Source code for aim2dat.utils.space_groups

"""Module containing functions to parse space groups and to get information on the lattice."""

# TODO change to libspg
# Standard library imports
from typing import Union

# Third party library imports
import ase.spacegroup as ase_sg

# Internal library imports
from aim2dat.ext_interfaces import _return_ext_interface_modules

[docs] def transform_to_nr(space_group): """ Parse the space group into the corresponding number (if necessary) using the ase library. Parameters ---------- space_group : int or str Space group of the crystal. Returns ------- sg_num : int Number of the space group. """ if isinstance(space_group, int): sg_num = space_group elif isinstance(space_group, str): # This might make prolems with nomenclature of other space groups as well.. # if space_group == "Cmca": # space_group = "Cmce" # elif space_group == "Cmma": # space_group = "Cmme" if space_group.startswith("C") and space_group.endswith("a"): space_group = space_group[:-1] + "e" elif space_group.startswith("A") and "b" in space_group: space_group = space_group.replace("b", "e") space_group = space_group.replace("_", "") space_group = ase_sg.Spacegroup(space_group) sg_num = else: raise ValueError("`space_group` needs to be of type str or int.") return sg_num
[docs] def transform_to_str(space_group): """ Parse the space group from its number to the symbol using the ase library. Parameters ---------- space_group : int or str Space group of the crystal. Returns ------- sg_str : str Symbol of the space group. """ if isinstance(space_group, int): sg_ase = ase_sg.Spacegroup(space_group) sg_str = sg_ase.symbol.replace(" ", "") else: sg_str = space_group return sg_str
[docs] def get_space_group_details(space_group: Union[str, int], return_sym_operations: bool = False): """ Return space group details from name or international number using spglib. Parameters ---------- space_group : str or int Space group name or international number. return_sym_operations : bool (optional) Whether to return the symmetry operations as well. Returns ------- dict - number : int International number of the space group. - international_short : str International short symbol of the space group. - international_full : str International full symbol of the space group. - international : str International symbol of the space group. - schoenflies : str Schoenflies symbol of the space group. - hall_number : int Hall number of the space group. - hall_symbol : str Hall symbol of the space group. - choice : str Centring, origin, basis vector setting. - pointgroup_international : str International symbol of the crystallographic point group. - pointgroup_schoenflies : str Schoenflies symbol of the crystallographic point group. - arithmetic_crystal_class_number : int Arithmetic crystal class number. - arithmetic_crystal_class_symbol : str Arithmetic crystal class symbol. - symmetry_operations : list List of tuples containing the rotation matrix and translation as lists if ``return_sym_operations`` is set to ``True``. """ return _return_ext_interface_modules("spglib")._get_space_group_details( space_group, return_sym_operations )
[docs] def get_lattice_type(space_group): """ Return the crystal system of a space group given by a string or number. """ from warnings import warn warn( "This function will be removed, please use `get_crystal_system` instead.", DeprecationWarning, 2, ) return get_crystal_system(space_group)
[docs] def get_crystal_system(space_group): """ Return the crystal system of a space group given by a string or number. Parameters ---------- space_group : int or str Space group of the crystal. Returns ------- crystal_system : str The crystal system of the space group, e.g. 'tetragonal'. """ sg_num = transform_to_nr(space_group) bounds = { "triclinic": (0, 3), "monoclinic": (2, 16), "orthorhombic": (15, 75), "tetragonal": (74, 143), "trigonal": (142, 168), "hexagonal": (167, 195), "cubic": (194, 231), } crystal_system = "" for crystal_system0, bound in bounds.items(): if bound[0] < sg_num < bound[1]: crystal_system = crystal_system0 return crystal_system