"""Classes to plot planar fields."""
# Standard library imports
import copy
# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.plots.base_plot import _BasePlot
from aim2dat.utils.units import UnitConverter
class PlanarFieldPlot(_BasePlot):
Plot scalar planar fields.
_supported_norms = {"symlog": "SymLogNorm", "log": "LogNorm"}
_supported_plot_types = {"heatmap", "contour"}
def __init__(self, show_x_label=True, show_y_label=True, **kwargs):
"""Initialize object."""
_BasePlot.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self._coordinates_unit = None
self._values_unit = None
self._norm = None
self._plot_type = "heatmap"
self.show_x_label = show_x_label
self.show_y_label = show_y_label
self.contour_filled = True
self.contour_levels = None
self.color_map = "RdBu_r"
self.vmin = None
self.vmax = None
self.linthresh = 0.01
def coordinates_unit(self):
"""Set unit of the two coordinates."""
return self._coordinates_unit
def coordinates_unit(self, value):
value = value.lower()
if value not in UnitConverter.available_units:
raise ValueError(f"{value} as unit not supported.")
self._coordinates_unit = value
def values_unit(self):
"""Set unit of the z-values."""
return self._values_unit
def values_unit(self, value):
value = value.lower()
if value not in UnitConverter.available_units:
raise ValueError(f"{value} as unit not supported.")
self._values_unit = value
def norm(self):
"""Set norm of the z-values for matplotlib."""
return self._norm
def norm(self, value):
if value not in self._supported_norms.keys():
raise ValueError(
f"{value} not supported. Supported norms are: "
+ ", ".join(self._supported_norms.keys())
+ "."
self._norm = value
def plot_type(self):
"""Set plot-type."""
return self._plot_type
def plot_type(self, value):
if value in self._supported_plot_types:
self._plot_type = value
raise ValueError(
f"Plot type {value} is not supported. Supported plot types are: "
+ ", ".join(self._supported_plot_types)
+ "."
def import_field(
Import field.
data_label : str
Internal label used to plot and compare multiple data sets.
coordinates : list
Nested list of the coordinates.
values : list
List or nested list of the values.
flip_lr : bool (optional)
Whether to flip the field from left to right.
flip_ud : bool (optional)
Whether to flip the field from up to down.
coordinates_unit : str (optional)
Unit of coordinates.
values_unit : str (optional)
Unit of values.
text_labels : list (optional)
List of text labels.
text_labels = copy.deepcopy(text_labels)
# - Check units:
coord_factor, self._coordinates_unit = self._set_unit_conv_factor(
coordinates_unit, self._coordinates_unit
val_factor, self._values_unit = self._set_unit_conv_factor(values_unit, self._values_unit)
# - Create grid:
coordinates = np.array(coordinates) * coord_factor
x_values, y_values = zip(*coordinates)
x_values = np.sort(np.unique(np.array(x_values)))
x = x_values
if flip_lr:
x = x_values[::-1]
x_max = np.max(x)
for label in text_labels:
label["x"] = x_max - label["x"]
y_values = np.sort(np.unique(np.array(y_values)))
y = y_values
if flip_ud:
y = y_values[::-1]
y_max = np.max(y)
for label in text_labels:
label["y"] = y_max - label["y"]
val_shape = (y.shape[0], x.shape[0])
is_vector_field = False
if isinstance(values[0], (tuple, list)):
val_shape = (y.shape[0], x.shape[0], len(values[0]))
is_vector_field = True
values_grid = np.zeros(val_shape)
# - Distribute points on grid.
for coord, value in zip(coordinates, values):
x_idx = np.where(x == coord[0])[0][0]
y_idx = np.where(y == coord[1])[0][0]
# print(x_idx, y_idx, coord)
if is_vector_field:
for val_idx, val0 in enumerate(value):
values_grid[y_idx][x_idx][val_idx] = val0
values_grid[y_idx][x_idx] = value
self._data[data_label] = {
"x_values": x_values,
"y_values": y_values,
"z_values": values_grid,
"is_vector_field": is_vector_field,
"vmin": min(values),
"vmax": max(values),
"text_labels": [self._set_text_label(t_label) for t_label in text_labels],
def import_from_aiida_arraydata(
self, data_label, planedata, flip_lr=False, flip_ud=False, values_unit=None, text_labels=[]
Import from aiida array data.
data_label : str
Internal label used to plot and compare multiple data sets.
flip_lr : bool (optional)
Whether to flip the field from left to right.
flip_ud : bool (optional)
Whether to flip the field from up to down.
values_unit : str (optional)
Unit of values.
text_labels : list (optional)
List of text labels.
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces.aiida import _load_data_node
planedata = _load_data_node(planedata)
coordinates_unit=planedata.get_attribute("coordinates_unit", None),
def _prepare_to_plot(self, data_labels, subplot_assignment):
if self.backend == "plotly":
print("Warning: logarithmic scales and vmin/vmax is not supported for this backend.")
axis_label = self._set_axis_label()
self._auto_set_axis_properties(x_label=axis_label, y_label=axis_label)
data_sets = [[] for idx0 in range(max(subplot_assignment) + 1)]
for data_label, subp_a in zip(data_labels, subplot_assignment):
# for data_label in data_labels:
data_sets[subp_a] += self._process_data_set_plot(data_label)
return data_sets, None, None, None, None, None
def _process_data_set_plot(self, data_label):
data_set = self._return_data_set(data_label)
if data_set.pop("is_vector_field"):
print("Only scalar fields are supported so far.")
return None
if self.plot_type == "contour":
data_set["filled"] = self.contour_filled
if all(atr0 is not None for atr0 in [self.contour_levels, self.vmin, self.vmax]):
data_set["levels"] = np.linspace(
data_set["vmin"], data_set["vmax"], self.contour_levels
# data_set["extend"] = "both"
elif self.contour_levels is not None:
data_set["levels"] = np.linspace(self.vmin, self.vmax, self.contour_levels)
if self.norm is not None:
if self.norm == "symlog":
data_set["symlog_scale"] = True
data_set["linthresh"] = self.linthresh
data_set["base"] = 10
elif self.norm == "log":
data_set["log_scale"] = True
data_set["linthresh"] = self.linthresh
data_set["base"] = 10
text_labels = data_set.pop("text_labels", [])
data_set["cmap"] = self.color_map
data_set["type"] = self.plot_type
return [data_set] + text_labels
def _set_norm(self, data_set):
"""Set parameter for the matplotlib.colors.LogNorm or SymLogNorm."""
if self._norm is not None:
data_set["norm_type"] = self._supported_norms[self._norm]
data_set["norm_args"] = {}
if self.vmin is None:
data_set["norm_args"]["vmin"] = data_set["vmin"]
data_set["norm_args"]["vmin"] = self.vmin
if self.vmax is None:
data_set["norm_args"]["vmax"] = data_set["vmax"]
data_set["norm_args"]["vmax"] = self.vmax
if self._norm == "symlog":
data_set["norm_args"]["linthresh"] = self.linthresh
if self._norm == "log":
data_set["norm_args"]["vmin"] = max(1e-21, data_set["norm_args"]["vmin"])
data_set["norm_args"]["vmax"] = max(1e-21, data_set["norm_args"]["vmax"])
print(data_set["norm_args"]["vmax"], data_set["norm_args"]["vmin"])
del data_set["vmin"]
del data_set["vmax"]
def _set_axis_label(self):
"""Set axis labels."""
return (
+ f" in {UnitConverter.plot_labels[self.coordinates_unit]}"
def _set_text_label(text_label):
"""Set text label."""
if not isinstance(text_label, dict):
raise TypeError("Text labels need to be of type dict.")
for key0 in ["x", "y", "label"]:
if key0 not in text_label:
raise ValueError(f"Key '{key0}' needs to be in text label.")
text_label["type"] = "text"
text_label["ha"] = "center"
text_label["va"] = "center"
# text_label["weight"] = "bold"
return text_label
def _set_unit_conv_factor(input_unit, plot_unit):
"""Set unit conversion factor."""
conv_factor = 1.0
if plot_unit is None:
plot_unit = input_unit
elif input_unit is not None:
conv_factor = UnitConverter.convert_units(1.0, input_unit, plot_unit)
return conv_factor, plot_unit