Source code for aim2dat.aiida_workflows.cp2k.planar_fields_work_chain

Aiida work chains for cp2k to calculate 2d fields based on the electron density.

# Third party library imports
import aiida.orm as aiida_orm
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory
from aiida.engine import (
from aiida.common import AttributeDict

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.aiida_workflows.cp2k.base_core_work_chain import _BaseCoreWorkChain
from aim2dat.aiida_workflows.cp2k.core_work_chain_handlers import _switch_to_atomic_scf_guess
from aim2dat.utils.dict_tools import dict_create_tree

Critic2Calculation = CalculationFactory("aim2dat.critic2")

def _validate_plane_vectors(value, _):
    value = value.get_list()
    if len(value) != 11:
        return "`plane_vectors` must have 11 entries."
    if not all(isinstance(val0, (float, int)) for val0 in value[:9]):
        return "First nine entries of `plane_vectors` need to be of type int or float."
    if not all(isinstance(val0, int) for val0 in value[9:]):
        return "Last two entries of `plane_vectors` need to be of type int."

def _validate_field_types(value, _):
    value = value.get_list()
    if not all(val0 in ["elf", "deformation_density", "total_density"] for val0 in value):
        return "Only 'elf', 'deformation_density' and 'total_density' are supported field types."
    if len(set(value)) != len(value):
        return "Field types cannot be calculated twice."

def _create_critic2_input_parameters(f_type, plane, structure):
    system = "molecule"
    if any(structure.pbc):
        system = "crystal"
    if f_type == "deformation_density":
        parameters = [
            system + " aiida-ELECTRON_DENSITY-1_0.cube",
            "load aiida-ELECTRON_DENSITY-1_0.cube core zpsp",
            'load as "$1-$0"',
            "plane " + " ".join(str(val) for val in plane) + " field 2 file rhodef",
    elif f_type == "elf":
        parameters = [
            system + " aiida-ELF_S1-1_0.cube",
            "load aiida-ELF_S1-1_0.cube",
            "plane " + " ".join(str(val) for val in plane) + " field 1 file elf",
    elif f_type == "total_density":
        parameters = [
            system + " aiida-TOTAL_DENSITY-1_0.cube",
            "load aiida-TOTAL_DENSITY-1_0.cube",
            "plane " + " ".join(str(val) for val in plane) + " field 1 file total_density",
    return aiida_orm.List(list=parameters)

[docs]class PlanarFieldsWorkChain(_BaseCoreWorkChain): """AiiDA work chain to calculate the planar fields.""" _keep_scf_method_fixed = True _keep_smearing_fixed = True _initial_scf_guess = "RESTART" @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Specify inputs and outputs.""" super().define(spec) spec.input( "adjust_scf_parameters", valid_type=aiida_orm.Bool, default=lambda: aiida_orm.Bool(False), help="Restart calculation with adjusted parameters if SCF-clycles are not converged.", ) spec.input( "always_add_unocc_states", valid_type=aiida_orm.Bool, default=lambda: aiida_orm.Bool(False), help="Always include some unoccupied states even if smearing is not used.", ) spec.input( "store_cubes", valid_type=aiida_orm.Bool, default=lambda: aiida_orm.Bool(False), help="Whether to store the cube files that are input for the planes.", ) spec.input( "plane_vectors", valid_type=aiida_orm.List, validator=_validate_plane_vectors, help="Plane vectors and number of points given in crystallographic coordinates and " "angstrom for (partial) periodic boundary conditions and non-periodic boundary " "conditions, respectively.", ) spec.input( "field_types", valid_type=aiida_orm.List, validator=_validate_field_types, default=lambda: aiida_orm.List(list=["deformation_density", "elf", "total_density"]), help="The field type that is calculated, up to now only 'deformation_density' and " "'elf' are supported.", ) spec.expose_inputs( Critic2Calculation, namespace="critic2", exclude=("charge_density_folder", "kind_info", "parameters"), namespace_options={ "required": False, "populate_defaults": False, "help": "Input parameters of critic2.", }, ) spec.expose_outputs( Critic2Calculation, "critic2.total_density", namespace_options={ "required": False, "help": "Critic2 outputs of the total density plane calculation.", }, ) spec.expose_outputs( Critic2Calculation, "critic2.deformation_density", namespace_options={ "required": False, "help": "Critic2 outputs of the deformation density plane calculation.", }, ) spec.expose_outputs( Critic2Calculation, "critic2.elf", namespace_options={ "required": False, "help": "Critic2 outputs of the elf plane calculation.", }, ) spec.outline( cls.setup_inputs, cls.setup_wc_specific_inputs, cls.initialize_scf_parameters, while_(cls.should_run_process)( cls.run_process, cls.inspect_process, ), cls.post_processing, cls.setup_critic2_calculation, cls.wc_specific_post_processing, ) def setup_wc_specific_inputs(self): """Set input parameters to calculate partial charges.""" self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.parser_name = "aim2dat.cp2k.partial_charges" self.ctx.field_types = self.inputs.field_types.get_list() parameters = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get_dict() extra_sections = {} if "deformation_density" in self.ctx.field_types: extra_sections["E_DENSITY_CUBE"] = {"STRIDE": 1} if "elf" in self.ctx.field_types: extra_sections["ELF_CUBE"] = {"STRIDE": 1} if "total_density" in self.ctx.field_types: extra_sections["TOT_DENSITY_CUBE"] = {"STRIDE": 1} dict_create_tree(parameters, ["FORCE_EVAL", "DFT", "PRINT"]) parameters["FORCE_EVAL"]["DFT"]["PRINT"].update(extra_sections) self.ctx.inputs.parameters = aiida_orm.Dict(dict=parameters) calcjob_settings = {"output_check_scf_conv": True} if "store_cubes" in self.inputs: calcjob_settings["additional_retrieve_temporary_list"] = ["*.cube"] self.ctx.inputs.settings = aiida_orm.Dict(dict=calcjob_settings) def setup_critic2_calculation(self): """Set input parameters for external post-processing codes.""" for f_type in self.ctx.field_types: inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(Critic2Calculation, "critic2")) inputs.charge_density_folder = self.ctx.children[-1].outputs.remote_folder inputs.kind_info = self.ctx.children[-1].outputs.output_kind_info inputs.parameters = _create_critic2_input_parameters( f_type, self.inputs.plane_vectors.get_list(), self.ctx.inputs.structure ) running = self.submit(Critic2Calculation, **inputs)"Launching {f_type} field: <{}>.") self.to_context(**{f_type: running}) def wc_specific_post_processing(self): """Expose outputs of the external codes.""" for f_type in self.ctx.field_types: critic2_calc = getattr(self.ctx, f_type) if not critic2_calc.is_finished_ok: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CALCULATION_ABORTED self.out_many( self.exposed_outputs( getattr(self.ctx, f_type), Critic2Calculation, namespace="critic2." + f_type ) ) @process_handler( priority=402, exit_codes=ExitCode(0), ) def switch_to_atomic_scf_guess(self, calc): """ Switch to atomic guess for the case that the scf-cycles do not converge. """ return self._execute_error_handler(calc, _switch_to_atomic_scf_guess)