Source code for

"""Functions to read plot-files of xmgrace."""

import re
import numpy as np

[docs] def read_xmgrace_file(file_path): """ Read xmgrace plot filies. Up to now the functionality is very limited. xy-data is read and grouped by the line-color. Notes ----- TODO: Increase functionality and generality. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the xmgrace file. Returns ------- x_values : list Nested list of the x-values. y_values : list Nested list of the y-values. tick_labels : tuple Tuple of dictionaries containing the position on the x-axis ("pos") and the label ("label"). """ def parse_header(fobj): """Parse header information of the xmgrace file.""" plot_categories = {} tick_labels = {} pattern_tick_major = re.compile( r"^@\s*xaxis\s*tick\s*major\s*(?P<tick_nr>\d+)," r"\s*(?P<tick_pos>([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*))$" ) pattern_tick_label = re.compile( r'^@\s*xaxis\s*ticklabel\s*(?P<tick_nr>\d+),\s*"(?P<tick_label>.*)"$' ) pattern_line_color = re.compile( r"^@\s*s(?P<plot_nr>\d+)\s*line\s*color\s*(?P<color>\d+)?$" ) str_stop = "@target" with open(file_path, "r") as fobj: for line_idx, line in enumerate(fobj): if pattern_line_color.match(line): match = pattern_line_color.match(line) group_dict = match.groupdict() plot_categories[int(group_dict["plot_nr"])] = int(group_dict["color"]) elif pattern_tick_label.match(line): match = pattern_tick_label.match(line) group_dict = match.groupdict() tick_nr = int(group_dict["tick_nr"]) if tick_nr not in tick_labels: tick_labels[tick_nr] = {"label": group_dict["tick_label"]} else: tick_labels[tick_nr]["label"] = group_dict["tick_label"] elif pattern_tick_major.match(line): match = pattern_tick_major.match(line) group_dict = match.groupdict() tick_nr = int(group_dict["tick_nr"]) if tick_nr not in tick_labels: tick_labels[tick_nr] = {"pos": float(group_dict["tick_pos"])} else: tick_labels[tick_nr]["pos"] = float(group_dict["tick_pos"]) if str_stop in line: break nr_of_categories = len(set(plot_categories.values())) # Sort tick labels: tick_labels = list(tick_labels.values()) zipped = list(zip([tick_label["pos"] for tick_label in tick_labels], tick_labels)) zipped.sort(key=lambda point: point[0]) _, tick_labels = zip(*zipped) return nr_of_categories, plot_categories, line_idx, tick_labels str_start_set = "@type xy" start_pattern = re.compile(r"^@target\s*G\d+.S(\d+)?$") str_end_set = "&" in_set = False nr_of_categories, plot_categories, start_idx, tick_labels = parse_header(file_path) with open(file_path, "r") as fobj: x_values = [[] for idx in range(nr_of_categories)] y_values = [[] for idx in range(nr_of_categories)] lines = fobj.readlines()[start_idx:] for line in lines: if not in_set: match = start_pattern.match(line) if match: category_idx = plot_categories[int(] - nr_of_categories + 1 x_values[category_idx].append([]) y_values[category_idx].append([]) elif str_start_set in line: in_set = True elif str_end_set in line: in_set = False elif in_set: x_values[category_idx][-1].append(float(line.split()[0])) y_values[category_idx][-1].append(float(line.split()[1])) return x_values, y_values, tick_labels
[docs] def read_band_structure(file_path, kpoints): """ Read xmgrace band structure file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the xmgrace file. kpoints : list List of tuples containing the label and the k-point. Returns ------- band_structures : list List of band structures. """ band_structures = [] x_values, y_values, tick_labels = read_xmgrace_file(file_path) x_values = x_values[0][0] path = [] # Construct segments and reverse-engineer k-path: labels = [] x_values_indices = [0, 0] for segment_idx in range(len(tick_labels) - 1): # Determine number of points: for idx, value in enumerate(x_values[x_values_indices[0] :]): if abs(value - tick_labels[segment_idx + 1]["pos"]) < 1e-4: x_values_indices[1] = x_values_indices[0] + idx break # Check labels and find k-points: segment_labels = (tick_labels[segment_idx]["label"], tick_labels[segment_idx + 1]["label"]) segment_kpoints = [] for x_values_idx, segment_label in zip(x_values_indices, segment_labels): if segment_label == "\\xG\\f{}": segment_kpoints.append(kpoints["Gamma"]) labels.append((x_values_idx, "Gamma")) else: segment_kpoints.append(kpoints[segment_label]) labels.append((x_values_idx, segment_label)) # Calculate directional vector vector = np.subtract(segment_kpoints[1], segment_kpoints[0]) # Crate k-path: length = x_values_indices[1] - x_values_indices[0] for point_nr in range(length + 1): path.append(np.add(segment_kpoints[0], point_nr * vector / (length)).tolist()) x_values_indices[0] = x_values_indices[1] + 1 for bands_cat in y_values: band_structures.append( { "kpoints": path, "bands": np.asarray(bands_cat).transpose().tolist(), "path_labels": labels, } ) return band_structures