Source code for aim2dat.utils.chem_formula

"""Module to parse representations of chemical formulas into each other."""

# Standard library imports
import re
import math
import functools
import fractions

[docs] def transform_str_to_dict(formula_str): """ Create a dictionary from a formula string. The function supports round, squared and curly brackets as well as recurring elements. Examples -------- >>> transform_str_to_dict('HOH') {'H': 2.0, 'O': 1.0} >>> transform_str_to_dict("H.5(CO)CH3{OH[CH]4}3.5") {'C': 16.0, 'O': 4.5, 'H': 21.0} Parameters ---------- formula_str : str Chemical formula as string, e.g. ``Fe2O3`, ``H2O`` Returns ------- formula_dict : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 2.0, 'O' : 3.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}`` """ def _add_to_dict(formula_dict, key, val): if key in formula_dict: formula_dict[key] += val else: formula_dict[key] = val def _get_groups(formula_str): grp_qty_pattern = re.compile(r"([\)\]\}](\d*(\.\d+)?))") stack = [] groups = [] last_grp = 0 for idx, char in enumerate(formula_str): if char in ("(", "[", "{"): stack.append(idx) elif char in (")", "]", "}"): group_st = stack.pop() if len(stack) > 0: continue if len(groups) > 0 and last_grp < group_st: groups.append((last_grp + 1, group_st, 1.0)) match = grp_qty_pattern.match(formula_str, idx) quantity = 1.0 last_grp = idx if != "": quantity = float( last_grp = match.end(2) groups.append((group_st + 1, idx, quantity)) if len(groups) > 0 and groups[0][0] != 1: groups.append((0, groups[0][0] - 1, 1.0)) if len(groups) > 0 and last_grp != len(formula_str): groups.append((last_grp, len(formula_str), 1.0)) return groups if isinstance(formula_str, str): formula_dict = {} formula_str = formula_str.replace("@", "") groups = _get_groups(formula_str) if len(groups) == 0: regex = r"(?P<element>[A-Z][a-z]?)(?P<quantity>\d*(\.\d+)?)?" for match in re.finditer(regex, formula_str): quantity = 1.0 if match["quantity"] == "" else float(match["quantity"]) _add_to_dict(formula_dict, match["element"], quantity) else: for group in groups: group_dict = transform_str_to_dict(formula_str[group[0] : group[1]]) for key, val in group_dict.items(): _add_to_dict(formula_dict, key, val * group[2]) elif isinstance(formula_str, dict): formula_dict = formula_str else: raise TypeError("Chemical formula has to be of type str or dict.") return formula_dict
[docs] def transform_dict_to_str(formula_dict, output_type=None): """ Create a string from a formula dictionary, fractional quantities are rounded. Parameters ---------- formula_dict : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 2.0, 'O' : 3.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}`` output_type : None or str If set to ``'alphabetic'`` the output formula will be alphabetically ordered. Returns ------- formula_str : str Chemical formula as string, e.g. ``Fe2O3`, ``H2O`` """ if isinstance(formula_dict, dict): elements = list(formula_dict.keys()) if output_type is not None: if output_type == "alphabetic": elements.sort() else: raise ValueError(f"The output_type `{output_type}` is not supported.") formula_l = [] for el in elements: nr = formula_dict[el] if nr == 1: formula_l.append(el) elif isinstance(nr, float) and nr.is_integer(): formula_l.append(el + str(int(round(nr, 0)))) else: formula_l.append(el + str(nr)) formula_str = "".join(formula_l) elif isinstance(formula_dict, str): formula_str = formula_dict else: raise TypeError("Chemical formula has to be of type str or dict.") return formula_str
[docs] def transform_dict_to_latexstr(formula_dict): r""" Create a string from a formula dictionary, fractional quantities are rounded. Parameters ---------- formula_dict : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 2.0, 'O' : 3.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}``. Returns ------- formula_str : str Chemical formula as string with latex formating, e.g. ``r'$\mathrm{Fe}_{\mathrm{2}}\mathrm{O3}$'``, ``r'$\mathrm{H}_{\mathrm{2}}\mathrm{O}$'``. """ name = [] for el in [*formula_dict.items()]: if str(int(el[1])) == "1": name.append(r"\mathrm{" + str(el[0]) + r"}") else: name.append(r"\mathrm{" + str(el[0]) + r"}_\mathrm{" + str(int(round(el[1], 0))) + "}") return r"$" + r"".join(name) + r"$"
[docs] def transform_list_to_dict(formula_list): """ Convert a list of elements to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- formula_list : list Chemical formula as list, e.g. ``['Fe', 'Fe', 'O', 'O', 'O']`` or ``['H', 'O', 'H']`` Returns ------- formula_dict : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 2.0, 'O' : 3.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}`` """ formula_dict = {} for el in formula_list: if el in formula_dict.keys(): formula_dict[el] += 1 else: formula_dict[el] = 1 return formula_dict
[docs] def transform_list_to_str(formula_list): """ Convert a list of elements to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- formula_list : list Chemical formula as list, e.g. ``['Fe', 'Fe', 'O', 'O', 'O']`` or ``['H', 'O', 'H']`` Returns ------- formula_str : str Chemical formula as string, e.g. ``Fe2O3`, ``H2O`` """ return transform_dict_to_str(transform_list_to_dict(formula_list))
[docs] def reduce_formula(formula_dict, tolerance=1.0e-4): """ Try to find a reduced formula only having natural numbers as quantities Parameters ---------- formula_dict : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 4.0, 'O' : 6.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}`` tolerance : float Tolerance to determine fractions, e.g., ``0.33333`` is intepreted as 1/3 for a tolerance of ``1.0e-4``. Returns ------- formula_red : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 2, 'O' : 3}`` or ``{'H' : 2, 'O' : 1}`` """ if len(formula_dict) == 1: int_values = [1] else: factor = 1 fracts = [] for val in formula_dict.values(): frac = fractions.Fraction(val).limit_denominator(math.floor(1.0 / tolerance)) den = frac.denominator fracts.append(frac) if factor == 1 or factor % den != 0: factor *= den int_values = [int(frac.numerator * factor / frac.denominator) for frac in fracts] gcd = functools.reduce(math.gcd, int_values) int_values = [int(val / gcd) for val in int_values] return {key: val for key, val in zip(formula_dict.keys(), int_values)}
[docs] def compare_formulas(chem_formula1, chem_formula2, reduce_formulas=False): """ Check if two chemical formulas are identical. Parameters ---------- chem_formula1 : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 4.0, 'O' : 6.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}``. chem_formula2 : dict Chemical formula as dictionary, e.g. ``{'Fe' : 4.0, 'O' : 6.0}`` or ``{'H' : 2.0, 'O' : 1.0}``. reduce_formulas : bool Whether to reduce the formulas before comparison. Returns ------- match : bool ``True`` if the two forumals are identical """ if reduce_formulas: chem_formula1 = reduce_formula(chem_formula1) chem_formula2 = reduce_formula(chem_formula2) elements_cf2 = list(chem_formula2.keys()) match = True for el1 in chem_formula1.keys(): if el1 in chem_formula2: elements_cf2.remove(el1) if chem_formula1[el1] != chem_formula2[el1]: match = False break else: match = False break # In case some elements were not in formula1 but in formula2: if len(elements_cf2) > 0: match = False return match