Source code for aim2dat.strct.structure_collection

Module implementing the StructureCollection class to handle a set of molecular or
crystalline structures.

# Standard library imports
import re
import copy
from warnings import warn
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Iterator

# Third party library imports
import pandas as pd
from ase import Atoms

    import aiida
except ImportError:
    aiida = None

    import pymatgen
except ImportError:
    pymatgen = None

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.strct.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces import _return_ext_interface_modules
import aim2dat.utils.print as utils_pr
import aim2dat.utils.chem_formula as utils_cf

[docs] class StructureCollection: """ The StructureCollection class is a container for one or multiple atomic structures. It implements several ``import_*`` and ``append_*`` functions to add new data to the object. Parameters ---------- structures : list List of ``Structure`` or dict objects. """ def __init__(self, structures: Union[List[Union[Structure, dict]], None] = None): """Initialize object.""" self._structures = [] if structures is not None: for strct in structures: if isinstance(strct, Structure): self.append_structure(strct) elif isinstance(strct, dict): self.append(**strct) else: raise TypeError( "`structures` needs to be a list containing " "dictionary or Structure objects." ) @property def labels(self) -> List[str]: """ Labels assigened to the structures. """ return [strct.label for strct in self._structures]
[docs] def index(self, label: str): """ Return index of label. If the label is not present, ``None`` is returned. Parameters ---------- str Label of the structure. """ index = None for idx, strct in enumerate(self._structures): if strct.label == label: index = idx break return index
[docs] def items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Structure]]: """ Return a list of label, value tuples. """ return [(strct.label, strct) for strct in self._structures]
[docs] def pop(self, key: Union[str, int]) -> Structure: """ Pop structure. Parameters ---------- str Key of the structure. """ strct, index, label = self.get_structure(key, True) del self._structures[index] return strct
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Represent object as string. """ def create_structure_summaries(start, end): strct_list = [] for strct in self[start:end]: cf_str = utils_cf.transform_dict_to_str(strct.chem_formula) strct_str = ( strct.label + " ".join([""] * (20 - len(strct.label))) + " " + cf_str + " ".join([""] * (20 - len(cf_str))) ) strct_str += ( " [" + " ".join( str(val) + " ".join([""] * (6 - len(str(val)))) for val in strct.pbc ) + "]" ) strct_list.append(strct_str) return strct_list output_str = utils_pr._print_title("Structure Collection") + "\n\n" output_str += " - Number of structures: " + str(len(self)) + "\n" output_str += " - Elements: " + "-".join(self.get_all_elements()) + "\n" output_str += "\n" output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Structures") + "\n" if len(self) < 11: strct_list = create_structure_summaries(0, len(self)) else: output_str += utils_pr._print_list("", create_structure_summaries(0, 5)) output_str += " ...\n" strct_list = create_structure_summaries(len(self) - 5, len(self)) output_str += utils_pr._print_list("", strct_list) output_str += utils_pr._print_hline() return output_str def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return length of the object. """ return len(self._structures) def __getitem__( self, key: Union[str, int, tuple, list, slice] ) -> Union[Structure, "StructureCollection"]: """ Return structure by key. If a slice, tuple or list of keys is given a ``StructureCollection`` object of the subset is returned. Parameters ---------- str Key of the structure(s). Returns ------- Structure or StructureCollection structure or structures. """ if isinstance(key, (str, int)): return self.get_structure(key) elif isinstance(key, (slice, tuple, list)): new_sc = StructureCollection() if isinstance(key, slice): start = key.start if key.start is not None else 0 if start < 0: start += len(self) stop = key.stop if key.stop is not None else len(self) if stop < 0: stop += len(self) key = range(start, stop) for key0 in key: new_sc.append_structure(self.get_structure(key0)) return new_sc else: raise TypeError("key needs to be of type: str, int, slice, tuple or list.") def __setitem__(self, key: Union[str, int], value: Union[dict, Structure]): """ Set item by index or label. Parameters ---------- str Key of the structure. """ if isinstance(value, dict): value = Structure(**value) self._add_structure(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key: Union[str, int]): """ Delete item by index or label. Parameters ---------- str Key of the structure. """ self.pop(key) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Structure]: """ Iterate through structures. """ for strct in self._structures: yield strct def __add__(self, other: "StructureCollection") -> "StructureCollection": """ Add two objects. """ if type(other) is type(self): new_sc = StructureCollection() for sc_obj in [self, other]: for struct in sc_obj._structures: new_sc.append_structure(struct.copy()) return new_sc else: raise TypeError("Can only add objects of type StructureCollection.") def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "StructureCollection": """Create a deepcopy of the object.""" copy = StructureCollection() for strct in self: copy.append_structure(strct.copy()) memo[id(self)] = copy return copy
[docs] def copy(self) -> "StructureCollection": """Return copy of ``StructureCollection`` object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def append_structure(self, structure: Structure, label: str = None): """ Append ``Structure`` object to collection. The label of the structure needs to be either given via the structures's property or as keyword argument. Parameters ---------- structure : Structure Structure object. label : str (optional) String used to identify the structure. Overwrites ``label`` property of the structure. """ self._add_structure(label, structure, raise_label_error=True)
[docs] def append( self, label: str, elements: list, positions: list, pbc: list, cell: list = None, is_cartesian: bool = True, wrap: bool = False, kinds: list = None, attributes: dict = None, extras: dict = None, ): """ Append structure. Parameters ---------- label : str String used to identify the structure. elements : list List of element symbols or their atomic numbers. positions : list List of the atomic positions, either cartesian or scaled coordinates. pbc : list or bool Periodic boundary conditions. cell : list or np.array Nested 3x3 list of the cell vectors. is_cartesian : bool (optional) Whether the coordinates are cartesian or scaled. wrap : bool (optional) Wrap atomic positions back into the unit cell. kinds : list List of kind names (this allows custom kinds like Ni0, Ni1, ...). If None, the elements will be used as the kind names. attributes : dict Additional information about the structure. extras : dict Extras of the structure. """ structure = Structure( label=label, elements=elements, positions=positions, pbc=pbc, cell=cell, is_cartesian=is_cartesian, wrap=wrap, kinds=kinds, attributes=attributes, extras=None, ) self.append_structure(structure)
[docs] def append_from_aiida_structuredata( self, aiida_node: Union[int, str, "aiida.orm.StructureData"], use_uuid: bool = False, label: str = None, ): """ Append structure from aiida structuredata. Parameters ---------- aiida_node : int, str or aiida.orm.StructureData Primary key, UUID or AiiDA structure node. use_uuid : bool (optional) Whether to use the uuid (str) to represent AiiDA nodes instead of the primary key (int). label : str String used to identify the structure. Overwrites ``label`` property of the structure. """ self.append_structure( Structure.from_aiida_structuredata(aiida_node, label=label, use_uuid=use_uuid) )
[docs] def append_from_ase_atoms(self, label: str, ase_atoms: Atoms, attributes: dict = None): """ Append structure from ase atoms object. Parameters ---------- label : str String used to identify the structure. ase_atoms : ase.Atoms ase Atoms object. attributes : dict Additional information about the structure. """ self.append_structure( Structure.from_ase_atoms(ase_atoms, label=label, attributes=attributes) )
[docs] def append_from_pymatgen_structure( self, label: str, pymatgen_structure: Union["pymatgen.core.Molecule", "pymatgen.core.Structure"], attributes: dict = None, ): """ Append structure from pymatgen structure or molecule object. Parameters ---------- label : str String used to identify the structure. pymatgen_structure : pymatgen.core.Structure or pymatgen.core.Molecule pymatgen structure or molecule object. attributes : dict Additional information about the structure. """ self.append_structure( Structure.from_pymatgen_structure( pymatgen_structure, label=label, attributes=attributes ) )
[docs] def append_from_file( self, label: str, file_path: str, attributes: dict = None, backend: str = "ase", backend_kwargs: dict = None, ): """ Append structure from file using the ase read-function. Parameters ---------- label : str String used to identify the structure. file_path : str File path. attributes : dict Additional information about the structure. """ structure = Structure.from_file( file_path, label=label, attributes=attributes, backend=backend, backend_kwargs=backend_kwargs, ) if isinstance(structure, Structure): structure = [structure] for strct in structure: self.append_structure(strct)
[docs] def import_from_aiida_db( self, group_label: str = None, use_uuid: bool = False, raise_error: bool = True ): """ Import from the AiiDA database. Parameters ---------- group_label : str or list (optional) Constrains query to structures that are member of the group(s). use_uuid : bool (optional) Whether to use the uuid (str) to represent AiiDA nodes instead of the primary key (int). raise_error : bool (optional) Whether to raise an error if one of the constraints is not met. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("aiida") structure_nodes = [] if not isinstance(group_label, list): group_label = [group_label] for gl0 in group_label: structure_nodes = backend_module._query_structure_nodes(group_label=gl0) for structure_node in structure_nodes: structure = Structure.from_aiida_structuredata(structure_node, use_uuid) if structure.label is None: structure.label = f"aiida_{len(self)}" self._add_structure( key=structure.label, structure=structure, raise_label_error=raise_error, raise_label_warning=True, )
[docs] def import_from_pandas_df( self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, structure_column: str = "optimized_structure", exclude_columns: list = [], use_uuid: bool = False, raise_error: bool = True, ): """ Import from pandas data frame. Parameters ---------- data_frame : pd.DataFrame Pandas data frame containing at least one column with the AiiDA structure nodes. structure_column : str (optional) Column containing AiiDA structure nodes used to determine structural and compositional properties. The default value is ``'optimized_structure'``. exclude_columns : list (optional) Columns of the data frame that are excluded. The default value is ``[]``. use_uuid : bool (optional) Whether to use the uuid (str) to represent AiiDA nodes instead of the primary key (int). raise_error : bool (optional) Whether to raise an error if one of the constraints is not met. """ label_unit_pattern = re.compile(r"^([\S\s]+)?\s\(([\S\s]+)\)$") backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("aiida") for _, row in data_frame.iterrows(): structure_node = row.pop(structure_column) if structure_node is None or structure_node is pd.NA: continue structure = Structure.from_aiida_structuredata(structure_node, use_uuid) if structure.label is None and "parent_node" in row: structure.label = backend_module._extract_label_from_aiida_node(row["parent_node"]) if "label" in row: new_label = row.pop("label") if structure.label is None: structure.label = new_label if structure.label is None: structure.label = f"pandas_{len(self)}" for label0, value in row.items(): if "el_conc" in label0 or "nr_atoms" in label0: continue if label0 in exclude_columns: continue match = label_unit_pattern.match(label0) if match: structure.set_attribute( match.groups()[0], { "value": data_frame.dtypes[label0].type(value), "unit": match.groups()[1], }, ) else: try: structure.set_attribute(label0, data_frame.dtypes[label0].type(value)) except TypeError: continue self._add_structure( structure.label, structure, raise_label_warning=True, raise_label_error=raise_error )
[docs] def import_from_hdf5_file(self, file_path: str, raise_error: bool = True): """ Import from hdf5-file. Calculated extras are not yet supported. Parameters ------------ file_path : str File path. raise_error : bool (optional) Whether to raise an error if one of the constraints is not met. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("hdf5") for structure in backend_module._import_from_hdf5_file(file_path): self._add_structure( structure.label, structure, raise_label_warning=True, raise_label_error=False, )
[docs] def duplicate_structure(self, key: Union[str, int], new_label: str): """ Duplicate structure. Parameters ---------- key : str or int Key of the structure. new_label : str Label of the copied structure. """ self.append_structure(self.get_structure(key), label=new_label)
[docs] def get_structure(self, key: Union[str, int], return_index_label: bool = False) -> Structure: """ Get structure by key. Parameters ---------- key : str or int Key of the structure. Returns ---------- Structure structure. """ # TODO index, label = self._get_index_label(key) if index is None or label is None: structure = None else: structure = self._structures[index] if return_index_label: return structure, index, label return structure
[docs] def get_all_structures(self) -> List[Structure]: """ Return a list of all structures. Returns ------- list List of all structures stored in the object. """ return [self.get_structure(label) for label in self.labels]
[docs] def store_in_hdf5_file(self, file_path: str): """ Store structures in hdf5-file. Calculated extras are not yet supported. Parameters ------------ file_path : str File path. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("hdf5") backend_module._store_in_hdf5_file(file_path, self._structures)
[docs] def store_in_aiida_db(self, group_label: str = None, group_description: str = None): """ Store structures into the AiiDA-database. Parameters ---------- group_label : str (optional) Label of the AiiDA group. group_description : str (optional) Description of the AiiDA group. Returns ------- list List containing dictionary of all structure nodes. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("aiida") if group_label is not None: print(f"Storing data as group `{group_label}` in the AiiDA database.") if group_description is None: group_description = "Structures from StructureCollection." return backend_module._store_data_aiida(group_label, group_description, self._structures)
[docs] def create_pandas_df(self, exclude_columns: list = []) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a pandas data frame of the object. Parameters ---------- exclude_columns : list (optional) Columns that are not shown in the pandas data frame. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Pandas data frame. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("pandas") return backend_module._create_strct_c_pandas_df(self, exclude_columns)
[docs] def get_all_elements(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the element symbols of all structures. Returns ------- list List of all element symbols . """ all_elements = [] for strct in self: all_elements += strct["elements"] return sorted(set(all_elements))
[docs] def get_all_kinds(self) -> list: """ Get the kind strings of all structures. Returns ------- list List of all kinds. """ all_kinds = [] for strct in self: all_kinds += strct.kinds return sorted(set(all_kinds))
[docs] def get_all_attribute_keys(self) -> list: """ Get all attribute keys. Returns ------- list All attribute keys. """ all_attr_keys = [] for strct in self: all_attr_keys += list(strct.attributes.keys()) return sorted(set(all_attr_keys))
def _get_index_label(self, key: Union[str, int]) -> Tuple[Union[int, None], Union[str, None]]: if isinstance(key, str): return self.index(key), key elif isinstance(key, int): if key < len(self): return key, self._structures[key].label else: return key, None return None, None def _add_structure( self, key: Union[str, int], structure: Structure, raise_label_warning: bool = False, raise_label_error: bool = False, ): if any(id(structure) == id(strct) for strct in self): structure = structure.copy() if key is None: key = structure.label if isinstance(key, str): index = self.index(key) structure.label = key if raise_label_warning and index is not None: warn( f"Index '{index}' is being overwritten.", UserWarning, 2, ) elif isinstance(key, int): if key < len(self): index = key label = self._structures[key].label if raise_label_warning: warn( # TODO untested f"Label '{label}' is being overwritten.", UserWarning, 2, ) if structure.label is None: structure.label = label elif structure.label in self.labels: raise ValueError(f"Label '{structure.label}' already used.") else: raise ValueError(f"Index out of range ({key} >= {len(self)}).") else: raise TypeError("`key` needs to be of type int or str.") if structure.label in self.labels and raise_label_error: raise ValueError(f"Label '{structure.label}' already used.") if index is None: self._structures.append(structure) else: self._structures[index] = structure