Source code for aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.warren_cowley_order_parameters

"""Functions to calculate the Warren-Cowley like order parameters."""

# Standard library imports
from statistics import mean

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.strct.ext_analysis.decorator import external_analysis_method
from aim2dat.strct.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.utils.maths import calc_polygon_area

[docs] @external_analysis_method def calculate_warren_cowley_order_p( structure: Structure, r_max: float = 20.0, max_shells: int = 3 ): """ Calculate Warren-Cowley like order parameters as defined in :doi:`10.1103/PhysRevB.96.024104`. Parameters ----------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure object. r_max : float (optional) Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom. max_shells : int Number of neighbour shells that are evaluated. Returns -------- dict Dictionary containing the order parameters. """ # TODO calculate in voronoi tessellation? and implement different weights voronoi_list = structure.calculate_voronoi_tessellation(r_max) for vlist_site in voronoi_list: for vinfo in vlist_site: vinfo["weight"] = calc_polygon_area(vinfo["vertices"]) kinds = structure["elements"] kind_dict = structure._element_dict at_fracts = {kind: len(val) / len(kinds) for kind, val in kind_dict.items()} order_p_list = [] if len(kind_dict) == 1: return None, { "order_p": {kinds[0]: [0.0 for _ in range(max_shells)]}, "order_p_sites": [[0.0 for _ in range(max_shells)] for _ in kinds], } for site_idx, kind in enumerate(kinds): total_weights = [0.0 for idx in range(max_shells)] order_p = [0.0 for idx in range(max_shells)] _calculate_order_p_recursive( (site_idx, (0, 0, 0)), 0, 1.0, [], order_p, total_weights, kinds, max_shells, voronoi_list, ) order_p_list.append( [float(1.0 - val / at_fracts[kind] / t_w) for val, t_w in zip(order_p, total_weights)] ) order_p_dict = {} for kind, kind_sites in kind_dict.items(): order_p_dict[kind] = [ mean(order_p_list[idx][shell] for idx in kind_sites) for shell in range(max_shells) ] return None, {"order_p": order_p_dict, "order_p_sites": order_p_list}
def _calculate_order_p_recursive( current_rep, shell, cumul_w, rep_list, order_p, total_weights, kinds, max_shells, voronoi_list ): if shell < max_shells: orig_kind = kinds[current_rep[0]] if len(rep_list) == 0 else kinds[rep_list[0][0]] neighbours = voronoi_list[current_rep[0]] rep_list.append(current_rep) for neigh_info in neighbours: neigh_rep = ( neigh_info["index"], tuple(val0 + val1 for val0, val1 in zip(current_rep[1], neigh_info["replica"])), ) if any(neigh_rep == rep0 for rep0 in rep_list): continue weight = neigh_info["weight"] * cumul_w total_weights[shell] += weight if kinds[neigh_rep[0]] == orig_kind: order_p[shell] += weight _calculate_order_p_recursive( neigh_rep, shell + 1, weight, rep_list.copy(), order_p, total_weights, kinds, max_shells, voronoi_list, )