Source code for

"""Helper functions for machine learning tasks."""

# Standard library imports
from random import shuffle
import math

# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.utils.chem_formula import transform_list_to_dict
from aim2dat.strct import StructureCollection

def _get_all_elements(X, distinguish_kinds):
    """Create element or kind pairs."""
    el_type = "elements"
    if distinguish_kinds:
        el_type = "kinds"
    all_elements = []
    for strct in X:
        all_elements += strct[el_type]
    return sorted(set(all_elements))

def _retrieve_target_value(structure, target_attribute):
    """Retrieve attribute from structure dictionary."""
    if target_attribute not in structure["attributes"]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Target 'target_attribute' not available for structure '{structure['label']}'."
    if (
        isinstance(structure["attributes"][target_attribute], dict)
        and "value" in structure["attributes"][target_attribute]
        return structure["attributes"][target_attribute]["value"]
        return structure["attributes"][target_attribute]

def _remove_structures(structure_list, exclude_labels):
    """Remove structures from list."""
    if len(exclude_labels) > 0:
        ind2del = []
        for idx, strct in enumerate(structure_list):
            if strct["label"] in exclude_labels:
        for idx in ind2del:
            del structure_list[idx]

def _check_train_test_size(n_structures, train_size, test_size):
    """Chcek sizes of training and test subset."""

    def _get_n_dataset(dataset_size, n_structures, round_type):
        n_ds = None
        if dataset_size is not None:
            if dataset_size > 1.0:
                n_ds = int(dataset_size)
                n_ds = getattr(math, round_type)(dataset_size * n_structures)
        return n_ds

    n_train = _get_n_dataset(train_size, n_structures, "floor")
    n_test = _get_n_dataset(test_size, n_structures, "ceil")
    if n_train is None and n_test is None:
        raise ValueError("`train_size` or `test_size` need to be set.")
    if n_test is None:
        n_test = n_structures - n_train
    if n_train is None:
        n_train = n_structures - n_test
    if n_structures < n_train + n_test:
        raise ValueError(
            "`train_size`+`test_size` need to be smaller than the overall dataset size."
    return n_train, n_test

def _build_stratified_subset(subset_size, strct_list, hist_data, used_indices):
    """Create a strafied subset based on the target attribute and/or the composition."""
    hist_subset = {key: np.zeros(len(val[1])) for key, val in hist_data.items()}
    subset = []
    target = []
    for idx, strct in enumerate(strct_list):
        if idx in used_indices:
        add2subset = True
        bin_indices = {}
        for key, hist in hist_data.items():
            value = hist[0][idx]
            for bin_idx, bin_e in enumerate(hist[2][1:]):
                if value < bin_e:
            if hist_subset[key][bin_idx] < math.floor(subset_size * hist[1][bin_idx]):
                bin_indices[key] = bin_idx
                add2subset = False
        if add2subset:
            for key, val in bin_indices.items():
                hist_subset[key][val] += 1
        if len(subset) == subset_size:
    return subset, target

[docs] def train_test_split_crystals( structure_collection, target_attribute, train_size=None, test_size=None, target_bins=None, composition_bins=None, elements=None, exclude_labels=[], return_structure_collections=False, ): """ Split dataset of crystals into a training and test dataset. The target attribute and/or the composition can be strafied based on binning. Parameters ---------- structure_collection : aim2dat.strct.StructureCollection ``StructureCollection'' containing the crystals. target_attribute : str Label of the target attribute. train_size : float, int or None (optional) Training set size. test_size : float, int or None (optional) Test set size. target_bins : int or sequence of scalars or str or None (optional) Input for np.histogram function. If set to ``None`` binning is not performed. If ``target_bins`` and ``composition_bins`` is set to ``None`` the ``train_test_split`` function of scikit learn is used. composition_bins : int or sequence of scalars or str or None (optional) Input for np.histogram function. If set to ``None`` binning is not performed. If ``target_bins`` and ``composition_bins`` is set to ``None`` the ``train_test_split`` function of scikit learn is used. elements : list or None Elements that are considered for composition binning. If set to ``None`` all elements are taken into account. exclude_labels : list Structure labels that should be excluded from the train and test dataset. return_structure_collections : bool Whether to return the train and test dataset as ``StructureCollection`` objects. Returns ------- subset_train : list or StructureCollection Training set returned as list or ``StructureCollection`` object. subset_test : list or StructureCollection Test set returned as list or ``StructureCollection`` object. target_train : list List of target values of the training set. target_test : list List of target values of the test set. """ strct_list = structure_collection.get_all_structures() if target_bins is not None or composition_bins is not None: shuffle(strct_list) if elements is None: all_elements = _get_all_elements(strct_list, False) all_elements = all_elements[:-1] else: all_elements = elements el_comps = {el: [] for el in all_elements} target = [] for strct in strct_list: chem_f = transform_list_to_dict(strct["elements"]) for el in all_elements: # , val in chem_f.items(): if el in chem_f: el_comps[el].append(chem_f[el] / len(strct["elements"])) else: el_comps[el].append(0.0) target.append(_retrieve_target_value(strct, target_attribute)) n_strct_list = len(strct_list) _remove_structures(strct_list, exclude_labels) n_train, n_test = _check_train_test_size(len(strct_list), train_size, test_size) hist_data = {} if target_bins is None: target_bins = 1 hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(target, bins=target_bins) hist = hist / n_strct_list hist_data["target"] = (target, hist, bin_edges) if composition_bins is None: composition_bins = 1 for el, vals in el_comps.items(): hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(vals, bins=composition_bins) hist = hist / n_strct_list hist_data["el"] = (vals, hist, bin_edges) used_indices = [] subset_train, target_train = _build_stratified_subset( n_train, strct_list, hist_data, used_indices ) subset_test, target_test = _build_stratified_subset( n_test, strct_list, hist_data, used_indices ) for subset, subset_t, n_subset in [ (subset_train, target_train, n_train), (subset_test, target_test, n_test), ]: idx0 = 0 while len(subset) < n_subset: if idx0 not in used_indices: used_indices.append(idx0) subset.append(strct_list[idx0]) subset_t.append(target[idx0]) idx0 += 1 else: _remove_structures(strct_list, exclude_labels) target = [_retrieve_target_value(strct, target_attribute) for strct in strct_list] subset_train, subset_test, target_train, target_test = train_test_split( strct_list, target, train_size=train_size, test_size=test_size ) if return_structure_collections: return ( StructureCollection(subset_train), StructureCollection(subset_test), target_train, target_test, ) else: return subset_train, subset_test, target_train, target_test