Source code for aim2dat.plots.surface

"""Surface energy plots."""

# Standard library imports
import re

# Third party library imports
import numpy as np

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.plots.base_plot import _BasePlot
from aim2dat.utils.units import UnitConverter
import aim2dat.utils.chem_formula as utils_cf
import aim2dat.utils.element_properties as utils_el

def _validate_miller_indices(m_indices):
    if not isinstance(m_indices, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError("`miller_indices` need to be of type list or tuple.")
    if len(m_indices) not in [3, 4]:
        raise ValueError("`miller_indices` need to have a length of 3 or 4.")
    return m_indices

def _check_map(dict_map, value):
    if len(dict_map) == 0:
        val_idx = 0
        dict_map[value] = val_idx
    elif value in dict_map:
        val_idx = dict_map[value]
        val_idx = max(list(dict_map.values())) + 1
        dict_map[value] = val_idx
    return val_idx

def _transform_miller_indices_to_str(m_indices):
    m_idx_str = "("
    for idx0 in m_indices:
        if idx0 < 0:
            m_idx_str += r"$\bar{" + str(idx0)[1] + "}$"
            m_idx_str += str(idx0)
    m_idx_str += ")"
    return m_idx_str

[docs] class SurfacePlot(_BasePlot): """ Plot the surface energy with respect to the chemical potential. """ _supported_plot_types = ["chem_potential", "excess_atoms"] _supported_ter_labeling_schemes = ["excess_ter_sto"] # _line_styles = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dashdot"] _markers = ["o", "x", ">", "<"] def __init__( self, area_unit="angstrom", energy_unit="eV", plot_element=None, plot_type="chem_potential", plot_properties="surface_energy", plot_labels=None, show_x_label=True, show_y_label=True, **kwargs, ): """Initialize class.""" _BasePlot.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._bulk_phase = None self._elemental_phases = {} self._data = {} self.show_x_label = show_x_label self.show_y_label = show_y_label self.energy_unit = energy_unit self.area_unit = area_unit self.plot_element = plot_element self.plot_type = plot_type self.plot_properties = plot_properties @property def plot_type(self): """str: Plot type. Supported options are `'chem_potential'` or `'excess_atoms'`.""" return self._plot_type @plot_type.setter def plot_type(self, value): if value not in self._supported_plot_types: raise ValueError( f"`plot_type` '{value}' is not supported. Supported values are '" + "' or '".join(self._supported_plot_types) + "'." ) self._plot_type = value @property def plot_properties(self): """str, tuple or list: Properties that are plotted on the y-axis.""" return self._plot_properties @plot_properties.setter def plot_properties(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = (value,) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = tuple(value) else: raise TypeError( "`plot_properties` needs to be of type str or tuple/list of str objects." ) if "surface_energy" in value and len(value) > 1: raise ValueError("'surface_energy' can only be plotted as a single property.") self._plot_properties = value @property def area_unit(self): """str: Unit of the surface area.""" return self._area_unit @area_unit.setter def area_unit(self, value): self._area_unit = self._check_unit(value) @property def energy_unit(self): """str: Energy unit.""" return self._energy_unit @energy_unit.setter def energy_unit(self, value): self._energy_unit = self._check_unit(value) @property def elemental_phases(self): """Elemental phases.""" return self._elemental_phases @property def bulk_phase(self): """Bulk phase.""" return self._bulk_phase
[docs] def set_elemental_phase(self, element, total_energy, nr_atoms=1, unit="eV"): """ Set elemental phase. Parameters ---------- element : str, int Name, symbol or atomic number of the element. total_energy : float Total energy of the phase. nr_atoms : int (optional) Number of atoms of the phase. The default value is ``1``. unit : str (optional) Unit of the energy. The default value is ``'eV'``. """ element = utils_el.get_element_symbol(element) self._elemental_phases[element] = { "total_energy": total_energy / nr_atoms, "unit": self._check_unit(unit), }
[docs] def set_bulk_phase(self, formula, total_energy, unit="eV"): """ Set bulk phase. Parameters ---------- formula : dict, list or str Chemical formula of the bulk phase. total_energy : float Total energy of the phase. unit : str (optional) Unit of the energy. The default value is ``'eV'``. """ self._bulk_phase = { "formula": self._check_formula(formula), "total_energy": total_energy, "unit": self._check_unit(unit), }
[docs] def add_surface_facet( self, data_label, formula, total_energy, surface_area, miller_indices=None, termination_label=None, area_unit="angstrom", energy_unit="eV", **kwargs, ): """ Add surface. Parameters ---------- data_label : str Internal label used to plot and compare multiple data sets. formula : dict, list or str Chemical formula of the surface slab. total_energy : float Total energy of the surface slab. surface_area : float Surface area of the facet. area_unit : str (optional) Unit of the surface area. The default value is ``'angstrom'``. energy_unit : str (optional) Unit of the energy. The default value is ``'eV'``. """ facet_data = { "formula": self._check_formula(formula), "total_energy": total_energy, "area": surface_area, "miller_indices": _validate_miller_indices(miller_indices), "ter": termination_label, "area_unit": self._check_unit(area_unit), "energy_unit": self._check_unit(energy_unit), "properties": kwargs, } if data_label in self._data: self._data[data_label].append(facet_data) else: self._data[data_label] = [facet_data]
[docs] def import_from_pandas_df( self, data_label, data_frame, termination_labels=None, ter_labeling_scheme=None, extract_electronic_properties=False, ): """ Import surface facets from a results pandas data frame of the workflow builder. Parameters ---------- data_label : str Internal label used to plot and compare multiple data sets. data_frame : pandas.DataFrame Pandas data frame. termination_labels : list (optional) List of termination indicies. If set to ``None`` the termination index for each facet is extracted from the input SurfaceData of the workflow. ter_labeling_scheme : str (optional) Automatic labeling for surface slabs. extract_electronic_properties : bool (optional) Whether to extract the band gap and the ionization potential from the calculated band structure. """ from aim2dat.plots import BandStructurePlot from aim2dat.ext_interfaces.aiida import _load_data_node energy_pattern = re.compile(r"total_energy\s+\((\w+)?\)") for col in data_frame.columns: if len(energy_pattern.findall(col)) > 0: energy_col = col energy_unit = energy_pattern.findall(col)[0] for row_idx, (_, row) in enumerate(data_frame.iterrows()): kwargs = {} inp_surface = _load_data_node(row["parent_node"]) opt_slab = _load_data_node(row["optimized_structure"]) p_cell_v = [ v for idx, v in enumerate(opt_slab.cell) if idx != inp_surface.aperiodic_dir ] # if data_labels is None: # dl = "(" + "".join([str(val) for val in inp_surface.miller_indices]) + ")" # else: # dl = data_labels[row_idx] # miller_indices = inp_surface.miller_indices if termination_labels is None: t_label = "Ter. " + str(inp_surface.termination) else: t_label = termination_labels[row_idx] if "band_structure" in row: bs_plot = BandStructurePlot() bs_plot.import_from_aiida_bandsdata("_", row["band_structure"]) gap_info = bs_plot.calculate_band_gap("_") kwargs["Band gap"] = gap_info["indirect_gap"] kwargs["Ionization potential"] = gap_info["vbm_energy"] * -1.0 for key, value in row.items(): if "e_fermi" in key: # TODO add unit conversion kwargs["Work function"] = row[key] * -1.0 break self.add_surface_facet( data_label, opt_slab.get_formula(), float(row[energy_col]), float(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(p_cell_v[0], p_cell_v[1]))), termination_label=t_label, miller_indices=inp_surface.miller_indices, area_unit="angstrom", energy_unit=energy_unit, **kwargs, )
def _prepare_to_plot(self, data_labels, subplot_assignment): el1 = self.plot_element if el1 is None: el1 = list(self._elemental_phases.keys())[0] for el in self._elemental_phases.keys(): if el != el1: el2 = el create_fct = getattr(self, "_create_" + self.plot_type + "_data_sets") data_sets, sec_axis = create_fct(data_labels, subplot_assignment, el1, el2) return ( data_sets, None, None, None, None, sec_axis, ) def _create_chem_potential_data_sets(self, data_labels, subplot_assignment, el1, el2): # Set axis labels: if self.show_x_label and self.x_label is None: self.x_label = ( r"$\left(\mu_\mathrm{" + el1 + r"} - \mu^\mathrm{bulk}_\mathrm{" + el1 + r"}\right)$ in " + UnitConverter.plot_labels[self.energy_unit] ) if ( self.show_y_label and self.y_label is None and self.plot_properties[0] == "surface_energy" ): self.y_label = ( "Surface energy in " + UnitConverter.plot_labels[self.energy_unit] + "/" + UnitConverter.plot_labels[self.area_unit] + r"$^\mathrm{2}$" ) # Set boundaries: e_shift = UnitConverter.convert_units( self._elemental_phases[el1]["total_energy"], self._elemental_phases[el1]["unit"], self.energy_unit, ) e_max = 0.0 e_bulk = UnitConverter.convert_units( self._bulk_phase["total_energy"], self._bulk_phase["unit"], self.energy_unit ) e_min = ( e_bulk - self._bulk_phase["formula"][el2] * UnitConverter.convert_units( self._elemental_phases[el2]["total_energy"], self._elemental_phases[el2]["unit"], self.energy_unit, ) ) / self._bulk_phase["formula"][el1] - e_shift values_tl = [e_min, e_max] labels_tl = [f"{el1}-poor", f"{el1}-rich"] # Create data sets: color_map = {} ls_map = {} data_sets = [ [ {"x": e_min, "color": "black", "linestyle": "--", "scaled": True, "type": "vline"}, {"x": e_max, "color": "black", "linestyle": "--", "scaled": True, "type": "vline"}, ] for _ in range(max(subplot_assignment) + 1) ] for dl, subp_a in zip(data_labels, subplot_assignment): if self.plot_properties[0] == "surface_energy": data_sets[subp_a] += self._process_surface_energy( dl, el1, el2, e_bulk, e_min, e_max, e_shift, color_map, ls_map ) else: data_sets[subp_a] += self._process_property( dl, el1, el2, e_bulk, e_min, e_max, e_shift, color_map, ls_map ) return data_sets, [{"ticks": values_tl, "tick_labels": labels_tl, "coord": "x"}] def _create_excess_atoms_data_sets(self, data_labels, subplot_assignment, el1, el2): ratio = self.bulk_phase["formula"][el1] / self.bulk_phase["formula"][el2] # print(ratio) if self.show_x_label and self.x_label is None: self.x_label = ( f"Nr. excess {el1} atoms in #/{UnitConverter.plot_labels[self.area_unit]}" + r"$^\mathrm{2}$" ) # TODO change to autoset properties... marker_map = {} color_map = {} data_sets = [{} for _ in range(max(subplot_assignment) + 1)] excess_maps = [{} for _ in range(max(subplot_assignment) + 1)] for subp_idx in range(max(subplot_assignment) + 1): for ds_idx, subp_a in enumerate(subplot_assignment): if subp_a != subp_idx: continue for surface in self._data[data_labels[ds_idx]]: label = data_labels[ds_idx] group_label = "" area = UnitConverter.convert_units( surface["area"], surface["area_unit"], self.area_unit ) excess = ( 0.5 * (surface["formula"][el1] - ratio * surface["formula"][el2]) / area ) customdata = [excess] if "miller_indices" in surface: m_idx_str = _transform_miller_indices_to_str(surface["miller_indices"]) customdata.append(m_idx_str) label += " " + m_idx_str else: customdata.append(None) if "ter" in surface: group_label += surface["ter"] customdata.append(surface["ter"]) else: customdata.append(None) for key in ["Ionization potential", "Work function", "Band gap"]: customdata.append(surface["properties"].get(key, "")) if excess in excess_maps[subp_idx]: if group_label not in excess_maps[subp_idx][excess]["group_labels"]: excess_maps[subp_idx][excess]["group_labels"].append(group_label) else: excess_maps[subp_idx][excess] = {"group_labels": [group_label]} if label not in marker_map: marker_map[label] = ( max(list(marker_map.values())) + 1 if len(marker_map) > 0 else 0 ) properties = [] for prop in self.plot_properties: if prop not in surface["properties"]: properties.append(None) continue if prop in excess_maps[subp_idx][excess]: excess_maps[subp_idx][excess][prop] = ( min( [ excess_maps[subp_idx][excess][prop][0], surface["properties"][prop], ] ), max( [ excess_maps[subp_idx][excess][prop][1], surface["properties"][prop], ] ), ) else: excess_maps[subp_idx][excess][prop] = ( surface["properties"][prop], surface["properties"][prop], ) properties.append(surface["properties"][prop]) if group_label in data_sets[subp_idx]: data_sets[subp_idx][group_label].append( (label, excess, properties, customdata) ) else: data_sets[subp_idx][group_label] = [ (label, excess, properties, customdata) ] plot_data_sets = [[] for _ in range(max(subplot_assignment) + 1)] for excess_map, plot_ds, ds in zip(excess_maps, plot_data_sets, data_sets): excess_s = sorted(list(excess_map.keys())) # Plot hull for each property: for prop_idx, prop in enumerate(self.plot_properties): x_values = [] y_values = [[], []] for excess in excess_s: if prop not in excess_map[excess]: continue if all(v0 is not None for v0 in excess_map[excess][prop]): x_values.append(excess) for i0 in range(2): y_values[i0].append(excess_map[excess][prop][i0]) plot_ds.append( { "x_values": x_values, "y_values": y_values[0], # "y_values_2": y_values[0], "type": "scatter", "color": prop_idx, "linestyle": prop_idx, # "use_fill_between": True, "alpha": prop_idx, } ) plot_ds.append( { "x_values": x_values, "y_values": y_values[1], # "y_values_2": y_values[0], "type": "scatter", "color": prop_idx, "linestyle": prop_idx, # "use_fill_between": True, "alpha": prop_idx, } ) used_group_labels = [] for excess in excess_s: for group_label in excess_map[excess]["group_labels"]: if group_label in used_group_labels: continue used_group_labels.append(group_label) for data_p in ds[group_label]: if group_label in color_map: color = color_map[group_label] else: color = len(self.plot_properties) if len(color_map) > 0: color = max(list(color_map.values())) + 1 color_map[group_label] = color plot_ds.append( { "x_values": [data_p[1]] * len(self.plot_properties), "y_values": data_p[2], "linestyle": "none", "type": "scatter", "marker": marker_map[data_p[0]], "color": color, "label": data_p[0], "legendgrouptitle_text": group_label, "legendgroup": group_label, "group_by": "color", "customdata": [data_p[3]] * len(self.plot_properties), "hovertemplate": "<b>Excess:</b> %{customdata[0]}<br>" + "<b>Miller indices:</b> %{customdata[1]}<br>" + "<b>Ter.:</b> %{customdata[2]}<br>" + "<b>Ionization potential:</b> %{customdata[3]}<br>" + "<b>Work function:</b> %{customdata[4]}<br>" + "<b>Band gap:</b> %{customdata[5]}", } ) if max(subplot_assignment) == 0: self._legend_order = (None, list(marker_map.keys())) return plot_data_sets, None def _process_surface_energy( self, dl, el1, el2, e_bulk, e_min, e_max, e_shift, color_map, ls_map ): data_sets = [] for facet in self._data[dl]: m_indices_str = _transform_miller_indices_to_str(facet["miller_indices"]) data_set = { "x_values": [float(val) for val in np.linspace(e_min, e_max, 500)], "type": "scatter", "color": _check_map(color_map, facet["ter"]), "legendgrouptitle_text": facet["ter"], "legendgroup": facet["ter"], "label": m_indices_str, "group_by": "color", "linestyle": _check_map(ls_map, m_indices_str), "linewidth": _check_map(ls_map, m_indices_str), } # TODO do conversions once and not at each step. data_set["y_values"] = [ self._calculate_surf_energy(x_val, el1, el2, e_bulk, facet, e_shift) for x_val in data_set["x_values"] ] data_sets.append(data_set) return data_sets def _process_property(self, dl, el1, el2, e_bulk, e_min, e_max, e_shift, color_map, ls_map): data_sets = [] x_values = [float(val) for val in np.linspace(e_min, e_max, 500)] for plot_idx, plot_label in enumerate(self.plot_properties): l_surf_e = {} extra_prop = {} for facet in self._data[dl]: if plot_label not in facet["properties"]: continue surf_e = [ self._calculate_surf_energy(x_val, el1, el2, e_bulk, facet, e_shift) for x_val in x_values ] if dl in l_surf_e: for idx0, (surf_val1, surf_val2) in enumerate(zip(l_surf_e[dl], surf_e)): if surf_val2 < surf_val1: l_surf_e[dl][idx0] = surf_val2 extra_prop[dl][idx0] = facet["properties"][plot_label] else: l_surf_e[dl] = surf_e extra_prop[dl] = [facet["properties"][plot_label]] * 500 for dl0, y_values in extra_prop.items(): data_sets.append( { "x_values": x_values, "y_values": y_values, "type": "scatter", "color": _check_map(color_map, facet["ter"]), "label": plot_label, "linestyle": plot_idx, "linewidth": plot_idx, "legendgrouptitle_text": dl0, "legendgroup": dl0, "group_by": "color", } ) return data_sets @staticmethod def _check_unit(value): value = value.lower() if value not in UnitConverter.available_units: raise ValueError(f"{value} as unit not supported.") return value @staticmethod def _check_formula(value): if isinstance(value, dict): pass elif isinstance(value, str): value = utils_cf.transform_str_to_dict(value) elif isinstance(value, list): value = utils_cf.transform_list_to_dict(value) else: raise TypeError("Could not process `formula`.") return value def _calculate_surf_energy(self, x_val, el1, el2, e_bulk, surface, e_shift): slab_el1 = surface["formula"][el1] slab_el2 = surface["formula"][el2] bulk_el1 = self._bulk_phase["formula"][el1] bulk_el2 = self._bulk_phase["formula"][el2] e_slab = UnitConverter.convert_units( surface["total_energy"], surface["energy_unit"], self.energy_unit ) area = UnitConverter.convert_units(surface["area"], surface["area_unit"], self.area_unit) return ( 0.5 * ( e_slab - slab_el1 * (x_val + e_shift) - slab_el2 * (e_bulk - bulk_el1 * (x_val + e_shift)) / bulk_el2 ) / area )