Source code for aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.dscribe_descriptors

"""Wrappers for dscribe descriptors."""

# Standard library imports
from typing import List

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces import _return_ext_interface_modules
from aim2dat.strct.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.decorator import external_analysis_method

[docs] @external_analysis_method def calculate_interaction_matrix( structure: Structure, matrix_type: str = "coulomb", n_atoms_max: int = None, enforce_real: bool = False, permutation: str = "eigenspectrum", sigma: float = None, seed: int = None, sparse: bool = False, ewald_accuracy: float = 1.0e-5, ewald_w: int = 1, ewald_r_cut: float = None, ewald_g_cut: float = None, ewald_a: float = None, dscribe_n_jobs: int = 1, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool = False, ) -> list: """ Calculate interaction matrices as defined in :doi:`10.1002/qua.24917`. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package. Attributes ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure object. matrix_type : str Matrix type. Supported options are ``'coulomb'``, ``'ewald_sum'`` or ``'sine'``. permutation : str Defines the output format. Options are: ``'none'``, ``'sorted_l2'``, ``'eigenspectrum'`` or ``'random'``. sigma : float Standar deviation of the Gaussian distributed noise when using ``'random'`` for ``permutation``. seed : int Seed for the random numbers in case ``'random'`` is chosen for the ``permutation`` attibute. sparse : bool Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense 1D array. ewald_accuracy : float Accuracy threshold for the Ewald sum. ewald_w : int Weight parameter. ewald_r_cut : float or None Real space cutoff parameter. ewald_g_cut : float or None Reciprocal space cutoff parameter. ewald_a : float or None Parameter controlling the width of the Gaussian functions. dscribe_n_jobs : int Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix. dscribe_only_physical_cores : bool Whether to only use physicsl cores. Returns -------- list Interaction matrix descriptor. """ return _return_ext_interface_modules("dscribe").calc_interaction_matrix( structure=structure, matrix_type=matrix_type, n_atoms_max=n_atoms_max, enforce_real=enforce_real, permutation=permutation, sigma=sigma, seed=seed, sparse=sparse, ewald_accuracy=ewald_accuracy, ewald_w=ewald_w, ewald_r_cut=ewald_r_cut, ewald_g_cut=ewald_g_cut, ewald_a=ewald_a, dscribe_n_jobs=dscribe_n_jobs, dscribe_only_physical_cores=dscribe_only_physical_cores, )
[docs] @external_analysis_method def calculate_acsf_descriptor( structure: Structure, r_cut: float = 7.5, g2_params: list = None, g3_params: list = None, g4_params: list = None, g5_params: list = None, elements: list = None, periodic: bool = False, sparse: bool = False, dscribe_n_jobs: int = 1, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool = False, ) -> List[float]: """ Calculate ACSF descriptor as defined in :doi:`10.1063/1.3553717`. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure object. r_cut : float Cutoff value. g2_params : np.array List of pairs of eta and R_s values for the G^2 functions. g3_params : np.array List of kappa values for the G^3 functions. g4_params : np.array List of triplets of eta, zeta and lambda values for G^4 functions. g5_params : np.array List of triplets of eta, zeta and lambda values for G^5 functions. elements : list List of atomic numbers or chemical symbols. periodic : bool Whether to consider periodic boundary conditions. sparse : bool Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense array. dscribe_n_jobs : int Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix. dscribe_only_physical_cores : bool Whether to only use physicsl cores. Returns -------- list ACSF descriptor. """ return _return_ext_interface_modules("dscribe").calc_acsf_descriptor( structure=structure, r_cut=r_cut, g2_params=g2_params, g3_params=g3_params, g4_params=g4_params, g5_params=g5_params, elements=elements, periodic=periodic, sparse=sparse, dscribe_n_jobs=dscribe_n_jobs, dscribe_only_physical_cores=dscribe_only_physical_cores, )
[docs] @external_analysis_method def calculate_soap_descriptor( structure: Structure, r_cut: float = 7.5, n_max: list = 8, l_max: list = 6, sigma: float = 1.0, rbf: str = "gto", weighting: dict = None, compression: dict = {"mode": "off", "species_weighting": None}, average: str = "off", elements: list = None, periodic: bool = False, sparse: bool = False, dscribe_n_jobs: int = 1, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool = False, ) -> List[float]: """ Calculate SOAP descriptor as defined in :doi:`10.1103/PhysRevB.87.184115`. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure object. r_cut : float Cutoff value. n_max : int The number of radial basis functions. l_max : int The maximum degree of spherical harmonics. sigma : float The standard deviation of the gaussians. rbf : str The radial basis functions to use. Supported options are: ``'gto'`` or ``'polynomial'``. weighting : dict Contains the options which control the weighting of the atomic density. compression : dict Feature compression options. average : str The averaging mode over the centers of interest. Supported options are: ``'off'``, ``'inner'`` or ``'outer'``. elements : list List of atomic numbers or chemical symbols. periodic : bool Whether to consider periodic boundary conditions. sparse : bool Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense array. dscribe_n_jobs : int Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix. dscribe_only_physical_cores : bool Whether to only use physicsl cores. Returns -------- list SOAP descriptor. """ return _return_ext_interface_modules("dscribe").calc_soap_descriptor( structure=structure, r_cut=r_cut, n_max=n_max, l_max=l_max, sigma=sigma, rbf=rbf, weighting=weighting, compression=compression, average=average, elements=elements, periodic=periodic, sparse=sparse, dscribe_n_jobs=dscribe_n_jobs, dscribe_only_physical_cores=dscribe_only_physical_cores, )
[docs] @external_analysis_method def calculate_mbtr_descriptor( structure: Structure, geometry: dict = {"function": "inverse_distance"}, grid: dict = {"min": 0, "max": 1, "n": 100, "sigma": 0.1}, weighting: dict = {"function": "exp", "scale": 1.0, "threshold": 1e-3}, normalize_gaussians: bool = True, normalization: str = "l2", elements: list = None, periodic: bool = False, sparse: bool = False, dscribe_n_jobs: int = 1, dscribe_only_physical_cores: bool = False, ) -> List[float]: """ Calculate MBTR descriptor as defined in :doi:`10.1088/2632-2153/aca005`. This method is based on the implementations of the dscribe python package. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure object. geometry : dict Setup the geometry function. grid : dict Setup the discretization grid. weighting : dict Setup the weighting function and its parameters. normalize_gaussians : bool Whether to normalize the gaussians to an area of 1. normalization : str Method for normalizing. Supported options are ``'none'``, ``'l2'``, ``'n_atoms'``, ``'valle_oganov'``. elements : list List of atomic numbers or chemical symbols. periodic : bool Whether to consider periodic boundary conditions. sparse : bool Whether to return a sparse matrix or a dense array. dscribe_n_jobs : int Number of jobs used by dscribe to calculate the interaction matrix. dscribe_only_physical_cores : bool Whether to only use physicsl cores. Returns -------- list MBTR descriptor. """ return _return_ext_interface_modules("dscribe").calc_mbtr_descriptor( structure=structure, geometry=geometry, grid=grid, weighting=weighting, normalize_gaussians=normalize_gaussians, normalization=normalization, elements=elements, periodic=periodic, sparse=sparse, dscribe_n_jobs=dscribe_n_jobs, dscribe_only_physical_cores=dscribe_only_physical_cores, )