest_neighbours: int =5
, econ_tolerance: float =0.5
, econ_conv_threshold: float =0.001
, voronoi_weight_type: float ='rel_solid_angle'
, voronoi_weight_threshold: float =0.5
)[source]¶ Create graph based on the coordination.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
graphviz_engine (str) – Graphviz engine used to create the graph. The default value is
.graphviz_edge_rank_colors (list) – List of colors of the different edge ranks.
r_max (float) – Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom. The default value is set to
.cn_method (str) – Method used to calculate the coordination environment. The default value is
.min_dist_delta (float) – Tolerance parameter that defines the relative distance from the nearest neighbour atom for the
method. The default value is0.1
.n_nearest_neighbours (int) – Number of neighbours that are considered coordinated for the
method. The default value is5
.econ_tolerance (float) – Tolerance parameter for the econ method. The default value is
.econ_conv_threshold (float) – Convergence threshold for the econ method. The default value is
.voronoi_weight_type (str (optional)) – Weight type of the Voronoi facets. Supported options are
. The prefix'rel_'
specifies that the relative weights with respect to the maximum value of the polyhedron are calculated.voronoi_weight_threshold (float (optional)) – Weight threshold to consider a neighbouring atom coordinated.
- Returns:¶
nx_graph (nx.MultiDiGraph) – networkx graph of the structure.
graphviz_graph (graphviz.Digraph) – graphviz graph of the structure.
aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.determine_molecular_fragments(structure: aim2dat.strct.strct.Structure, exclude_elements: list[str] =
, end_point_elements: list[str] =[]
, r_max: float =20.0
, cn_method: str ='minimum_distance'
, min_dist_delta: float =0.1
, n_nearest_neighbours: int =5
, econ_tolerance: float =0.5
, econ_conv_threshold: float =0.001
, voronoi_weight_type: float ='rel_solid_angle'
, voronoi_weight_threshold: float =0.5
, okeeffe_weight_threshold: float =0.5
)[source]¶ Find molecular fragments in a larger molecule/cluster of periodic crystal.
- Parameters:¶
structure (aim2dat.strct.Structure) – Structure object.
exclude_elements (list) – List of elements that are excluded from the search.
end_point_elements (list) – List of elements that serve as an end point for a fragment.
r_max (float (optional)) – Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom.
cn_method (str (optional)) – Method used to calculate the coordination environment.
min_dist_delta (float (optional)) – Tolerance parameter that defines the relative distance from the nearest neighbour atom for the
method.n_nearest_neighbours (int (optional)) – Number of neighbours that are considered coordinated for the
method.econ_tolerance (float (optional)) – Tolerance parameter for the econ method.
econ_conv_threshold (float (optional)) – Convergence threshold for the econ method.
voronoi_weight_type (str (optional)) – Weight type of the Voronoi facets. Supported options are
. The prefix'rel_'
specifies that the relative weights with respect to the maximum value of the polyhedron are calculated.voronoi_weight_threshold (float (optional)) – Weight threshold to consider a neighbouring atom coordinated.
- Returns:¶
list – List of fragments.