"""Read and write cif files."""
# Standard library imports
from warnings import warn
# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
import re
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.io.utils import read_structure
from aim2dat.io.base_parser import FLOAT
from aim2dat.strct.strct_misc import _get_cell_from_lattice_p
from aim2dat.utils.element_properties import get_element_symbol
from aim2dat.utils.space_groups import get_space_group_details
import aim2dat.utils.chem_formula as utils_cf
class _CIFDataBlock:
"""Class to process and store data blocks of cif-files."""
_string_limiters = ["'", '"']
_cell_fields = [
_atomic_site_coord_fields = [
_symmetry_fields = ["symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz", "space_group_symop_operation_xyz"]
_space_group_fields = [
_chem_formula_fields = ["chemical_formula_sum"]
_pred_element_mapping = {"Ow": "O", "Hw": "H"}
_patterns = [
(re.compile(r"^([+-]?[0-9]+)$"), int),
(re.compile(r"^" + FLOAT), float),
_sym_op_pattern = re.compile(
def __init__(self, title_line):
self.title = "_".join(title_line.split("_")[1:])
self.fields = {}
self.loops = []
self.in_loop = False
self.in_ml_field = False
self.current_multi_line_field = None
self.current_loop = None
def add_line(self, line_idx, line):
line_tr = line.strip().lower()
# Omit comment or empty line:
if line.startswith("#") or line == "":
return None
# Truncate if comment starts somewhere midline and is not part of string value:
if "#" in line:
lt = line.split("#")
if len(lt) == 1:
line = lt[0]
l1 = lt[0]
l2 = "#".join(lt[1:])
if not any([str_l in l1 and str_l in l2 for str_l in self._string_limiters]):
line = l1
# Start of loop:
if line_tr.startswith("loop_"):
# In some cases multi line fields are not properly limited via semicolons.
self._finalize_current_loop(line_idx, "")
self.current_loop = {"keys": [], "values": []}
line_split = line.split()
if len(line_split) > 1:
line = " ".join(line.split()[1:])
line = ""
self._add_line_to_loop(line_idx, line)
# Process loop content:
elif self.current_loop is not None:
self._add_line_to_loop(line_idx, line)
# Field:
elif line_tr.startswith("_"):
# In some cases multi line fields are not properly limited via semicolons.
line_split = line.split()
if len(line_split) > 1:
self.fields[self._transf_key(line_split[0])] = self._transf_value(
" ".join(line_split[1:])
self.current_multi_line_field = [self._transf_key(line_split[0])]
# Multi-line field:
elif self.current_multi_line_field is not None:
self._extract_multi_line_value(line_idx, line)
def finalize(self, line_idx):
self._finalize_current_loop(line_idx, "")
def get_output(self):
outp_dict = self.fields.copy()
outp_dict["loops"] = self.loops
return outp_dict
def get_cell(self):
if all(f0 in self.fields for f0 in self._cell_fields):
return _get_cell_from_lattice_p(*[self.fields[f0] for f0 in self._cell_fields])
def get_atomic_sites(self, check_chem_formula, get_sym_op_from_sg):
# Get original sites:
kinds = []
scaled_coords = []
kind_el_mapping = {}
prel_site_attributes = {}
for loop in self.loops:
if "atom_site_label" not in loop:
if all(k0 in loop for k0 in self._atomic_site_coord_fields):
scaled_coords0 = []
for key in self._atomic_site_coord_fields:
scaled_coords += list(zip(*scaled_coords0))
kinds += loop["atom_site_label"]
if "atom_site_type_symbol" in loop:
for kind, el in zip(loop["atom_site_label"], loop["atom_site_type_symbol"]):
kind_el_mapping[kind] = self._extract_element(el)
for key, values in loop.items():
if (
not in ["atom_site_label", "atom_site_type_symbol"]
+ self._atomic_site_coord_fields
prel_site_attributes[key] = values.copy()
# Try to get element symbols from site labels:
if len(kind_el_mapping) == 0:
for kind in kinds:
kind_el_mapping[kind] = self._extract_element(kind)
# In case site attributes are given, check consistency:
site_attributes = {}
for key, val in prel_site_attributes.items():
if len(val) == len(kinds):
site_attributes[key] = val
# Add sites from symmetry operations:
sym_ops = self.get_symmetry_operations(get_sym_op_from_sg)
sym_ops = [(np.array(rot), np.array(trans)) for rot, trans in sym_ops]
scaled_coords_bf = [[round(p0, 15) % 1 for p0 in pos] for pos in scaled_coords]
n_sites = len(kinds)
for sym_op in sym_ops:
for idx in range(n_sites):
new_pos = np.dot(sym_op[0], np.array(scaled_coords[idx])) + sym_op[1]
new_pos_bf = [round(val, 15) % 1 for val in new_pos]
mask = [kind == kinds[idx] for kind in kinds]
dists = cdist(np.array([new_pos_bf]), np.array(scaled_coords_bf)[mask])[0]
if any(dist < 1e-3 for dist in dists):
for val in site_attributes.values():
# In case elements and kinds coincide only elements is considered:
elements = [kind_el_mapping[kind] for kind in kinds]
if all(el == k for el, k in zip(elements, kinds)):
kinds = None
# Check sum formula in case given:
if check_chem_formula:
chem_formula = self.get_chem_formula()
if chem_formula is not None:
if not utils_cf.compare_formulas(
chem_formula, utils_cf.transform_list_to_dict(elements), reduce_formulas=True
raise ValueError("Chemical formula doesn't match with number of sites.")
return elements, kinds, scaled_coords, site_attributes
def get_symmetry_operations(self, get_sym_op_from_sg):
sym_op_strings = []
for loop in self.loops:
for field_key in self._symmetry_fields:
if field_key in loop:
sym_op_strings += loop[field_key]
sym_ops = []
for sym_op in sym_op_strings:
rot_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
shift = np.zeros(3)
for coord_idx, sym_str in enumerate(sym_op.split(",")):
sym_str = sym_str.replace(" ", "").lower()
for m in self._sym_op_pattern.finditer(sym_str):
m = m.groupdict()
if all(val is None for val in m.values()):
pref = -1.0 if m["sign"] == "-" else 1.0
pref *= float(m["num"]) if m["num"] is not None else 1.0
pref /= float(m["den"]) if m["den"] is not None else 1.0
if m["coord"] is None:
shift[coord_idx] += pref
rot_matrix[coord_idx]["xyz".index(m["coord"])] += pref
sym_ops.append((rot_matrix.tolist(), shift.tolist()))
if get_sym_op_from_sg and len(sym_ops) == 0:
sg_details = self.get_space_group_details(return_sym_operations=True)
if sg_details is not None:
"Could not determine symmetry operations directly, using space group details.",
sym_ops += sg_details["symmetry_operations"]
return sym_ops
def get_space_group_details(self, return_sym_operations=False):
for key in self._space_group_fields:
if key in self.fields:
return get_space_group_details(
self.fields[key], return_sym_operations=return_sym_operations
def get_chem_formula(self):
for key in self._chem_formula_fields:
if key in self.fields:
return utils_cf.transform_str_to_dict(self.fields[key])
def _add_line_to_loop(self, line_idx, line):
# Adding loop labels:
if line.startswith("_"):
# If line starts with new field label and values have been added we assume that the
# loop is completed.
if len(self.current_loop["values"]) > 0:
self._finalize_current_loop(line_idx, line)
self.add_line(line_idx, line)
self.current_loop["keys"] += [self._transf_key(sp[1:]) for sp in line.split()]
# Adding loop values:
# Multi-line field in loop:
if line.startswith(";") or self.current_multi_line_field is not None:
if self.current_multi_line_field is None:
self.current_multi_line_field = [""]
self._extract_multi_line_value(line_idx, line)
# Single value fields:
def _add_loop_values(self, loop_values):
if len(self.current_loop["values"]) == 0:
start_idx = 0
self.current_loop["values"] = [[] for _ in self.current_loop["keys"]]
val_lengths = [len(val) for val in self.current_loop["values"]]
start_idx = val_lengths.index(min(val_lengths))
for val_idx, val in enumerate(loop_values):
val_idx += start_idx
if len(self.current_loop["keys"]) > 0:
val_idx %= len(self.current_loop["keys"])
def _extract_multi_line_value(self, line_idx, line):
finalize = False
add_str = None
new_str = ""
line_split = line.split(";")
if len(line_split) == 1:
add_str = line
if len(line_split) + len(self.current_multi_line_field) > 3:
finalize = True
add_str = line_split[0]
new_str = line_split[-1]
if line_split[0] == "" and len(self.current_multi_line_field) == 1:
add_str = line_split[1]
if len(line_split) == 2:
new_str = ""
if add_str is not None:
if len(self.current_multi_line_field) == 1:
self.current_multi_line_field[1] += "\n" + add_str
if finalize:
self.add_line(line_idx, new_str)
def _force_finalize_multi_line(self):
if self.current_multi_line_field is None:
return None
val = ""
if len(self.current_multi_line_field) == 2:
val = self.current_multi_line_field[1]
if self.current_loop is None:
self.fields[self.current_multi_line_field[0]] = val
self.current_multi_line_field = None
def _extract_loop_values(self, line):
line_split = line.split()
loop_values = []
str_val_limiter = None
string_val = None
for val in line_split:
if val[0] in self._string_limiters and string_val is None:
str_val_limiter = val[0]
string_val = val[1:] if len(val) > 1 else ""
elif string_val is not None:
string_val += " " + val
if val.endswith(str_val_limiter):
string_val = string_val[:-1]
string_val = None
return [self._transf_value(val) for val in loop_values]
def _finalize_current_loop(self, line_idx, line):
if self.current_loop is None:
return None
if any(
len(self.current_loop["values"][0]) != len(self.current_loop["values"][idx])
for idx in range(len(self.current_loop["values"]))
raise ValueError(f"Number of values differ for loop finishing on line {line_idx}.")
key: self.current_loop["values"][idx]
for idx, key in enumerate(self.current_loop["keys"])
self.current_loop = None
def _transf_key(key):
return key.strip("_").lower()
def _transf_value(self, value):
value = value.strip()
for sl in self._string_limiters:
value = value.strip(sl)
for pattern, t in self._patterns:
match = pattern.match(value)
if match and len(match.group(1)) > 0:
return t(match.group(1))
return value
def _extract_element(self, value):
value = re.split(r"(\d)|(_)|(-)|(\+)", value)[0]
el = self._pred_element_mapping.get(value, None)
if el is None:
el = get_element_symbol(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"Could not determine element of '{value}'.")
return el
@read_structure(r".*\.cif", preset_kwargs={"extract_structures": True})
def read_file(
Read cif file.
file_name : str
Path to the cif file.
extract_structures : bool (optional)
Whether to extract alls crystal structures and add them to the output dictionary with the
key ``'structures'``.
strct_check_chem_formula : bool (optional)
Check the chemical formula given by field matches with the structure.
strct_get_sym_op_from_sg : bool (optional)
Add symmetry operations based on the space group to add symmetry equivalent sites to the
Output dictionary.
cif_blocks = []
current_block = None
with open(file_name, "r") as f_obj:
for line_idx, line in enumerate(f_obj):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("data_"):
if current_block:
current_block = _CIFDataBlock(line)
elif current_block:
current_block.add_line(line_idx, line)
output_dict = {}
structures = []
for block in cif_blocks:
if block.title in output_dict:
warn(f"Two data bloocks have the same title: '{block.title}'.", UserWarning)
if extract_structures:
if block.title == "structures":
warn("Data block 'structures' is overwritten.", UserWarning)
cell = block.get_cell()
if cell is not None:
elements, kinds, positions, site_attributes = block.get_atomic_sites(
strct_check_chem_formula, strct_get_sym_op_from_sg
"cell": cell,
"label": block.title,
"elements": elements,
"kinds": kinds,
"site_attributes": site_attributes,
"positions": positions,
"pbc": True,
"is_cartesian": False,
output_dict[block.title] = block.get_output()
if extract_structures:
output_dict["structures"] = structures
return output_dict