Source code for

Input operations for zeo++.

[docs] def write_to_file(struct_dict, file_path): """Write structure to file.""" if file_path.endswith(".cssr"): output = [" ".join(map(str, struct_dict.cell_lengths))] output.append output.append( " ".join(map(str, struct_dict.cell_angles)) + " SPGR = " + struct_dict.determine_space_group()["space_group"]["international_short"] ) output.append(f"{len(struct_dict.positions)} 0") output.append(f"0 {struct_dict.label}") for i, el_pos in enumerate(zip(struct_dict.elements, struct_dict.scaled_positions)): output.append( f" {i+1} {el_pos[0]} {el_pos[1][0]} {el_pos[1][1]} {el_pos[1][2]} " + " ".join(map(str, 9 * [0])) ) elif file_path.endswith(".v1"): output = ["Unit cell vectors:"] for a, vec in zip(["va", "vb", "vc"], struct_dict.cell): output.append(f"{a}= {vec[0]} {vec[1]} {vec[2]}") output.append(f"{len(struct_dict.positions)}") for el, pos in zip(struct_dict.elements, struct_dict.positions): output.append(f"{el} {pos[0]} {pos[1]} {pos[2]}") elif file_path.endswith(".cuc"): output = [f"Processing: {struct_dict.label}"] output.append( "Unit_cell: " + " ".join(map(str, struct_dict.cell_lengths)) + " " + " ".join(map(str, struct_dict.cell_angles)) ) for el, pos in zip(struct_dict.elements, struct_dict.scaled_positions): output.append(f"{el} {pos[0]} {pos[1]} {pos[2]}") with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write("\n".join(output))