"""Module to create grids to discretize a function."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Callable
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def limit_array(
input_array: np.array, min_value: Union[float, int], max_value: Union[float, int]
) -> np.array:
"""Limit an array to a given minimum and maximum value.
In case the range is not covered, the corresponding values are added at the first
or last index.
input_list : np.array
array that should be limited
min_value : int
minimum value
max_value : int
limited array
if input_array[0] == min_value and input_array[-1] == max_value:
return input_array
limited_array = np.copy(
input_array[(input_array > min_value) & (input_array < max_value)]
limited_array = np.insert(limited_array, 0, min_value)
limited_array = np.append(limited_array, max_value)
return limited_array
class DiscretizedAxis:
"""Class to create an axis to discretize a 1d function i.e. a 2d plot
in a grid. Different methods for the discretization are available.
_available_discretization_methods = ["exponential", "gaussian", "uniform"]
def __init__(self, axis_type, **kwargs):
"""Initialize object."""
self._axis = None
self.axis_type = axis_type
self._discretization_method = None
self.precision = 6
self.min = None
self.max = None
self.mu = None
self.sigma = None
self.min_step = None
self.max_num_steps = 5
for attr, value in kwargs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, value)
def __repr__(self):
"""Represent the object."""
repr_message = (
f"DiscretizedAxis\n\taxis_type: {self.axis_type}\n\t"
f"max: {self.max}\n\tmin: {self.min}\n\tmin_step: {self.min_step}"
f"\n\tmax_num_steps: {self.max_num_steps}\n\tprecision: {self.precision}\n\t"
f"discretization_method: {self.discretization_method.__name__}\n\n"
return repr_message + object.__repr__(self)
def __add__(self, other: DiscretizedAxis) -> Union[DiscretizedAxis, DiscretizedGrid]:
"""Addition for `DiscretizedAxis` objects.
If both objects have the same `axis_type` attribute, the addition two objects
will be merged. The range of the `other` object that is not present in the current
object will be added. If the current object already covers the range, nothing will
be changed and the first object will be returned.
In case the two objects have a different `axis_type` attribute, the object of
`axis_type` `y` will be used as the y-axis and a `DiscretizedGrid` will be returned.
other : DiscretizedAxis
Axis that should be added to the first argument.
other : DiscretizedAxis :
DiscretizedAxis, DiscretizedGrid
depending on the `axis_type` attributes, an axis or grid is returned.
if self.is_empty or other.is_empty:
raise ValueError("One of the axis_objects is empty.")
if self.axis_type == other.axis_type:
upper_axis_to_add = np.array([])
lower_axis_to_add = np.array([])
if self.max < other.max:
upper_axis_to_add = other.axis[other.axis >= self.max]
upper_axis_to_add = upper_axis_to_add - (upper_axis_to_add[0] - self.max)
upper_axis_to_add = upper_axis_to_add[1:]
if other.min < self.min:
lower_axis_to_add = other.axis[other.axis <= self.min]
lower_axis_to_add = lower_axis_to_add + (self.min - lower_axis_to_add[-1])
lower_axis_to_add = lower_axis_to_add[:-1]
if any([len(upper_axis_to_add) != 0, len(lower_axis_to_add) != 0]):
new_axis = DiscretizedAxis(axis_type=self.axis_type)
new_axis.axis = np.concatenate(
[lower_axis_to_add, self.axis, upper_axis_to_add], axis=None
return new_axis
return self
axes = {axis.axis_type: axis for axis in [self, other]}
return DiscretizedGrid(discretized_x=axes["x"], discretized_y=axes["y"])
def __mul__(self, other: DiscretizedAxis) -> DiscretizedGrid:
"""Multiplication of two `DiscretizedAxis` objects results in a `DiscretizedGrid` object.
In contrtrrast to the addition of two `DiscretizedAxis` objects with different
`axis_type` attributes, the multiplication weights the y intervals based on
the x intervals.
other : DiscretizedAxis
Axis that should be combined with the first argument to form a grid.
A discretized grid.
if self.axis_type == other.axis_type or (self.is_empty or other.is_empty):
raise ValueError(
"`axis_type` needs to be different for multiplication of two objects and both"
"objects have to be non empty."
# ToDo revisit the weights
# At the moment the weights are calculated based on the relative step size
# compared to the smallest step size in the current axis.
axes = {axis.axis_type: axis for axis in [self, other]}
step_sizes = np.abs((np.diff(axes["x"].axis) / axes["x"].min_step)).flatten()
weights = step_sizes / step_sizes.min()
weights = np.concatenate([weights, weights[-1]], axis=None)
return DiscretizedGrid(discretized_x=axes["x"], discretized_y=axes["y"], y_weights=weights)
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the axis is empty.
Whether the axis is empty.
return self.axis is None or len(self.axis) == 0
def axis(self) -> np.array:
"""Axis array. Contains the discrete values.
The discretized range.
return self._axis
def axis(self, value: np.array) -> None:
if value.squeeze().ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("axis array has to be one dimensional.")
self._axis = value.reshape(self.shape).round(self.precision)
if self.max is None:
self.max = max(self.axis.flatten())
if self.min is None:
self.min = min(self.axis.flatten())
if self.min_step is None:
self.min_step = np.diff(self.axis.flatten()).min()
def discretize_axis(self, **kwargs) -> "DiscretizedAxis":
"""Perform the discretization of the specified range.
if self.max is None or self.min is None:
raise ValueError("Before discretizing an axis, `min` and `max` have to be specified.")
discretized_axis = self.discretization_method(**kwargs)
discretized_axis = discretized_axis.round(self.precision)
self.axis = limit_array(discretized_axis, self.min, self.max)
return self
def axis_type(self) -> str:
"""Specify whether this axis should be used as `x` or `y` axis in a grid.
indicating whether this axis should be used as `x` or `y`
axis in case of a merge into a grid.
The `axis_type` attribute needs to be specified
return self._axis_type
def axis_type(self, value: str):
if value not in ["x", "y"]:
raise ValueError("`axis_type` accepts only `x` or `y` as value.")
self.shape = (1, -1) if value == "x" else (-1, 1)
self._axis_type = value
def shape(self) -> tuple:
"""Tuple specifying the dimensions of the axis (like numpy).
The shape of the axis.
return self._shape
def shape(self, value: tuple):
if len(value) != 2:
raise ValueError("`shape` needs to consist of two numbers.")
self._shape = value
def transpose(self) -> "DiscretizedAxis":
"""Change the `axis_type`: `x --> y` or `y --> x`.
Transposed axis.
new_axis = copy.deepcopy(self)
new_axis.axis_type = "x" if self.axis_type == "y" else "y"
new_axis.shape = (self.shape[1], self.shape[0])
new_axis.axis = self.axis.reshape(new_axis.shape)
return new_axis
def T(self) -> "DiscretizedAxis":
"""Change the `axis_type`: `x --> y` or `y --> x`.
Transposed axis.
return self.transpose()
def discretization_method(self) -> Callable:
"""Discretize the specified range.
Can be chosen via a string, accepting the methods specified in
`_available_discretization_methods` or by passing a callable
Method to discretize the axis.
if self._discretization_method is None:
raise ValueError("`discretization_method` has to be specifief before discretization.")
return self._discretization_method
def discretization_method(self, value: Union[str, Callable]) -> None:
if isinstance(value, str):
if value not in self._available_discretization_methods:
raise ValueError(f"Discretization method `{value}` is not implemented.")
self._discretization_method = getattr(self, "_" + value + "_discretization")
elif callable(value):
self._discretization_method = value
raise ValueError(
f"Discretization method `{value}` has to be a string or a callable function."
def _exponential_discretization(self, mu: Union[int, float]) -> np.array:
"""Discretize the range based on exponentially increasing/decreasing step sizes.
mu : int, float
Mean value for the exponential function
Discretized axis values.
def step(x, N):
return min((1 + (np.exp(x - mu)) // 1), N)
grid = [self.min]
while grid[-1] < self.max:
grid[-1] + step(grid[-1], self.max_num_steps) * self.min_step, self.precision
return np.array(grid)
# Try to vectorize using numpy
def _gaussian_discretization(
self, mu: Union[int, float], sigma: Union[int, float], **kwargs
) -> np.array:
"""Discretize the range based on the gaussian distribution.
mu : int, float
Mean of the gaussian (denser grid in this region).
sigma : int, float
Standard deviation of the gaussian.
Discretized axis values.
def step(x, N):
return (1 + (1 - np.exp(-((x - mu) ** 2) / sigma**2)) * N) // 1
grid = [mu]
while grid[-1] < self.max:
grid[-1] + step(grid[-1], self.max_num_steps) * self.min_step, self.precision
while self.min < grid[0]:
round(grid[0] - step(grid[0], self.max_num_steps) * self.min_step, self.precision),
return np.array(grid)
def _uniform_discretization(self) -> np.array:
"""Discretize the range into uniformly distributed intervals.
Discretized axis values.
grid = np.arange(self.min, self.max + self.min_step, self.min_step)
return grid
class DiscretizedGrid:
"""Class to create a grid to discretize a 1d function i.e. a 2d plot.
Use the `plot_grid` method to visualize the created grid.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize object."""
self._grid = None
self.discretized_x = None
self.discretized_y = None
self.y_weights = None
for attr, value in kwargs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, value)
# Probably the merge of Grids is not necessary since every configuration
# can be created based on the initial Axis objects.
# # ToDo add method to add two grids and combine multiple grid types
# # + should merge the grids in x direction
# def __add__(self, other):
# return NotImplemented
# # / operator should merge grids in y direction
# def __truediv__(self, other):
# return NotImplemented
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over the internal grid."""
for col in self.grid:
yield col
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Access grid by index. The index refers to the x-axis."""
return self.grid[index]
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether the axis is empty.
Whether the axis is empty.
return self.grid is None or len(self.grid) == 0 or any([len(g[1]) == 0 for g in self.grid])
def grid(self) -> list:
"""Return the internal grid as a list of lists.
list: List of lists representing the x-values and discretized y-values.
return self._grid
def grid(self, value):
self._grid = value
def create_grid(self) -> "DiscretizedGrid":
"""Create the internal grid which is based on a list of lists.
Each list contains the energy-value (x) as the first argument and the
DOS-values (y) as a list in the second argument.
Discretized grid.
x = self.discretized_x.axis
# Sort y-values in descending order
y = -np.sort(-self.discretized_y.axis, axis=0)
weights = self.y_weights if self.y_weights is not None else np.ones(x.size)
y_matrix = (y.flatten() * weights.reshape(-1, 1)).round(8)
grid = [[x_i, y_i.tolist()] for x_i, y_i in zip(x.flatten(), y_matrix)]
self.grid = grid
return self
def plot_grid(self):
"""Plot the grid."""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
for i, g in enumerate(self[:-1]):
for h in g[1]:
ax.plot((g[0], self[i + 1][0]), (h, h), color="grey", linewidth=0.5)
ax.axvline(g[0], color="grey", linewidth=0.5)
ax.set_ylim(self.discretized_y.min, self.discretized_y.max)
ax.set_xlim(self.discretized_x.min, self.discretized_x.max)
return fig