Source code for aim2dat.aiida_workflows.utils

"""Common functions used by several work chains."""

# Standard library imports
import time

# Third party library imports
import aiida.orm as aiida_orm
import as aiida_kpoints
from aiida.engine import calcfunction

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces.pandas import _turn_dict_into_pandas_df
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces.aiida import _create_structure_node
from aim2dat.strct.surface_utils import (
from aim2dat.strct.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.strct.brillouin_zone_2d import _get_kpath
from aim2dat.utils.dict_tools import dict_retrieve_parameter

[docs] @calcfunction def seekpath_structure_analysis(structure, parameters): """Wrap the seekpath function to be used as a calcfunction.""" add_attributes = {} for attr_key in ["source", "source_id", "band_gap"]: if attr_key in structure.attributes: add_attributes[attr_key] = structure.get_attribute(attr_key) output_dict = aiida_kpoints.get_explicit_kpoints_path(structure, **parameters.get_dict()) if len(add_attributes) != 0: for attr_key, attr_value in add_attributes.items(): output_dict["conv_structure"].set_attribute(attr_key, attr_value) output_dict["primitive_structure"].set_attribute(attr_key, attr_value) return output_dict
[docs] @calcfunction def create_surface_slab(surface, nr_layers, parameters): """Create surface slab from surface data.""" p_dict = parameters.get_dict() label = p_dict.pop("label", "") periodic = p_dict.pop("periodic", False) vacuum = p_dict.pop("vacuum", 10.0) vacuum_factor = p_dict.pop("vacuum_factor", 0.0) symmetrize = p_dict.pop("symmetrize", True) use_prim_cell = p_dict.pop("return_primitive_slab", False) return_path_p = p_dict.pop("return_path_p", False) reference_distance = p_dict.pop("reference_distance", 0.015) symprec = p_dict.pop("symprec", 0.005) aperiodic_dir = surface.aperiodic_dir if not use_prim_cell and return_path_p: raise ValueError( "If `return_path_p` is set to True, " "`return_primitive_slab` must be set to True." ) surf_dict = { "repeating_structure": surface.repeating_structure, "bottom_structure": surface.bottom_terminating_structure, "top_structure": surface.top_terminating_structure, "top_structure_nsym": surface.top_terminating_structure_nsym, } slab = _surface_create_slab( surf_dict, nr_layers.value, periodic, vacuum, vacuum_factor, symmetrize ) outputs = {} if use_prim_cell: slab, lg = _transform_slab_to_primitive(slab, symprec, -1, 0, aperiodic_dir=2) if return_path_p: path_p = _get_kpath(slab["cell"], aperiodic_dir, lg, reference_distance, symprec) path_p["layergroup_number"] = lg outputs["parameters"] = aiida_orm.Dict(dict=path_p) pbc = [True, True, True] if not periodic: pbc[aperiodic_dir] = False slab["pbc"] = pbc slab["label"] = label outputs["slab"] = _create_structure_node(Structure(**slab)) return outputs
[docs] def concatenate_workflow_results( workflow_results1, workflow_results2, map_result1="optimized_structure", map_result2="parent_node", ): """ Concatenate two results pandas data frames. Parameters ---------- workflow_results1 : pandas.DataFrame Pandas data frame of the first workflow. workflow_results2 : pandas.DataFrame Pandas data frame of the second workflow. map_result1 : str (optional) Result used to connect the two workflows. map_result2 : str (optional) Result used to connect the two workflows. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame New pandas data frame representing results from both workflows. """ new_wf_results_dict = {} for column in workflow_results1.columns: if ( column not in workflow_results2.columns or column == map_result1 or column == map_result2 ): # print(dir(workflow_results1[column])) new_wf_results_dict[column] = workflow_results1[column].values new_columns = {column: [] for column in workflow_results2.columns if column != map_result2} for _, row in workflow_results1.iterrows(): map_value = row[map_result1] matches = workflow_results2.loc[(workflow_results2[map_result2] == map_value)] matches.reset_index(inplace=True) if len(matches) == 1: for new_col, new_col_val in new_columns.items(): # matches.columns: new_col_val.append(matches[new_col][0]) elif len(matches) > 1: for new_col_val in new_columns.values(): new_col_val.append(None) raise ValueError(f"Mapping is not unique found {map_value} {len(matches)} times.") else: for new_col_val in new_columns.values(): new_col_val.append(None) for new_col, new_col_val in new_columns.items(): new_wf_results_dict[new_col] = new_col_val return _turn_dict_into_pandas_df(new_wf_results_dict)
[docs] def get_results_cp2k_legacy_wc(aiida_group_labels): """ Get results from the depreciated ElectronicProperties work chain. Parameters ---------- aiida_group_labels : str or list AiiDA group label or list of labels. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame : Data frame containing the results of the workflow. """ if not isinstance(aiida_group_labels, list): aiida_group_labels = [aiida_group_labels] pd_series_dict = { "parent_node": [], "wc_node": [], "exit_status": [], "primitive_structure": [], "conventional_structure": [], "scf_method_level": [], "scf_parameter_level": [], "scf_smearing_level": [], "optimized_structure": [], "total_energy (Hartree)": [], "space_group": [], "band_structure": [], "pdos": [], } outputs = { "seekpath_strct": [ ("primitive_structure", "primitive_structure", None), ("conventional_structure", "conv_structure", None), ], "FindSCFParametersWorkChain": [ ("scf_method_level", "scf_parameters", ["method_level"]), ("scf_parameter_level", "scf_parameters", ["parameter_level"]), ("scf_smearing_level", "scf_parameters", ["smearing_level"]), ], "CellOptWorkChain": [ ("optimized_structure", "output_structure", None), ("total_energy (Hartree)", "output_parameters", ["energy"]), ("space_group", "output_parameters", ["spgr_info", "sg_number"]), ], "BandStructureWorkChain": [ ("band_structure", "output_bands", None), ], "PDOSWorkChain": [ ("pdos", "output_pdos", None), ], } wc_nodes = [] for group_label in aiida_group_labels: queryb = aiida_orm.querybuilder.QueryBuilder() queryb.append(aiida_orm.Group, filters={"label": group_label}, tag="group") queryb.append(aiida_orm.WorkChainNode, with_group="group") wc_nodes += queryb.all(flat=True) for wc_node in wc_nodes: if wc_node.process_label != "CrystalElectronicPropertiesWorkChain": continue pd_series_dict["parent_node"].append(wc_node.inputs["structure"].pk) pd_series_dict["exit_status"].append(wc_node.exit_status) pd_series_dict["wc_node"].append( called_nodes = wc_node.called called_labels = [cn.process_label for cn in called_nodes] for output_proc, output_details in outputs.items(): if ( output_proc in called_labels and called_nodes[called_labels.index(output_proc)].exit_status == 0 ): cn_outputs = called_nodes[called_labels.index(output_proc)].outputs for df_label, output_label, dict_tree in output_details: if dict_tree is None: pd_series_dict[df_label].append(cn_outputs[output_label].pk) else: output_dict = cn_outputs[output_label].get_dict() pd_series_dict[df_label].append( dict_retrieve_parameter(output_dict, dict_tree) ) else: for df_label, _, _ in output_details: pd_series_dict[df_label].append(None) return _turn_dict_into_pandas_df(pd_series_dict)
[docs] def workflow_queue(maxrun_workflows, running_workflows_list, waiting_time=10.0): """ Helper-function to control the number of workchains run simultaneously. The function is called in a loop after the workchain has been submitted. Parameters ---------- maxrun_workflows : int Maximum number of workchains run in parallel. running_workflows_list : list List of workchain-nodes that have been started. waiting_time : float (optional) Time to wait between submissions in minutes. The default value is ``10.0``. """ while len(running_workflows_list) >= maxrun_workflows: print(f"waiting {waiting_time} min...") time.sleep(waiting_time * 60) for workflow in running_workflows_list.copy(): if workflow.is_finished or workflow.is_excepted: running_workflows_list.remove(workflow)
[docs] def create_aiida_node(value, node_type=None): """ Create AiiDA data node from standard python variable. Parameters ---------- value : variable Input variable. node_type : str (optional) AiiDA node type. The default value is ``None``. Returns ------- aiida_node : variable AiiDA data node. """ # TODO inlcude more node types, use DataFactory? check_node_type = False if node_type is None: check_node_type = True if node_type == "bool" or (check_node_type and isinstance(value, bool)): aiida_node = aiida_orm.Bool(value) elif node_type == "int" or (check_node_type and isinstance(value, int)): aiida_node = aiida_orm.Int(value) elif node_type == "float" or (check_node_type and isinstance(value, float)): aiida_node = aiida_orm.Float(value) elif node_type == "str" or (check_node_type and isinstance(value, str)): aiida_node = aiida_orm.Str(value) elif node_type == "list" or (check_node_type and isinstance(value, list)): aiida_node = aiida_orm.List(list=value) elif node_type == "dict" or (check_node_type and isinstance(value, dict)): aiida_node = aiida_orm.Dict(dict=value) else: raise ValueError(f"{type(value)} is not supported.") return aiida_node
[docs] def obtain_value_from_aiida_node(aiida_node): """ Obtain value from AiiDA data node. Parameters ---------- aiida_node : aiida.node AiiDA data node. Returns ------- value : variable Content of the node. """ value_type = [aiida_orm.Str, aiida_orm.Float, aiida_orm.Int, aiida_orm.Bool] value = None if type(aiida_node) in value_type: value = aiida_node.value elif isinstance(aiida_node, aiida_orm.Dict): value = aiida_node.get_dict() elif isinstance(aiida_node, aiida_orm.List): value = aiida_node.get_list() else: raise ValueError(f"{type(aiida_node)} is not supported.") return value