Source code for

Module of functions to read output-files of Quantum ESPRESSO.

# Standard library imports
import re

# Internal library imports
from import read_structure, read_multiple, custom_open
from aim2dat.utils.units import length

[docs] @read_structure(r".*\.in(p)?$") def read_input_structure(file_name): """ Read structure from the Quantum ESPRESSO input file. ibrav parameters are not yet fully supported. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path of the input-file of Quantum ESPRESSO containing structural data. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the structural information. """ def read_system_namelist(file_content, line_idx): patterns = { "ibrav": (re.compile(r"^\s*ibrav\s*=\s*(\d)?.*$"), int), "A": (re.compile(r"^\s*A\s*=\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?.*$"), float), "B": (re.compile(r"^\s*B\s*=\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?.*$"), float), "C": (re.compile(r"^\s*C\s*=\s*([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?.*$"), float), } celldm_pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*celldm\((\d)?\)\s*=\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?.*$") namelist_finished = False unit_cell = None qe_cell_p = {} while not namelist_finished: if file_content[line_idx].startswith("!") or file_content[line_idx].startswith("#"): line_idx += 1 continue for label, (pattern, match_type) in patterns.items(): if label not in qe_cell_p: found_match = pattern.match(file_content[line_idx]) if found_match is not None: qe_cell_p[label] = match_type(found_match.groups()[0]) celldm_match = celldm_pattern.match(file_content[line_idx]) if celldm_match is not None: qe_cell_p[int(celldm_match.groups()[0])] = float(celldm_match.groups()[1]) if "/" in file_content[line_idx]: namelist_finished = True line_idx += 1 # TO-DO: implement more ibrav-parameters: if qe_cell_p["ibrav"] == 8: if 1 in qe_cell_p and 2 in qe_cell_p and 3 in qe_cell_p: unit_cell = [ [qe_cell_p[1], 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, qe_cell_p[1] * qe_cell_p[2], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, qe_cell_p[1] * qe_cell_p[3]], ] elif "A" in qe_cell_p and "B" in qe_cell_p and "C" in qe_cell_p: unit_cell = [ [qe_cell_p["A"], 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, qe_cell_p["B"], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, qe_cell_p["C"]], ] else: raise ValueError(f"Could not retrieve unit cell from ibrav {qe_cell_p['ibrav']}.") elif qe_cell_p["ibrav"] in ( 1, 2, 3, -3, 4, 5, -5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -9, 91, 10, 11, 12, -12, 13, -13, 14, ): raise ValueError(f"ibrav {qe_cell_p['ibrav']} not yet implemented...") else: unit_cell = qe_cell_p[1] if 1 in qe_cell_p else 1.0 return line_idx, unit_cell def read_cell_parameters(file_content, line_idx, conv_factor): pattern = re.compile( r"^\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?" r"\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?\s*$" ) card_finished = False unit_cell = [] while not card_finished: match = pattern.match(file_content[line_idx]) if match is not None and any(match.groups()): unit_cell.append([float(m_pos) * conv_factor for m_pos in match.groups()]) else: card_finished = True line_idx += 1 return line_idx, unit_cell def read_atomic_positions(file_content, line_idx): pattern = re.compile( r"^\s*(\w+)?\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?\s*([-+]?" r"[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?\s*([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)?.*$" ) card_finished = False conv_factor = 1.0 is_cartesian = True positions = [] elements = [] if "bohr" in file_content[line_idx - 1].lower(): conv_factor = length.Bohr elif "crystal" in file_content[line_idx - 1].lower(): is_cartesian = False while not card_finished: match = pattern.match(file_content[line_idx]) if match is not None and any(match.groups()): try: positions.append([float(m_pos) * conv_factor for m_pos in match.groups()[1:]]) elements.append(match.groups()[0]) except ValueError: card_finished = True else: card_finished = True line_idx += 1 return line_idx, elements, positions, is_cartesian struct_dict = {"pbc": [True, True, True]} with custom_open(file_name, "r") as input_file: file_content = line_idx = 0 while line_idx < len(file_content): # line in enumerate(file_content): if "&SYSTEM" in file_content[line_idx]: line_idx, struct_dict["cell"] = read_system_namelist(file_content, line_idx + 1) if "CELL_PARAMETERS" in file_content[line_idx] and isinstance(struct_dict["cell"], float): conv_factor = struct_dict["cell"] if len(file_content[line_idx].split()) > 1: if file_content[line_idx].split()[-1].lower() == "bohr": conv_factor = length.Bohr elif file_content[line_idx].split()[-1].lower() == "alat": conv_factor *= length.Bohr line_idx, struct_dict["cell"] = read_cell_parameters( file_content, line_idx + 1, conv_factor ) if "ATOMIC_POSITIONS" in file_content[line_idx]: ( line_idx, struct_dict["elements"], struct_dict["positions"], struct_dict["is_cartesian"], ) = read_atomic_positions(file_content, line_idx + 1) line_idx += 1 return struct_dict
[docs] def read_band_structure(file_name): """ Read band structure file from Quantum ESPRESSO. Spin-polarized calculations are not yet supported. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path of the output-file of Quantum ESPRESSO containing the band structure. Returns ------- band_structure : dict Dictionary containing the k-path and th eigenvalues as well as the occupations. """ kpoints = [] bands = [] with custom_open(file_name, "r") as bands_file: nr_bands = 0 current_bands = [] parse_kpoint = True for line in bands_file: line_split = line.split() # Catch the number of bands and k-points at the beginning of the file: if line.startswith(" &plot"): nr_bands = int(line_split[2][:-1]) parse_kpoint = True # Parse k-point: elif parse_kpoint: kpoints.append([float(line_split[0]), float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2])]) parse_kpoint = False else: current_bands += [float(eigenvalue) for eigenvalue in line_split] if len(current_bands) == nr_bands: parse_kpoint = True bands.append(current_bands) current_bands = [] return {"kpoints": kpoints, "unit_y": "eV", "bands": bands}
[docs] def read_total_density_of_states(file_name): """ Read the total density of states from Quantum ESPRESSO. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path of the output-file of Quantum ESPRESSO containing the total density of states. Returns ------- pdos : dict Dictionary containing the projected density of states for each atom. """ energy = [] tdos = [] e_fermi = None with custom_open(file_name, "r") as tdos_file: for line in tdos_file: line_split = line.split() if not line.startswith("#"): energy.append(float(line_split[0])) tdos.append(float(line_split[1])) else: e_fermi = float(line_split[-2]) return {"energy": energy, "tdos": tdos, "unit_x": "eV", "e_fermi": e_fermi}
[docs] @read_multiple( pattern=r"^.*pdos_atm#(?P<at_idx>\d*)?\((?P<el>[a-zA-Z]*)" + r"?\)\_wfc\#(?P<orb_idx>\d*)?\((?P<orb>[a-z])?\)$" ) def read_atom_proj_density_of_states(folder_path): """ Read the projected density of states from Quantum ESPRESSO. Parameters ---------- folder_path : str Path to the folder containing the pdos ouput-files. Returns ------- pdos : dict Dictionary containing the projected density of states for each atom. """ quantum_numbers = { "s": ("s"), "p": ("px", "py", "pz"), "d": ("d-2", "d-1", "d0", "d+1", "d+2"), "f": (), # magnetic qn need to be added here } energy = [] atomic_pdos = [] kind_indices = {} indices = [(val, idx) for idx, val in enumerate(folder_path["at_idx"])] indices.sort(key=lambda point: point[0]) _, indices = zip(*indices) for idx in indices: # Get regex details: at_idx = folder_path["at_idx"][idx] el = folder_path["el"][idx] orb = folder_path["orb"][idx] orb_idx = folder_path["orb_idx"][idx] # Check which kind the pdos belongs to: if at_idx not in kind_indices: kind_indices[at_idx] = len(atomic_pdos) atomic_pdos.append({"kind": el + "_" + at_idx}) # The energy is only parsed from the first file, we assume the same energy range: parse_energy = len(energy) == 0 # Read pdos, we only read the orbital contributions here, the summation is performed in # the plotting-class: with custom_open(folder_path["file"][idx], "r") as pdos_file: # Get inof from regex: qn_labels = quantum_numbers[orb] # Create empty lists for each quantum number: for qn_label in qn_labels: atomic_pdos[kind_indices[at_idx]][orb_idx + "_" + qn_label] = [] # Iterate over lines and fill the list: for line in pdos_file: if not line.startswith("#"): line_split = line.split() if parse_energy: energy.append(float(line_split[0])) for qn_idx in range(len(qn_labels)): qn_label = orb_idx + "_" + qn_labels[qn_idx] # Fix bug in output when exponential is too small, e.g.: 0.292-105 instead # of 0.292E-105 float_number = 0.0 try: float_number = float(line_split[2 + qn_idx]) except ValueError: pass atomic_pdos[kind_indices[at_idx]].setdefault(qn_label, []).append( float_number ) return {"energy": energy, "pdos": atomic_pdos, "unit_x": "eV"}