Source code for aim2dat.aiida_workflows.cp2k.calcjobs

Calcjobs for the CP2K software package.

# Standard library imports
import io

# Third party library imports
from aiida.engine import CalcJob
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.common import CalcInfo, CodeInfo, InputValidationError
from aiida.orm import List, Dict, RemoteData, SinglefileData

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.utils.dict_tools import (

BandsData = DataFactory("core.array.bands")
XyData = DataFactory("core.array.xy")
StructureData = DataFactory("core.structure")

def _transform_dict_to_cp2k(input_dict):
    """Transform python dictionary to a list of strings of cp2k input-parameters."""

    def parse_value(value):
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            if value:
                return ".TRUE."
                return ".FALSE."
        elif value is None:
            return "NONE"
            return str(value)

    def recursive_transform(output_list, spaces, key, value):
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            output_list.append(spaces + "&" + key)
            spaces0 = spaces + "  "
            for key0, value0 in value.items():
                recursive_transform(output_list, spaces0, key0, value0)
            output_list.append(spaces + "&END " + key)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            for value0 in value:
                recursive_transform(output_list, spaces, key, value0)
        elif key == "_" and len(output_list) > 0:
            output_list[-1] += " " + parse_value(value)
            output_list.append(spaces + key + " " + parse_value(value))

    output_list = []
    spaces = ""
    for key, value in input_dict.items():
        recursive_transform(output_list, spaces, key, value)
    return output_list

def _set_dict_to_upper(input_dict):
    """Set all keywords in dict to upper-case."""

    def recursive_to_upper(input_dict, output_dict):
        for key, value in input_dict.items():
            key_upper = key.upper()
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                output_dict[key_upper] = {}
                recursive_to_upper(value, output_dict[key_upper])
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                output_dict[key_upper] = []
                for value0 in value:
                    if isinstance(value0, dict):
                        recursive_to_upper(value0, output_dict[key_upper][-1])
                output_dict[key_upper] = value

    output_dict = {}
    recursive_to_upper(input_dict, output_dict)
    return output_dict

[docs]class Cp2kCalculation(CalcJob): """Calcjob based on the Cp2kCalculation from the official cp2k-plugin.""" _PROJECT_NAME = "aiida" _PARENT_CALC_FLDR_NAME = "parent_calc/" _COORDS_FILE_NAME = "" @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Define input/output and outline.""" super().define(spec) spec.input("parameters", valid_type=Dict, help="The input parameters.") spec.input( "structure", valid_type=StructureData, required=False, help="The main input structure." ) spec.input("settings", valid_type=Dict, required=False, help="Optional input parameters.") spec.input( "parent_calc_folder", valid_type=RemoteData, required=False, help="Working directory of a previously ran calculation to restart from.", ) spec.input_namespace( "file", valid_type=SinglefileData, required=False, help="Additional input files.", dynamic=True, ) spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["input_filename"].default = "" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["output_filename"].default = "aiida.out" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["resources"].default = { "num_machines": 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1, } spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["withmpi"].default = True spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["parser_name"].default = "aim2dat.cp2k.standard" spec.output_namespace( "output_cubes", dynamic=True, required=False, help="Calculated cubes.", ) spec.output( "output_parameters", valid_type=Dict, required=True, help="The output dictionary containing results of the calculation.", ) spec.output( "output_structure", valid_type=StructureData, required=False, help="The relaxed output structure.", ) spec.output( "output_bands", valid_type=BandsData, required=False, help="Computed electronic band structure.", ) spec.output( "output_pdos", valid_type=XyData, required=False, help="Calculated projected density of states.", ) spec.output( "output_eigenvalues", valid_type=Dict, required=False, help="Calculated electronic eigenvalues.", ) spec.output( "output_kind_info", valid_type=List, required=False, help="Kind information including the number of core/valence electrons for each kind.", ) spec.output( "output_motion_step_info", valid_type=List, required=False, help="Information of each step for an optimization or molecular dynamics simulation.", ) spec.output( "output_mulliken_populations", valid_type=List, required=False, help="Calculated final Mulliken charges.", ) spec.output( "output_hirshfeld_populations", valid_type=List, required=False, help="Calculated final Hirshfeld charges.", ) spec.default_output_node = "output_parameters" spec.exit_code(303, "ERROR_OUTPUT_INCOMPLETE", message="The output file was incomplete.") spec.exit_code( 304, "ERROR_OUTPUT_CONTAINS_ABORT", message="The output file contains the word 'ABORT'.", ) spec.exit_code( 305, "ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_CODE_VERSION", message="The version of the CP2K code needs to be newer than 8.1.", ) spec.exit_code( 310, "ERROR_READING_OUTPUT_FILE", message="The output file could not be read." ) spec.exit_code( 320, "ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT", message="The output file contains invalid output." ) spec.exit_code( 400, "ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME", message="The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of walltime.", ) spec.exit_code( 401, "ERROR_INTERRUPTED", message="The calculation did not finish properly." ) spec.exit_code( 402, "ERROR_ODD_NR_ELECTRONS", message="Odd number of electrons, UKS or ROKS has to be used.", ) spec.exit_code( 403, "ERROR_NEED_ADDED_MOS", message="Unoccupied orbitals have to be added." ) spec.exit_code( 404, "ERROR_ILL_CONDITIONED_MATRIX", message="Cholesky decompose failed due to ill-conditioned matrix.", ) spec.exit_code( 405, "ERROR_BAD_CONDITION_NUMBER", message="Bad condition number R_COND (smaller than the machine working precision).", ) spec.exit_code( 500, "ERROR_GEOMETRY_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED", message="The ionic minimization cycle did not converge for the given thresholds.", ) def prepare_for_submission(self, folder): """Prepare input for calculation.""" parameters = _set_dict_to_upper(self.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) dict_set_parameter(parameters, ["GLOBAL", "PROJECT"], self._PROJECT_NAME) if "structure" in self.inputs: self._write_structure(self.inputs.structure, folder, self._COORDS_FILE_NAME) cell_section = dict_retrieve_parameter(parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "SUBSYS", "CELL"]) if cell_section is not None: for conf_key in ["A", "B", "C", "ABC", "ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA", "CELL_FILE_NAME"]: if conf_key in cell_section: raise InputValidationError( f"Key '{conf_key}' cannot be set in combination with 'structure'." ) for letter, cell_v in zip(["A", "B", "C"], self.inputs.structure.cell): dict_set_parameter( parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "SUBSYS", "CELL", letter], " ".join(str(coord) for coord in cell_v), ) coord_section = dict_retrieve_parameter(parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "SUBSYS", "COORD"]) if coord_section is not None: raise InputValidationError( "'&COORD' section cannot be set in combination with 'structure'." ) top_section = dict_retrieve_parameter(parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "SUBSYS", "TOPOLOGY"]) if top_section is not None and "COORD_FILE_NAME" in top_section: raise InputValidationError( "'COORD_FILE_NAME' cannot be set in combination with 'structure'." ) dict_set_parameter( parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "SUBSYS", "TOPOLOGY", "COORD_FILE_NAME"], self._COORDS_FILE_NAME, ) dict_set_parameter( parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "SUBSYS", "TOPOLOGY", "COORD_FILE_FORMAT"], "XYZ" ) with, "w", encoding="utf8") as handle: for line in _transform_dict_to_cp2k(parameters): handle.write(line + "\n") settings = self.inputs.settings.get_dict() if "settings" in self.inputs else {} codeinfo = CodeInfo() codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid codeinfo.stdout_name = self.options.output_filename codeinfo.cmdline_params = settings.pop("CMDLINE", []) + ["-i", self.options.input_filename] calcinfo = CalcInfo() calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo] calcinfo.local_copy_list = [] calcinfo.remote_symlink_list = [] calcinfo.remote_copy_list = [] if "file" in self.inputs: for name, obj in self.inputs.file.items(): calcinfo.local_copy_list.append((obj.uuid, obj.filename, obj.filename)) calcinfo.retrieve_list = [self.options.output_filename, self._PROJECT_NAME + "-1.restart"] calcinfo.retrieve_list += settings.pop("additional_retrieve_list", []) calcinfo.retrieve_temporary_list = [] calcinfo.retrieve_temporary_list += settings.pop("additional_retrieve_temporary_list", []) if "parent_calc_folder" in self.inputs: comp_uuid = remote_path = self.inputs.parent_calc_folder.get_remote_path() copy_info = [] try: files_list = self.inputs.parent_calc_folder.listdir() copy_info.append((comp_uuid, remote_path, self._PARENT_CALC_FLDR_NAME)) if "" in files_list: copy_info.append( (comp_uuid, remote_path + "/", "") ) elif "aiida-RESTART.wfn" in files_list: copy_info.append( (comp_uuid, remote_path + "/aiida-RESTART.wfn", "aiida-RESTART.wfn") ) except OSError: pass if == comp_uuid: calcinfo.remote_symlink_list += copy_info else:"Transfer between two differen computers not yet supported.") # # f"Transfering files from {} to " # f"{}." # ) # calcinfo.remote_copy_list += copy_info return calcinfo @staticmethod def _write_structure(structure, folder, name): """Adapted function to fix bug in kind names.""" xyz = f"{len(structure.sites)}\n\n" for site in structure.sites: xyz += site.kind_name + " ".join(["" for idx0 in range(10 - len(site.kind_name))]) xyz += " ".join([f"{coord:25.16f}" for coord in site.position]) xyz += "\n" with, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as fobj: fobj.write(xyz)