Source code for aim2dat.aiida_workflows.enumlib.enum_calcjob

Calcjob for the enumlib library.

# Standard library imports
import os

# Third party library imports
from aiida.common.datastructures import CalcInfo, CodeInfo
from aiida.engine import CalcJob
import aiida.orm as aiida_orm
from import to_aiida_type

# Internal library imports
import aim2dat.aiida_workflows.enumlib.utils as enum_utils

def validate_structure(value, _):
    Validate the input structure. Checks that the structure has no fractional occupations and each
    site is only occupied once.
    if not value.get_pymatgen().is_ordered:
        return (
            "Structure needs to be ordered. Each site can only be occupied by one atomic species."

    checked_kinds = enum_utils.check_kinds(value.get_site_kindnames())
    if checked_kinds:
        return (
            f"Structure contains kinds that can not be processed: {checked_kinds}. "
            "Only chemical elements with additional numbers are allowed."

def validate_makeStr_path(value, _):
    Validate the absolute path of the `` executable.
    if not os.path.isfile(value.value):
        return (
            "`` executable does not exist in the specified absolute path. "
            f"Given path: {value.value}"

def validate_sites_to_enumerate(value, _):
    Validate `sites_to_enumerate`.
    sites_to_enumerate = value.get("sites_to_enumerate").get_list()

    num_sites = len(value.get("structure").sites)
    num_sites_to_enumerate = len(sites_to_enumerate)
    if num_sites_to_enumerate != num_sites:
        return (
            "Specify elements for each site in `sites_to_enumerate`. "
            f"Structure has {num_sites} but only {num_sites_to_enumerate} values were given."
    enum_sites = [len(site) > 1 for site in sites_to_enumerate]
    if not any(enum_sites):
        return "To enumerate a site at least 2 different species need to be passed in a sublist."

    enum_kinds = set(sum(sites_to_enumerate), [])
    checked_kinds = enum_utils.check_kinds(enum_kinds)
    if checked_kinds:
        return (
            f"Enumerated kinds contain kinds that can not be processed: {checked_kinds}. "
            "Only chemical elements with additional numbers are allowed."

def validate_elements_to_enumerate(value, _):
    Validate `elements_to_enumerate`.
    elements_to_enumerate = value.get("elements_to_enumerate").get_dict()
    if not len(elements_to_enumerate):
        return (
            "At least one element of the corresponding sites that should be enumerated needs "
            "to be specified."

    input_structure = value.get("structure")
    initial_kind_names = list(set(input_structure.get_site_kindnames()))
    check_elements = [
        element for element in elements_to_enumerate if element not in initial_kind_names

    if check_elements:
        return (
            "Specified elements needs to be present in the input structure. The following "
            f"elements were given but could not be found in the input structure. {check_elements}"

    enum_sites = [len(elements) > 1 for elements in elements_to_enumerate.values()]
    if not all(enum_sites):
        return (
            "At least 2 elements to enumerate need to be specified for an element of the "
            "parent structure, if specified."

    enum_kinds = set(sum(list(elements_to_enumerate.values()), []))
    checked_kinds = enum_utils.check_kinds(enum_kinds)
    if checked_kinds:
        return (
            f"Enumerated kinds contain kinds that can not be processed: {checked_kinds}. "
            "Only chemical elements with additional numbers are allowed."

def validate_inputs(value, _):
    Validate the input parameters `sites_to_enumerate`, `elements_to_emnumerate` and
    if value.get("sites_to_enumerate") and value.get("elements_to_enumerate"):
        return (
            "`sites_to_enumerate` and `elements_to_enumerate` were specified both. "
            "Only specify once at a time."

    if value.get("sites_to_enumerate"):
        validated = validate_sites_to_enumerate(value, _)
        if validated:
            return "`sites_to_enumerate`: " + validated
        to_enumerate = value.get("sites_to_enumerate").get_list()
    elif value.get("elements_to_enumerate"):
        validated = validate_elements_to_enumerate(value, _)
        if validated:
            return "`elements_to_enumerate`: " + validated
        to_enumerate = value.get("elements_to_enumerate").get_dict()

    # Validate concentration restrictions
    if value.get("concentration_restrictions"):
        structure = value.get("structure")
        kind_names = enum_utils.get_kindnames(structure, to_enumerate)
        concentration_restrictions = value.get("concentration_restrictions").get_dict()
        check_concentrations = [el for el in kind_names if el not in concentration_restrictions]
        if check_concentrations:
            return (
                "Concentration restrictions need to be specified for all elements. "
                "Otherwise specify nothing."

[docs]class EnumlibCalculation(CalcJob): """`CalcJob` implementation for the enum.x code of the enumlib library.""" @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Define input/output and outline.""" super().define(spec) spec.input( "structure", valid_type=aiida_orm.StructureData, help="The parent structure that will be enumerated.", # validator=validate_structure, ) spec.input( "path_to_makeStr", valid_type=aiida_orm.Str, help="Absolute path to the `` executable", serializer=to_aiida_type, validator=validate_makeStr_path, ) spec.input( "sites_to_enumerate", help=( "List that contains a list for each site consisting of the elements that should " "be enumerated at that site. " "Custom kind names like `Ni1` or `Ca0` are also possible." ), required=False, valid_type=aiida_orm.List, serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "elements_to_enumerate", help=( "Dictionary that consists of elements (custom kind names are possible as well) of " "sites that should be enumerated as keys. The values are lists that specify the " "elements that will be placed on the site positions during the enumeration." ), required=False, valid_type=aiida_orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "concentration_restrictions", help=( "Dictionary to restrict the concentrations during the enumeration. The element is " "used as the key and the values are lists that have to be of the following shape: " "[numerator1, numerator2, denominator]. The concentration will then be limited to " "the range numerator1/denominator - numerator2/denominator." ), required=False, valid_type=aiida_orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "min_cell_size", help="Minimum size of the enumerated super cells compared to the parent cell.", required=False, valid_type=aiida_orm.Int, default=lambda: aiida_orm.Int(1), serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "max_cell_size", help="Maximum size of the enumerated super cells compared to the parent cell.", valid_type=aiida_orm.Int, serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "eps", help=( "Small real number that is used as an epsilon to compare two numbers " "(to avoid finite precision errors)." ), required=False, valid_type=aiida_orm.Float, default=lambda: aiida_orm.Float(0.001), serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "structures_to_return", help="List that specifies the range/indices of structures that should be returned.", required=False, valid_type=(aiida_orm.List, aiida_orm.Int), serializer=to_aiida_type, ) spec.input( "structures_hard_cutoff", help=( "Maximum number of structures. If more structures are created, an error will " "be raised (default: No cutoff)" ), required=False, valid_type=aiida_orm.Int, ) spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["input_filename"].default = "" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["output_filename"].default = "struct_enum.out" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["parser_name"].default = "aim2dat.enumlib" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["resources"].default = { "num_machines": 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1, } spec.inputs.validator = validate_inputs spec.output_namespace( "output_structures", valid_type=aiida_orm.StructureData, dynamic=True ) spec.exit_code( 310, "ERROR_READING_STRUCTURE_OUTPUT_FILE", message="The structure output file could not be read.", ) spec.exit_code(320, "ERROR_NO_POSCAR_FILES", message="No POSCAR files were found.") spec.exit_code( 330, "ERROR_TOO_MANY_STRUCTURES", message=( "The number of created structures exceeds the maximum allowed number specified " "in `structures_hard_cutoff`." ), ) def _prepare_enumeration(self): """ Prepare enumeration process. Creates a dictionary that contains the site positions as keys and a list of the according elements that should be enumerated as values. """ structure = self.inputs.structure if self.inputs.get("sites_to_enumerate"): to_enumerate = self.inputs.get("sites_to_enumerate").get_list() sites_to_enumerate = to_enumerate elif self.inputs.get("elements_to_enumerate"): to_enumerate = self.inputs.get("elements_to_enumerate").get_dict() sites_to_enumerate = [] for kind in structure.get_site_kindnames(): kinds = to_enumerate.get(kind, [kind]) sites_to_enumerate.append(kinds) kind_names = enum_utils.get_kindnames(structure, to_enumerate) site_group = {} for site, site_species in zip(structure.sites, sites_to_enumerate): site_group[site.position] = [kind_names.index(specie) for specie in site_species] return site_group, kind_names def prepare_for_submission(self, folder): """ Create input file. """ coord_format = "{:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}" structure = self.inputs.structure input_content = [structure.get_formula(), "bulk"] for lat_vec in structure.cell: input_content.append("{:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}".format(*lat_vec)) grouped_sites, kind_names = self._prepare_enumeration() input_content.append(f"{len(kind_names)}") input_content.append(f"{len(structure.sites)}") coords = [] for pos, sp in grouped_sites.items(): species_labels = "/".join([str(l0) for l0 in sorted(sp)]) coords.append(f"{coord_format.format(*pos)} {species_labels}") input_content.extend(coords) input_content.append( f"{self.inputs.min_cell_size.value} {self.inputs.max_cell_size.value}" ) input_content.append(f"{self.inputs.eps.value}") input_content.append("full") concentrations = self.inputs.get("concentration_restrictions") if concentrations: for kind in kind_names: input_content.append("{} {} {}".format(*concentrations[kind])) with, "w", encoding="utf8") as handle: handle.write("\n".join(input_content)) codeinfo = CodeInfo() codeinfo.code_uuid = self.inputs.code.uuid codeinfo.cmdline_params = [self.options.input_filename] calcinfo = CalcInfo() if isinstance(self.inputs.structures_to_return, aiida_orm.Int): calcinfo.append_text = "python3 {} {}".format( self.inputs.path_to_makeStr.value, self.inputs.structures_to_return.value, ) else: structures_to_return = self.inputs.structures_to_return.get_list() if len(structures_to_return) == 2: calcinfo.append_text = "python3 {} {} {}".format( self.inputs.path_to_makeStr.value, self.inputs.structures_to_return.get_list()[0], self.inputs.structures_to_return.get_list()[1], ) elif len(structures_to_return) > 2: with"index_file.txt", "w", encoding="utf8") as handle: handle.write("\n".join([str(idx) for idx in structures_to_return])) calcinfo.append_text = "python3 {} list -index_file {}".format( self.inputs.path_to_makeStr.value, "index_file.txt" ) calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo] calcinfo.retrieve_list = [self.options.output_filename] calcinfo.retrieve_temporary_list = [("vasp.*", ".", 1)] return calcinfo