Source code for

"""Methods to fit the cell parameters of crystalline materials."""

# Standard library imports
import itertools

# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.strct import StructureOperations, StructureCollection, Structure
from aim2dat.utils.space_groups import get_lattice_type
from aim2dat.utils.maths import calc_angle

[docs] class CellGridSearch: """ Class to fit the cell parameters of an initial structure to a final structure using a brute-force grid search approach. The space group is maintained during the fitting process. Attributes ---------- length_scaling_factors : list Scaling factors for the cell lengths. angle_scaling_factors : list Scaling factors for the cell angles. symprec : float Tolerance for spglib and length and angle comparison. angle_tolerance : float Tolerance parameter for spglib. hall_number : int (optional) The argument to constrain the space-group-type search only for the Hall symbol corresponding to it. ffprint_r_max : float Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms. ffprint_delta_bin : float (optional) Bin size to descritize the function. ffprint_sigma : float (optional) Smearing parameter for the Gaussian function. ffprint_use_weights : bool (optional) Whether to use importance weights for the element pairs. ffprint_distinguish_kinds: bool (optional) Whether different kinds should be distinguished e.g. Ni0 and Ni1 would be considered as different elements if ``True``. target_value : float (optional) Target value used to calculate score if a model is set via the ``set_model`` function. """ def __init__( self, length_scaling_factors=[0.8, 1.0, 1.2], angle_scaling_factors=[0.9, 1.0, 1.1], symprec=0.005, angle_tolerance=-1.0, hall_number=0, ffprint_r_max=10.0, ffprint_delta_bin=0.005, ffprint_sigma=0.05, ffprint_use_weights=True, ffprint_distinguish_kinds=False, target_value=0.0, ): """Construct object.""" self._strct_ops = StructureOperations(structures=StructureCollection()) self._transformer = None self._model = None self._fit_info = None self.length_scaling_factors = length_scaling_factors self.angle_scaling_factors = angle_scaling_factors self.symprec = symprec self.angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance self.hall_number = hall_number self.ffprint_r_max = ffprint_r_max self.ffprint_delta_bin = ffprint_delta_bin self.ffprint_sigma = ffprint_sigma self.ffprint_use_weights = ffprint_use_weights self.ffprint_distinguish_kinds = ffprint_distinguish_kinds self.target_value = target_value
[docs] def set_initial_structure(self, structure): """ Set initial crystal structure. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Initial structure. """ structure = structure.copy() self._strct_ops.structures["initial"] = structure
[docs] def set_model(self, model, function_name="predict", single=False, transformer=None): """ Set scikit-learn model to predict the target value. Parameters ---------- model : Object that takes structures or features as input to predicts a target value. function_name : str (optional) Function name to retrieve the property prediction. single : bool (optional) Whether a single structure/features or a list of structures/features is predicted at once. transformer : (optional) Structure transformer. """ if transformer is not None: self._transformer = transformer self._model_fct = (function_name, single) self._model = model
[docs] def set_target_structure(self, structure): """ Set target crystal structure. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Target structure. """ structure = structure.copy() self._strct_ops.structures["target"] = structure
[docs] def get_optimized_structure(self): """ Get optimized structure with the lowest score. Returns ------- : aim2dat.strct.Structure Optimized structure. """ if self._fit_info is None: return self._strct_ops.structures[self._fit_info[0]].copy()
[docs] def return_search_space(self): """ Return list of parameter sets that are varied to fit the initial to the final structure. Returns ------- list List of parameter sets that are varied. """ search_space = [] space_group = self._strct_ops["initial"].determine_space_group( symprec=self.symprec, angle_tolerance=self.angle_tolerance, hall_number=self.hall_number, ) lattice_type = get_lattice_type(space_group["space_group"]["number"]) print( "Space group of initial crystal: ", space_group["space_group"]["number"], "(" + lattice_type + ")", ) cell = self._strct_ops.structures["initial"]["cell"] if lattice_type == "triclinic": length_combinations = list(itertools.product(self.length_scaling_factors, repeat=3)) angle_combinations = list(itertools.product(self.length_scaling_factors, repeat=3)) for l_comb in length_combinations: for a_comb in angle_combinations: search_space.append([sf for sf in l_comb + a_comb]) elif lattice_type == "monoclinic": comb = self._check_length_angles(cell, self.symprec, same_length=False, angles=[90.0]) if len(comb) != 2: raise ValueError("Could not detect monoclinic lattice type.") angle_idx = [idx0 for idx0 in range(3) if idx0 in comb[0] and idx0 in comb[1]] length_combinations = list(itertools.product(self.length_scaling_factors, repeat=3)) angle_combinations = self.angle_scaling_factors for l_comb in length_combinations: for a_comb in angle_combinations: param = [l_comb[0], l_comb[1], l_comb[2], 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] param[3 + angle_idx[0]] = a_comb search_space.append(param) elif lattice_type == "orthorhombic": comb = self._check_length_angles(cell, self.symprec, same_length=False, angles=[90.0]) if len(comb) != 3: raise ValueError("Could not detect orthorhombic lattice type.") for scaling_factor_a in self.length_scaling_factors: for scaling_factor_b in self.length_scaling_factors: for scaling_factor_c in self.length_scaling_factors: search_space.append( [scaling_factor_a, scaling_factor_b, scaling_factor_c, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) elif lattice_type == "tetragonal": comb = self._check_length_angles(cell, self.symprec, same_length=True, angles=[90.0]) if len(comb) != 1: raise ValueError("Could not detect tetragonal lattice type.") length_combinations = list(itertools.product(self.length_scaling_factors, repeat=2)) for l_comb in length_combinations: param = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] for idx0 in range(3): if idx0 in comb[0]: param[idx0] = l_comb[0] else: param[idx0] = l_comb[1] search_space.append(param) elif lattice_type == "trigonal" or lattice_type == "hexagonal": comb = self._check_length_angles( cell, self.symprec, same_length=True, angles=[60.0, 120.0] ) if len(comb) != 1: raise ValueError("Could not detect trigonal or hexagonal lattice type.") for scaling_factor_ab in self.length_scaling_factors: for scaling_factor_c in self.length_scaling_factors: params = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] for idx0 in range(3): if idx0 in comb[0]: params[idx0] = scaling_factor_ab else: params[idx0] = scaling_factor_c search_space.append(params) elif lattice_type == "cubic": comb = self._check_length_angles(cell, self.symprec, same_length=True, angles=[90.0]) if len(comb) != 3: raise ValueError("Could not detect cubic lattice type.") for sf_abc in self.length_scaling_factors: search_space.append([sf_abc, sf_abc, sf_abc, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) return search_space
[docs] def fit(self, search_space=None): """ Fit the initial to the final structure by varying the cell parameters. Parameters ---------- search_space : list or None Defines the cell parameter variations. If set to ``None`` the parameters are obtained via the ``return_search_space``-function. Returns ------- max_score : float Score of the best match. max_params : list Parameters that give the best match. """ if search_space is None: search_space = self.return_search_space() initial_sg = self._strct_ops["initial"].determine_space_group( symprec=self.symprec, angle_tolerance=self.angle_tolerance, hall_number=self.hall_number, )["space_group"]["number"] initial_strct = self._strct_ops.structures["initial"] labels = [] for idx0, params in enumerate(search_space): cell = np.array(initial_strct["cell"]) for vec_idx, scaling_factor in enumerate(params[:3]): cell[vec_idx] *= scaling_factor for angle_idx, scaling_factor in enumerate(params[3:]): vec_indices = [idx0 for idx0 in range(3) if idx0 != angle_idx] rot_v = cell[angle_idx].copy() rot_v /= np.linalg.norm(rot_v) rot_angle = calc_angle(cell[vec_indices[0]], cell[vec_indices[1]]) rot_angle *= scaling_factor - 1.0 rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(rot_angle * rot_v) cell =, cell.T).T self._strct_ops.structures[str(idx0)] = Structure( elements=initial_strct.elements, positions=initial_strct.scaled_positions, pbc=initial_strct.pbc, cell=cell, is_cartesian=False, ) trial_sg = self._strct_ops[str(idx0)].determine_space_group( symprec=self.symprec, angle_tolerance=self.angle_tolerance, hall_number=self.hall_number, )["space_group"]["number"] if initial_sg != trial_sg: raise ValueError("Space groups don't match!") labels.append(str(idx0)) scores = self._calculate_scores(labels) min_score = scores[0] min_label = labels[0] min_params = search_space[0] for label, score, params in zip(labels, scores, search_space): if score < min_score: min_label = label min_score = score min_params = params self._fit_info = (min_label, min_score, min_params) return min_score, min_params
[docs] def return_initial_score(self): """ Return score of the initial structure. Returns ------- float Score of the initial structure. """ return self._calculate_scores(["initial"])[0]
def _calculate_scores(self, labels): if "target" in self._strct_ops.structures.labels: return self._compare_with_target_structure_ffprint(labels) elif self._model is not None: return self._get_model_predictions(labels) def _compare_with_target_structure_ffprint(self, labels): scores = [] comparisons = self._strct_ops.compare_structures_via_ffingerprint( labels, ["target"] * len(labels), r_max=self.ffprint_r_max, delta_bin=self.ffprint_delta_bin, sigma=self.ffprint_sigma, use_weights=self.ffprint_use_weights, distinguish_kinds=self.ffprint_distinguish_kinds, ) for label in labels: scores.append(comparisons[(label, "target")]) return scores def _get_model_predictions(self, labels): predict_fct = getattr(self._model, self._model_fct[0]) features = [strct for strct in self._strct_ops.structures if strct.label in labels] if self._transformer is not None: features = self._transformer.transform(features) if self._model_fct[1]: predictions = [abs(predict_fct(feat) - self.target_value) for feat in features] else: predictions = np.absolute(predict_fct(features) - self.target_value).tolist() return predictions @staticmethod def _check_length_angles(cell, tol, same_length=False, angles=None): cell = np.array(cell) found_combintations = [] for comb in [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]: comb_found = True if ( same_length and abs(np.linalg.norm(cell[comb[0]]) - np.linalg.norm(cell[comb[1]])) > tol ): comb_found = False if angles is not None: angle = calc_angle(cell[comb[0]], cell[comb[1]]) * 180.0 / np.pi if all(abs(angle - ref) > tol for ref in angles): comb_found = False if comb_found: found_combintations.append(comb) return found_combintations