Source code for aim2dat.strct.structure_importer

"""Module that implements an interface to online databases and random crystal generation."""

# Standard library imports
import time
import math
import itertools
from typing import List, Union
import uuid

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.strct import Structure
from aim2dat.strct import StructureCollection
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces import _return_ext_interface_modules
from aim2dat.strct.mixin import ConstraintsMixin
import aim2dat.utils.print as utils_pr
import aim2dat.utils.chem_formula as utils_cf

def _update_import_details(import_details, provider, structures):
    if isinstance(structures, Structure):
        n_structures = 1
        elements = sorted(set(structures.elements))
        n_structures = len(structures)
        elements = structures.get_all_elements()
    if provider not in import_details:
        import_details[provider] = [n_structures, elements]
        import_details[provider][0] += n_structures
        import_details[provider][1] = sorted(set(import_details[provider][1] + elements))

[docs] class StructureImporter(ConstraintsMixin): """Imports structures from online databases.""" def __init__( self, structures: StructureCollection = None, neglect_elemental_structures: bool = False ): """Initialize object.""" if structures is None: structures = StructureCollection() self.structures = structures self.neglect_elemental_structures = neglect_elemental_structures self._import_details = {} def __str__(self): """ Represent object as string. """ output_str = utils_pr._print_title("Structure Collection") + "\n\n" for provider, details in self._import_details.items(): output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Imported from: " + provider) + "\n" output_str += " - Number of structures: " + str(details[0]) + "\n" output_str += " - Elements: " + "-".join(details[1]) + "\n\n" output_str += utils_pr._print_hline() + "\n\n" output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Chemical element constraints") output_str += "\n" output_str += f" Neglecting elemental structures: {self.neglect_elemental_structures}\n" if hasattr(self, "_conc_constraints") and len(self._conc_constraints) > 0: for element, constraint in self._conc_constraints.items(): output_str += utils_pr._print_list( " " + element + ":", ["min: " + str(constraint[0]), "max: " + str(constraint[1])], ) # else: # output_str += " not set.\n" output_str += "\n" output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Chemical formula constraints") output_str += "\n" if hasattr(self, "_formula_constraints") and len(self._formula_constraints) > 0: chemical_formulas = [] for formula in self._formula_constraints: if "element_set" in formula: chemical_formulas.append("-".join(formula["element_set"])) else: formula_str = utils_cf.transform_dict_to_str(formula["formula"]) if formula["is_reduced"]: formula_str += " (reduced)" chemical_formulas.append(formula_str) output_str += utils_pr._print_list(" ", chemical_formulas) else: output_str += " Not set.\n" output_str += "\n" output_str += utils_pr._print_subtitle("Attribute constraints") output_str += "\n" if hasattr(self, "_attr_constraints") and len(self._attr_constraints) > 0: for element, constraint in self._attr_constraints.items(): output_str += utils_pr._print_list( " " + element + ":", ["min: " + str(constraint[0]), "max: " + str(constraint[1])], ) else: output_str += " Not set.\n" output_str += "\n" + utils_pr._print_hline() return output_str @property def structures(self) -> StructureCollection: """Return the internal ``StructureCollection`` object.""" return self._structures @structures.setter def structures(self, value: StructureCollection): if isinstance(value, StructureCollection): self._structures = value else: raise TypeError("`structures` needs to be of type `StructureCollection`.")
[docs] def append_from_mp_by_id( self, entry_id: str, api_key: str, property_data: list = None, structure_type: str = "initial", ) -> Structure: """ Append structure via the database-id. Parameters ---------- entry_id : str Database id of the entry. api_key : str API key for the database, can be obtained here: property_data : list (optional) Extra data that is queried for each entry. The properties need to be passed as a list of strings (e.g. ``['el_band_structure', 'el_dos']`` to obtain the electronic band structure and the electronic density of states). structure_type : str (optional) Materials project includes the initial and final (relaxed) stucture in the database. The intial or final structure can be queried by setting this attribute to ``initial`` or ``final``, respectively. """ if not isinstance(api_key, str): raise TypeError( "API key needs to be set. " "It can be obtained at" ) if property_data is None: property_data = [] if structure_type == "initial": property_data.append("initial_structure") backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("mp_openapi") entry = backend_module._download_structure_by_id( entry_id, api_key, structure_type, property_data ) self.structures.append_structure(entry) _update_import_details(self._import_details, "mp_openapi", entry) return entry
[docs] def import_from_mp( self, formulas: Union[str, List[str]], api_key: str, compatible_only: bool = True, conv_unit_cell: bool = False, property_data: list = [], structure_type: str = "initial", use_openapi: bool = False, ) -> StructureCollection: """ Import structures from the crystal database Materials Project using the pymatgen interface. Parameters ---------- formulas : str or list of str List of chemical formulas or systems that are queried from the database. E.g. ``'Fe2O3'`` - defined chemical composition, ``'Cs'`` - all entries of elemental phases Cs, ``'Cs-Te'`` - all entries that exclusively contain the elements Cs and/or Te. api_key : str API key for the database, can be obtained here: compatible_only : bool (optional) Whether to only query compatible data. The default value is ``True``. conv_unit_cell : bool (optional) Query the conventional unit cell instead of the primitive unit cell. The default value is ``False``. property_data : list (optional) Extra data that is queried for each entry. The properties need to be passed as a list of strings (e.g. ``['el_bandstructure', 'el_dos']`` to obtain the electronic band structure and the electronic density of states). The default value is ``[]``. structure_type : str (optional) Materials project includes the initial and final (relaxed) structure in the database. The initial or final structure can be queried by setting this attribute to ``initial`` or ``final``, respectively. The default setting is ``initial``. use_openapi : bool (optional) Whether to use the openapi interface of Materials Project. If set to ``False`` the legacy interface is used. The default value is ``False``. """ if not isinstance(api_key, str): raise TypeError( "API key needs to be set. " "It can be obtained at" ) if structure_type not in ["initial", "final"]: raise ValueError("`structure_type` must be 'initial' or 'final'.") download_kwargs = { "mp_api_key": api_key, "inc_structure": structure_type, "property_data": list( set( [ "band_gap", "spacegroup", "total_magnetization", "formation_energy_per_atom", "e_above_hull", "icsd_ids", ] + property_data ) ), "conventional_unit_cell": conv_unit_cell, "compatible_only": compatible_only, } if use_openapi: if structure_type == "initial": download_kwargs["property_data"].append("initial_structure") return self._import_from_odb("mp_openapi", formulas, {}, download_kwargs) else: return self._import_from_odb("mp", formulas, {}, download_kwargs)
[docs] def import_from_oqmd( self, formulas: Union[str, List[str]], query_limit=1000 ) -> StructureCollection: """ Import from the open quantum materials database. Parameters ---------- formulas : str or list of str List of chemical formulas or systems that are queried from the database. E.g. ``'Fe2O3'`` - defined chemical composition, ``'Cs'`` - all entries of elemental phases Cs, ``'Cs-Te'`` - all entries that exclusively contain the elements Cs and/or Te. query_limit : int (optional) Maximum number of crystals that are queried. """ return self._import_from_odb("oqmd", formulas, {"query_limit": query_limit}, {})
[docs] def import_from_optimade( self, formulas: Union[str, List[str]], database_id: str, api_version: int = 1, optimade_url: str = "", timeout: float = 60.0, ) -> StructureCollection: """ Import crystal structures using the optimade-API. The provider information is queried using the page: Parameters ---------- formulas : str or list of str List of chemical formulas or systems that are queried from the database. E.g. ``'Fe2O3'`` - defined chemical composition, ``'Cs'`` - all entries of elemental phases Cs, ``'Cs-Te'`` - all entries that exclusively contain the elements Cs and/or Te. database_id : str Database used to query the data. api_version : int (optional) Version of the optimade API. The default value is ``1``. optimade_url : str (optional) Page used to obtain the provider information. The default value is ``''``. timeout : float (optional) Specifies the time to wait for response from the server. The default value is ``60.0``. """ from warnings import warn warn( "This method needs to be considered experimental. It seems that the optimade " + "interface is unfortunately not yet commonly implemented for all databases.", UserWarning, 2, ) download_kwargs = { "optimade_url": optimade_url, "api_version": api_version, "database_id": database_id, "timeout": timeout, } return self._import_from_odb("optimade", formulas, {}, download_kwargs)
[docs] def return_optimade_database_ids( self, api_version: int = 1, optimade_url: str = "", timeout: float = 60.0, ) -> list: """ Return a list of all ids of online databases that provide a base-url. Parameters ---------- api_version : int (optional) Version of the optimade API. The default value is ``1``. optimade_url : str (optional) Page used to obtain the provider information. The default value is ``''``. timeout : float (optional) Specifies the time to wait for response from the server. The default value is ``60.0``. Returns ------- list List of provider-ids. """ backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("optimade") providers = backend_module._return_database_ids(api_version, optimade_url, timeout) return [id0 for id0, attr in providers.items() if attr["base_url"] is not None]
[docs] def generate_random_crystals( self, formulas: Union[str, List[str]], excl_space_groups: list = [], tol_tuples: list = None, molecular: bool = False, dimensions: int = 3, bin_size: float = 0.1, max_atoms: int = 30, max_structures: int = 10, max_structures_per_cs: int = 10, max_structures_per_sg: int = 5, volume_factor: float = 1.0, ) -> StructureCollection: """ Generate random crystals using the PyXtaL library. Parameters ---------- formulas : str or list of str List of chemical formulas or systems that are queried from the database. E.g. ``'Fe2O3'`` - defined chemical composition, ``'Cs'`` - all entries of elemental phases Cs, ``'Cs-Te'`` - all entries that exclusively contain the elements Cs and/or Te. excl_space_groups : list (optional) Exclude one or more space groups. tol_tuples : None or list Tolerance tuples used to create the tolerance matrix. The default value is ``None``. molecular : bool (optional) Whether to generate molecular crystals. The default value is ``False``. dimensions : int Dimension of the crystal, possible values range from zero to three. The default value is ``3``. bin_size : float (optional) Size of bins that contain a certain number of structures. The default value is ``0.1``. max_atoms : int (optional) Maximum number of atoms per structure. The default value is ``30``. max_structures : int (optional) Maximum number of structures that are generated. The default value is ``10``. max_structures_per_cs : int (optional) Maximum number of structures that are generated per crystal system. The default value is ``10``. max_structures_per_sg : int (optional) Maximum number of structures that are generated per space group. The default value is ``5``. volume_factor : float (optional) Volume factor used to generate the crystal. The default value is ``1.0``. """ if isinstance(formulas, str): formulas = [formulas] backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules("pyxtal") tol_matrix = backend_module._pyxtal_tolerance_matrix( tuples=tol_tuples, molecular=molecular ) structures_collect = StructureCollection() for formula in formulas: space_group_list = [0] * backend_module.NR_OF_SPACE_GROUPS[dimensions] crystal_sys_list = [0] * len(backend_module.SPACE_GROUP_LIMITS[dimensions]) formula_dict = utils_cf.transform_str_to_dict(formula) unspecified_quantity = "-" if any(quantity == unspecified_quantity for quantity in formula_dict.values()): formula_series = self._create_formula_series(list(formula_dict.keys()), max_atoms) structures = backend_module._process_element_set( list(formula_dict.keys()), formula_series, bin_size, tol_matrix, space_group_list, crystal_sys_list, molecular, dimensions, excl_space_groups, max_structures, max_structures_per_cs, max_structures_per_sg, volume_factor, ) else: if not self._check_attribute_constraints( {"chem_formula": formula_dict, "label": ""}, raise_error=False, print_message=True, ): continue atoms_per_f_unit = sum(formula_dict.values()) formulas0 = [] for counter in range(math.floor(max_atoms / atoms_per_f_unit)): multiple = counter + 1 formulas0.append({el: value * multiple for el, value in formula_dict.items()}) structures = backend_module._create_crystals( formulas0, tol_matrix, space_group_list, crystal_sys_list, molecular, dimensions, excl_space_groups, max_structures, max_structures_per_cs, max_structures_per_sg, volume_factor, ) for strct_idx, structure in enumerate(structures): label = "pyxtal_" + uuid.uuid4().hex structures_collect._add_structure(label, structure, False) _update_import_details(self._import_details, "PyXtaL", structures_collect) self.structures += structures_collect return structures_collect
def _import_from_odb( self, provider, formulas, query_kwargs, download_kwargs, ): backend_module = _return_ext_interface_modules(provider) if isinstance(formulas, str): formulas = [formulas] structures = StructureCollection() for formula in formulas: queries = self._create_odb_queries(backend_module, formula, **query_kwargs) for query in queries: time.sleep(0.1) entries = backend_module._download_structures(query, **download_kwargs) for entry in entries: if entry.label in self.structures.labels: print(f"Entry for {entry.label} already imported.") continue if self._apply_constraint_checks(entry, False): structures.append_structure(entry) time.sleep(0.1) if provider == "optimade": provider += "-" + download_kwargs["database_id"] _update_import_details(self._import_details, provider, structures) self.structures += structures return structures def _create_odb_queries(self, backend_module, formula_str, **kwargs): """Create query arguments.""" el_phase_query_args = getattr(backend_module, "_elemental_phase_query_args") el_set_query_args = getattr(backend_module, "_element_set_query_args") formula_query_qrgs = getattr(backend_module, "_formula_query_args") queries = [] formula_dict = utils_cf.transform_str_to_dict(formula_str) if "-" in formula_str: elements = formula_str.split("-") for length in range(len(elements)): for subset in itertools.combinations(elements, length + 1): if length == 0 and not self.neglect_elemental_structures: queries.append(el_phase_query_args(subset[0], **kwargs)) elif length > 0: queries.append(el_set_query_args(subset, length, **kwargs)) elif len(formula_dict.keys()) > 1 or not self.neglect_elemental_structures: queries.append(formula_query_qrgs(formula_str, **kwargs)) return queries def _create_formula_series(self, elements, max_atoms): """ Create a list of chemical formulas. """ formulas = [] concentration_list = [] distances = [] rng = list(range(max_atoms + 1)) * len(elements) for permutation in itertools.permutations(rng, len(elements)): if 0 < sum(permutation) <= max_atoms: if self.neglect_elemental_structures and any( nr_el == max_atoms for nr_el in permutation ): continue concentration = tuple([qu_el / sum(permutation) for qu_el in permutation]) if concentration in concentration_list: continue formula = {el: qu_el for el, qu_el in zip(elements, permutation) if qu_el > 0} for nat_idx in range(1, max_atoms + 1): if sum(permutation) * nat_idx > max_atoms: break formula = { el: qu_el * nat_idx for el, qu_el in zip(elements, permutation) if qu_el > 0 } if not self._check_concentration_constraints( {"chem_formula": formula, "label": ""}, print_message=False, raise_error=False, ): continue if not self._check_chem_formula_constraints( {"chem_formula": formula, "label": ""}, print_message=False, raise_error=False, ): continue formulas.append(formula) concentration_list.append(concentration) zipped = list(zip(concentration_list, formulas)) zipped.sort(key=lambda point: point[0]) concentration_list, formulas = zip(*zipped) for conc_idx in range(len(concentration_list) - 1): conc1 = concentration_list[conc_idx] conc2 = concentration_list[conc_idx + 1] squared_dist = sum([(c0 - c1) ** 2.0 for c0, c1 in zip(conc1[:-1], conc2[:-1])]) if squared_dist > 0.0: distances.append(math.sqrt(squared_dist)) print( f"Created {len(distances) + 1} different concentrations and " f"{len(concentration_list)} formulas." ) print(f"Minimum distance: {round(min(distances), 4)}") print(f"Maximum distance: {round(max(distances), 4)}") print(f"Average distance: {round(sum(distances)/len(distances), 4)}") # return {conc: form for conc, form in zip(concentration_list, formulas)} return list(zip(concentration_list, formulas))