Source code for aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.graphs

"""Methods to create graphs from molecules and crystals."""

# Standard library imports
from typing import List

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces import _return_ext_interface_modules
from aim2dat.strct.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.decorator import external_analysis_method

[docs] @external_analysis_method def create_graph( structure: Structure, graphviz_engine: str = "circo", graphviz_edge_rank_colors: List[str] = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "darkblue"], r_max: float = 20.0, cn_method: str = "minimum_distance", min_dist_delta: float = 0.1, n_nearest_neighbours: int = 5, econ_tolerance: float = 0.5, econ_conv_threshold: float = 0.001, voronoi_weight_type: float = "rel_solid_angle", voronoi_weight_threshold: float = 0.5, ): """ Create graph based on the coordination. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure object. graphviz_engine : str Graphviz engine used to create the graph. The default value is ``'circo'``. graphviz_edge_rank_colors : list List of colors of the different edge ranks. r_max : float Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom. The default value is set to ``20.0``. cn_method : str Method used to calculate the coordination environment. The default value is ``'minimum_distance'``. min_dist_delta : float Tolerance parameter that defines the relative distance from the nearest neighbour atom for the ``'minimum_distance'`` method. The default value is ``0.1``. n_nearest_neighbours : int Number of neighbours that are considered coordinated for the ``'n_neighbours'`` method. The default value is ``5``. econ_tolerance : float Tolerance parameter for the econ method. The default value is ``0.5``. econ_conv_threshold : float Convergence threshold for the econ method. The default value is ``0.001``. voronoi_weight_type : str (optional) Weight type of the Voronoi facets. Supported options are ``'covalent_atomic_radius'``, ``'area'`` and ``'solid_angle'``. The prefix ``'rel_'`` specifies that the relative weights with respect to the maximum value of the polyhedron are calculated. voronoi_weight_threshold : float (optional) Weight threshold to consider a neighbouring atom coordinated. Returns ------- nx_graph : nx.MultiDiGraph networkx graph of the structure. graphviz_graph : graphviz.Digraph graphviz graph of the structure. """ return _return_ext_interface_modules("graphs")._graph_create( structure, graphviz_engine=graphviz_engine, graphviz_edge_rank_colors=graphviz_edge_rank_colors, r_max=r_max, cn_method=cn_method, min_dist_delta=min_dist_delta, n_nearest_neighbours=n_nearest_neighbours, econ_tolerance=econ_tolerance, econ_conv_threshold=econ_conv_threshold, voronoi_weight_type=voronoi_weight_type, voronoi_weight_threshold=voronoi_weight_threshold, )