Source code for aim2dat.strct.ext_manipulation.add_functional_group

"""Module that implements functions to change molecular or crystalline structures."""

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.strct.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.strct.ext_manipulation.add_structure import add_structure_coord

[docs] def add_functional_group( structure: Structure, wrap: bool = False, host_index: int = 0, functional_group: str = "CH3", bond_length: float = 1.25, r_max: float = 15.0, cn_method: str = "minimum_distance", min_dist_delta: float = 0.1, n_nearest_neighbours: int = 5, econ_tolerance: float = 0.5, econ_conv_threshold: float = 0.001, voronoi_weight_type: float = "rel_solid_angle", voronoi_weight_threshold: float = 0.5, okeeffe_weight_threshold: float = 0.5, change_label: bool = False, ) -> Structure: """ Add a functional group or an atom to a host site. Notes ----- This function is depreciated and will be removed soon. Please use ``aim2dat.strct.ext_manipulation.add_structure`` instead. Parameters ---------- structure : aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure to which the guest structure is added. wrap : bool (optional) Wrap atomic positions back into the unit cell. host_index : int Index of the host site. functional_group : str Functional group or element symbol of the added functional group or atom. bond_length : float Bond length between the host atom and the base atom of the functional group. r_max : float (optional) Cut-off value for the maximum distance between two atoms in angstrom. cn_method : str (optional) Method used to calculate the coordination environment. min_dist_delta : float (optional) Tolerance parameter that defines the relative distance from the nearest neighbour atom for the ``'minimum_distance'`` method. n_nearest_neighbours : int (optional) Number of neighbours that are considered coordinated for the ``'n_neighbours'`` method. econ_tolerance : float (optional) Tolerance parameter for the econ method. econ_conv_threshold : float (optional) Convergence threshold for the econ method. voronoi_weight_type : str (optional) Weight type of the Voronoi facets. Supported options are ``'covalent_atomic_radius'``, ``'area'`` and ``'solid_angle'``. The prefix ``'rel_'`` specifies that the relative weights with respect to the maximum value of the polyhedron are calculated. voronoi_weight_threshold : float (optional) Weight threshold to consider a neighbouring atom coordinated. change_label : bool (optional) Add suffix to the label of the new structure highlighting the performed manipulation. Returns ------- aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure with attached functional group. """ from warnings import warn warn( "This function will be removed soon, please use " + "`strct.ext_manipulation.add_structure_coord` instead.", DeprecationWarning, 2, ) return add_structure_coord( structure=structure, wrap=wrap, host_indices=host_index, guest_index=0, guest_structure=functional_group, bond_length=bond_length, r_max=r_max, cn_method=cn_method, min_dist_delta=min_dist_delta, n_nearest_neighbours=n_nearest_neighbours, econ_tolerance=econ_tolerance, econ_conv_threshold=econ_conv_threshold, voronoi_weight_type=voronoi_weight_type, voronoi_weight_threshold=voronoi_weight_threshold, okeeffe_weight_threshold=okeeffe_weight_threshold, change_label=change_label, )