Source code for aim2dat.strct.strct

"""Module implementing a Structure class."""

# Standard library imports
import copy
from typing import List, Union
from import Callable

# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms

    import aiida
except ImportError:
    aiida = None

    import pymatgen
except ImportError:
    pymatgen = None

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces import _return_ext_interface_modules
from aim2dat.strct.strct_io import get_structure_from_file
from import zeo
from aim2dat.strct.strct_validation import (
from aim2dat.strct.mixin import AnalysisMixin, ManipulationMixin
import aim2dat.utils.chem_formula as utils_cf
import aim2dat.utils.print as utils_pr
from aim2dat.utils.maths import calc_angle

def _compare_function_args(args1, args2):
    """Compare function arguments to check if a property needs to be recalculated."""
    for kwarg, value1 in args1.items():
        if value1 != args2[kwarg]:
            return False
    return True

def _create_index_dict(value):
    index_dict = {}
    for idx, val in enumerate(value):
        if val in index_dict:
            index_dict[val] = [idx]
    return index_dict

def _check_calculated_properties(structure, func, func_args):
    property_name = "_".join(func.__name__.split("_")[1:])
    if structure.store_calculated_properties and property_name in structure._function_args:
        if _compare_function_args(structure._function_args[property_name], func_args):
            return structure.extras[property_name]
    calc_attr, calc_extra = func(structure, **func_args)
    if calc_attr is not None:
        structure.set_attribute(property_name, calc_attr)
    if structure.store_calculated_properties:
        if calc_extra is not None:
            structure._extras[property_name] = calc_extra
        structure._function_args[property_name] = func_args
    return calc_extra

[docs] def import_method(func): """Mark function as import function.""" func._is_import_method = True return func
[docs] def export_method(func): """Mark function as export function.""" func._is_export_method = True return func
[docs] class Structure(AnalysisMixin, ManipulationMixin): """ Represents a structure and contains methods to calculate properties of a structure (molecule or crystal) or to manipulate a structure. """ def __init__( self, elements: List[str], positions: List[List[float]], pbc: List[bool], is_cartesian: bool = True, wrap: bool = False, cell: List[List[float]] = None, kinds: List[str] = None, label: str = None, site_attributes: dict = None, store_calculated_properties: bool = True, attributes: dict = None, extras: dict = None, function_args: dict = None, ): """Initialize object.""" self._inverse_cell = None self._site_attributes = {} self.elements = elements self.kinds = kinds self.cell = cell self.pbc = pbc self.label = label self.site_attributes = site_attributes self.store_calculated_properties = store_calculated_properties self._attributes = {} if attributes is None else attributes self._extras = {} if extras is None else extras self._function_args = {} if function_args is None else function_args self.set_positions(positions, is_cartesian=is_cartesian, wrap=wrap) def __str__(self): """Represent object as string.""" def _parse_vector(vector): vector = ["{0:.4f}".format(val) for val in vector] return "[" + " ".join([" ".join([""] * (9 - len(val))) + val for val in vector]) + "]" output_str = utils_pr._print_title(f"Structure: {self.label}") + "\n\n" output_str += " Formula: " + utils_cf.transform_dict_to_str(self.chem_formula) + "\n" output_str += " PBC: [" + " ".join(str(val) for val in self.pbc) + "]\n\n" if self.cell is not None: output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Cell") + "\n" # output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Cell") output_str += utils_pr._print_list( "Vectors:", [_parse_vector(val) for val in self.cell] ) output_str += " Lengths: " + _parse_vector(self.cell_lengths) + "\n" output_str += " Angles: " + _parse_vector(self.cell_angles) + "\n" output_str += " Volume: {0:.4f}\n\n".format(self.cell_volume) output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Sites") + "\n" sites_list = [] for el, kind, cart_pos, scaled_pos in self.iter_sites( get_kind=True, get_scaled_pos=True, get_cart_pos=True ): site_str = f"{el} " + " ".join([""] * (3 - len(el))) site_str += ( f"{kind} " + " ".join([""] * (6 - len(str(kind)))) + _parse_vector(cart_pos) ) if scaled_pos is not None: site_str += " " + _parse_vector(scaled_pos) sites_list.append(site_str) output_str += utils_pr._print_list("", sites_list) output_str += utils_pr._print_hline() return output_str def __len__(self): """int: Get number of sites.""" return len(self.elements) def __iter__(self): """Iterate through element and cartesian position.""" for el, pos in zip(self.elements, self.positions): yield el, pos def __contains__(self, key: str): """Check whether Structure contains the key.""" keys_to_check = [ d for d in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self, d)) and not d.startswith("_") ] return key in keys_to_check # key in self.__dict__.keys() def __getitem__(self, key: str): """Return structure property by key or list of keys.""" if isinstance(key, list): try: return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in key} except AttributeError: raise KeyError(f"Key `{key} is not present.") elif isinstance(key, str): try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(f"Key `{key} is not present.") def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Create a deepcopy of the object.""" copy = Structure( elements=self.elements, positions=self.positions, cell=self.cell, pbc=self.pbc, is_cartesian=True, kinds=self.kinds, attributes=self.attributes, extras=self.extras, function_args=self.function_args, label=self.label, store_calculated_properties=self.store_calculated_properties, ) memo[id(self)] = copy return copy
[docs] def keys(self) -> list: """Return property names to create the structure.""" return [ "label", "elements", "positions", "pbc", "cell", "kinds", "site_attributes", "attributes", "extras", "function_args", ]
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Structure": """Return copy of `Structure` object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def get(self, key, value=None): """Get attribute by key and return default if not present.""" try: if self[key] is None: return value else: return self[key] except KeyError: return value
@property def label(self) -> Union[str, None]: """Return label of the structure (especially relevant in StructureCollection).""" return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("`label` needs to be of type str.") self._label = value @property def elements(self) -> tuple: """Return the elements of the structure.""" return self._elements @elements.setter def elements(self, value: Union[tuple, list, np.ndarray]): elements = _structure_validate_elements(value) if self.positions is not None and len(self.positions) != len(elements): raise ValueError("Length of `elements` is unequal to length of `positions`.") self._elements = elements self._element_dict = _create_index_dict(elements) self._chem_formula = utils_cf.transform_list_to_dict(elements) @property def chem_formula(self) -> dict: """ Return chemical formula. """ return self._chem_formula @property def positions(self) -> tuple: """tuple: Return the cartesian positions of the structure.""" return getattr(self, "_positions", None) @property def scaled_positions(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: """tuple or None: Return the scaled positions of the structure.""" return getattr(self, "_scaled_positions", None) @property def pbc(self) -> tuple: """Return the pbc of the structure.""" return self._pbc @pbc.setter def pbc(self, value: Union[tuple, list, np.ndarray, bool]): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if len(value) == 3 and all(isinstance(pbc0, (bool, np.bool_)) for pbc0 in value): value = tuple([bool(pbc0) for pbc0 in value]) else: raise ValueError("`pbc` must have a length of 3 and consist of boolean variables.") else: if isinstance(value, (bool, np.bool_)): value = tuple([bool(value), bool(value), bool(value)]) else: raise TypeError("`pbc` must be a list, tuple or a boolean.") if any(val for val in value) and self.cell is None: raise ValueError( "`cell` must be set if `pbc` is set to true for one or more direction." ) self._pbc = value @property def cell(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: """Return the cell of the structure.""" return getattr(self, "_cell", None) @cell.setter def cell(self, value: Union[tuple, list, np.ndarray]): if value is not None: self._cell, self._inverse_cell = _structure_validate_cell(value) self._cell_volume = abs([0], self._cell[1]), self._cell[2])) self._cell_lengths = tuple([float(np.linalg.norm(vec)) for vec in self._cell]) self._cell_angles = tuple( [ float(calc_angle(self._cell[i1], self._cell[i2]) * 180.0 / np.pi) for i1, i2 in [(1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1)] ] ) # if hasattr(self, "_positions"): # self.set_positions(self.positions, is_cartesian=True) @property def cell_volume(self) -> Union[float, None]: """tuple: cell volume.""" return getattr(self, "_cell_volume", None) @property def cell_lengths(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: """tuple: cell lengths.""" return getattr(self, "_cell_lengths", None) @property def cell_angles(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: """tuple: Cell angles.""" return getattr(self, "_cell_angles", None) @property def kinds(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: """tuple: Kinds of the structure.""" return self._kinds @kinds.setter def kinds(self, value: Union[tuple, list]): if value is None: value = [None] * len(self.elements) if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("`kinds` must be a list or tuple.") if len(value) != len(self.elements): raise ValueError("`kinds` must have the same length as `elements`.") self._kind_dict = _create_index_dict(value) self._kinds = tuple(value) @property def site_attributes(self) -> Union[dict, None]: """ dict : Dictionary containing the label of a site attribute as key and a tuple/list of values having the same length as the ``Structure`` object itself (number of sites) containing site specific properties or attributes (e.g. charges, magnetic moments, forces, ...). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._site_attributes) @site_attributes.setter def site_attributes(self, value: dict): if value is None: value = {} for key, val in value.items(): self.set_site_attribute(key, val) @property def function_args(self) -> dict: """Return function arguments for stored extras.""" return copy.deepcopy(self._function_args) @property def attributes(self) -> dict: """Return attributes.""" return copy.deepcopy(self._attributes) @property def extras(self) -> dict: """ Return extras. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._extras) @property def store_calculated_properties(self) -> bool: """ Store calculated properties to reuse them later. """ return self._store_calculated_properties @store_calculated_properties.setter def store_calculated_properties(self, value: bool): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("`store_calculated_properties` needs to be of type bool.") self._store_calculated_properties = value
[docs] def iter_sites( self, get_kind: bool = False, get_cart_pos: bool = False, get_scaled_pos: bool = False, wrap: bool = False, site_attributes: Union[str, list] = [], ): """ Iterate through the sites of the structure. Parameters ---------- get_kind : bool (optional) Include kind in tuple. get_cart_pos : bool (optional) Include cartesian position in tuple. get_scaled_pos : bool (optional) Include scaled position in tuple. wrap : bool (optional) Wrap atomic positions back into the unit cell. site_attributes : list (optional) Include site attributes defined by their label. Yields ------ str or tuple Either element symbol or tuple containing the element symbol, kind string, cartesian position, scaled position or specified site attributes. """ if isinstance(site_attributes, str): site_attributes = [site_attributes] site_attr_dict = {} if self.site_attributes is None else self.site_attributes for idx, el in enumerate(self.elements): output = [el] if get_kind: output.append(self.kinds[idx]) pos_cart = self.positions[idx] pos_scaled = None if self.scaled_positions is None else self.scaled_positions[idx] if (get_cart_pos or get_scaled_pos) and wrap: pos_cart, pos_scaled = self._wrap_position(pos_cart, pos_scaled) if get_cart_pos: output.append(pos_cart) if get_scaled_pos: output.append(pos_scaled) for site_attr in site_attributes: output.append(site_attr_dict[site_attr][idx]) if len(output) == 1: yield el else: yield tuple(output)
[docs] def set_positions( self, positions: Union[list, tuple], is_cartesian: bool = True, wrap: bool = False ): """ Set postions of atoms. Parameters ---------- positions : list or tuple Nested list or tuple of the coordinates (n atoms x 3). is_cartesian : bool (optional) Whether the coordinates are cartesian or scaled. wrap : bool (optional) Wrap atomic positions into the unit cell. """ if len(self.elements) != len(positions): raise ValueError("`elements` and `positions` must have the same length.") self._positions, self._scaled_positions = _structure_validate_positions( positions, is_cartesian, self.cell, self._inverse_cell, self.pbc ) if wrap: new_positions = [ pos for pos in self.iter_sites(get_cart_pos=True, get_scaled_pos=True, wrap=wrap) ] _, cart_positions, scaled_positions = zip(*new_positions) self._positions = tuple(cart_positions) self._scaled_positions = tuple(scaled_positions)
[docs] def get_positions(self, cartesian: bool = True, wrap: bool = False): """ Return positions of atoms. Parameters ---------- cartesian : bool (optional) Get cartesian positions. If set to ``False`` scaled positions are returned. wrap : bool (optional) Wrap atomic positions into the unit cell. """ return tuple( pos for _, pos in self.iter_sites( get_cart_pos=cartesian, get_scaled_pos=not cartesian, wrap=wrap ) )
[docs] def set_attribute(self, key: str, value): """ Set attribute. Parameters ---------- key : str Key of the attribute. value : Value of the attribute. """ self._attributes[key] = value
[docs] def set_site_attribute(self, key: str, values: Union[list, tuple]): """ Set site attribute. Parameters ---------- key : str Key of the site attribute. values : Values of the attribute, need to have the same length as the ``Structure`` object itself (number of sites). """ if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f"Value of site property `{key}` must be a list or tuple.") if len(values) != len(self.elements): raise ValueError( f"Value of site property `{key}` must have the same length as `elements`." ) self._site_attributes[key] = tuple(values)
@classmethod @property def import_methods(cls) -> list: """list: Return import methods.""" import_methods = [] for name, method in cls.__dict__.items(): if getattr(method, "_is_import_method", False): import_methods.append(name) return import_methods @classmethod @property def export_methods(cls) -> list: """list: Return export methods.""" export_methods = [] for name, method in Structure.__dict__.items(): if getattr(method, "_is_export_method", False): export_methods.append(name) return export_methods
[docs] @import_method @classmethod def from_file( cls, file_path: str, attributes: dict = None, label: str = None, backend: str = "ase", file_format: str = None, backend_kwargs: dict = None, ) -> "Structure": """ Get structure from file using the ase read-function. Parameters ---------- file_path : str File path. attributes : dict Attributes stored within the structure object(s). label : str Label used internally to store the structure in the object. backend : str (optional) Backend to be used to parse the structure file. Supported options are ``'ase'`` and ``'internal'``. file_format : str or None (optional) File format of the backend. For ``'ase'``, please refer to the documentation of the package for a complete list. For ``'internal'``, the format translates from ``io.{module}.read_structure`` to ``'{module}'`` or from ``{module}.read_{specification}_structure`` to ``'module-specification'``. If set to ``None`` the corresponding function is searched based on the file name and suffix. backend_kwargs : dict (optional) Arguments passed to the backend function. Returns ------- aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure. """ backend_kwargs = {} if backend_kwargs is None else backend_kwargs if backend == "ase": backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("ase_atoms") if "format" not in backend_kwargs: backend_kwargs["format"] = file_format structure_dicts = backend_module._load_structure_from_file(file_path, backend_kwargs) elif backend == "internal": structure_dicts = get_structure_from_file(file_path, file_format, backend_kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Backend '{backend}' is not supported.") if isinstance(structure_dicts, dict): structure_dicts = [structure_dicts] if len(structure_dicts) == 1: if label is not None: structure_dicts[0]["label"] = label strct = cls(**structure_dicts[0], attributes=attributes) else: strct = [] for idx, structure_dict in enumerate(structure_dicts): if label is not None: structure_dict["label"] = label + f"_{idx}" strct.append(cls(**structure_dict, attributes=copy.deepcopy(attributes))) return strct
[docs] @import_method @classmethod def from_ase_atoms( cls, ase_atoms: Atoms, attributes: dict = None, label: str = None ) -> "Structure": """ Get structure from ase atoms object. Parameters ---------- ase_atoms : ase.Atoms ase Atoms object. attributes : dict Attributes stored within the structure object. label : str Label used internally to store the structure in the object. Returns ------- aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("ase_atoms") return cls( **backend_module._extract_structure_from_atoms(ase_atoms), label=label, attributes=attributes, )
[docs] @import_method @classmethod def from_pymatgen_structure( cls, pymatgen_structure: Union["pymatgen.core.Molecule", "pymatgen.core.Structure"], attributes: dict = None, label: str = None, ) -> "Structure": """ Get structure from pymatgen structure or molecule object. Parameters ---------- pymatgen_structure : pymatgen.core.Structure or pymatgen.core.Molecule pymatgen structure or molecule object. attributes : dict Additional information about the structure. label : str Label used internally to store the structure in the object. Returns ------- aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("pymatgen") return cls( **backend_module._extract_structure_from_pymatgen(pymatgen_structure), label=label, attributes=attributes, )
[docs] @import_method @classmethod def from_aiida_structuredata( cls, structure_node: Union[int, str, "aiida.orm.StructureData"], use_uuid: bool = False, label: str = None, ) -> "Structure": """ Append structure from AiiDA structure node. Parameters ---------- label : str Label used internally to store the structure in the object. structure_node : int, str or Primary key, UUID or AiiDA structure node. use_uuid : bool (optional) Whether to use the uuid (str) to represent AiiDA nodes instead of the primary key (int). Returns ------- aim2dat.strct.Structure Structure. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("aiida") structure_dict = backend_module._extract_dict_from_aiida_structure_node( structure_node, use_uuid ) if label is not None: structure_dict["label"] = label return cls(**structure_dict)
[docs] @export_method def to_dict( self, cartesian: bool = True, wrap: bool = False, include_calculated_properties: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Export structure to python dictionary. Parameters ---------- cartesian : bool (optional) Whether cartesian or scaled coordinates are returned. wrap : bool (optional) Whether the coordinates are wrapped back into the unit cell. include_calculated_properties : bool (optional) Include ``extras`` and ``function_args`` in the dictionary as well. Returns ------- dict Dictionary representing the structure. The ``Structure`` object can be retrieved via ``Structure(**dict)``. """ # TODO add test: calc_prop_keys = ["extras", "function_args"] strct_dict = {} for key in self.keys(): if (not include_calculated_properties and key in calc_prop_keys) or key == "positions": continue strct_dict[key] = getattr(self, key) strct_dict["positions"] = self.get_positions(cartesian=cartesian, wrap=wrap) if not cartesian: strct_dict["is_cartesian"] = False return strct_dict
[docs] @export_method def to_file(self, file_path: str) -> None: """ Export structure to file using the ase interface or certain file formats for Zeo++. """ if file_path.endswith((".cssr", ".v1", ".cuc")): zeo.write_to_file(self, file_path) else: backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("ase_atoms") backend_module._write_structure_to_file(self, file_path)
[docs] @export_method def to_ase_atoms(self) -> Atoms: """ Create ase Atoms object. Returns ------- ase.Atoms ase Atoms object of the structure. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("ase_atoms") return backend_module._create_atoms_from_structure(self)
[docs] @export_method def to_pymatgen_structure(self) -> Union["pymatgen.core.Molecule", "pymatgen.core.Structure"]: """ Create pymatgen Structure (if cell is not `None`) or Molecule (if cell is `None`) object. Returns ------- pymatgen.core.Structure or pymatgen.core.Molecule pymatgen structure or molecule object. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("pymatgen") return backend_module._create_pymatgen_obj(self)
[docs] @export_method def to_aiida_structuredata(self, label=None): """ Create AiiDA structuredata. Returns ------- aiida.orm.StructureData AiiDA structure node. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("aiida") return backend_module._create_structure_node(self)
def _wrap_position(self, cart_position, scaled_position): """Wrap position back into the unit cell.""" if self.cell is None: return cart_position, scaled_position if cart_position is not None: cart_position = np.array(cart_position) if scaled_position is not None: scaled_position = np.array(scaled_position) if scaled_position is None: scaled_position = np.transpose(np.array(self._inverse_cell)).dot(cart_position) for direction in range(3): if self.pbc[direction]: scaled_position[direction] = round(scaled_position[direction], 15) % 1 cart_position = np.transpose(np.array(self.cell)).dot(scaled_position) return tuple(float(p) for p in cart_position), tuple(float(p) for p in scaled_position) def _perform_strct_analysis(self, method, kwargs): return _check_calculated_properties(self, method, kwargs)
[docs] def perform_analysis(self, method: Callable, kwargs: dict = {}): """ Perform structure analaysis using an external method. Parameters ---------- method : function Analysis function. kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to the function. Returns ------ output Output of the analysis. """ if not getattr(method, "_is_analysis_method", False): raise TypeError("Function is not a structure analysis method.") return method(structure=self, **kwargs)
def _perform_strct_manipulation(self, method, kwargs): new_strct = method(structure=self, **kwargs) if isinstance(new_strct, Structure): return new_strct elif isinstance(new_strct, dict): return Structure(**new_strct) return self