"""Module containing units and unit conversions."""
# Third party library imports
import numpy as np
import ase.units as ase_un
class _BaseQuantity:
_units = {}
def __init__(self):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._units.get(name.lower(), None)
def available_units(self):
List of all available units.
return list(self._units.keys())
def get_unit(self, unit):
Return the value of the unit.
unit : str
Physical unit.
value : float
Value of the unit.
return self._units[unit.lower()]
class Length(_BaseQuantity):
Length units based on the ase library. Angstrom is set to ``1.0``.
_units = {
"bohr": ase_un.Bohr,
"nm": ase_un.nm,
"ang": ase_un.Angstrom,
"angstrom": ase_un.Angstrom,
"m": ase_un.m,
"mm": ase_un.m * 1e-3,
"micro_m": ase_un.m * 1e-6,
"micron": ase_un.m * 1e-6,
_plot_labels = {
"bohr": "Bohr",
"nm": "nm",
"ang": r"$\mathrm{\AA}$",
"angstrom": r"$\mathrm{\AA}$",
"m": "m",
"mm": "mm",
"micro_m": r"$\mathrm{\mu}$m",
"micron": r"$\mathrm{\mu}$m",
class Energy(_BaseQuantity):
Energy units based on the ase library. eV is set to ``1.0``.
_units = {
"rydberg": ase_un.Rydberg,
"hartree": ase_un.Hartree,
"joule": ase_un.J,
"j": ase_un.J,
"ev": ase_un.eV,
_plot_labels = {
"rydberg": "Rydberg",
"hartree": "Hartree",
"joule": "Joule",
"j": "Joule",
"ev": "eV",
class Frequency(_BaseQuantity):
Frequency units based on the ase library.
_units = {
"hz": 1.0 / ase_un.second,
"khz": 1e3 / ase_un.second,
"mhz": 1e6 / ase_un.second,
"ghz": 1e9 / ase_un.second,
"thz": 1e12 / ase_un.second,
"phz": 1e15 / ase_un.second,
_plot_labels = {
"hz": "Hz",
"khz": "kHz",
"mhz": "MHz",
"ghz": "GHz",
"thz": "THz",
"phz": "PHz",
class Wavevector(_BaseQuantity):
Wavevector units based on the ase library. Angstrom-1 is set to ``1.0``.
_units = {
"nm-1": 1.0 / ase_un.nm,
"angstrom-1": 1 / ase_un.Angstrom,
"m-1": 1.0 / ase_un.m,
"cm-1": 1.0 / (ase_un.m * 1e-2),
"mm-1": 1.0 / (ase_un.m * 1e-3),
"micro_m-1": 1.0 / (ase_un.m * 1e-6),
_plot_labels = {
"nm-1": r"nm$^{-1}$",
"angstrom-1": r"$\mathrm{\AA}^{-1}$",
"m-1": r"m$^{-1}$",
"cm-1": r"cm$^{-1}$",
"mm-1": r"mm$^{-1}$",
"micro_m-1": r"$\mathrm{\mu}$m$^{-1}$",
length = Length()
energy = Energy()
frequency = Frequency()
wavevector = Wavevector()
class _BaseUnitConverter:
Convert units related to spectroscopy.
_quantities = {
"length": Length(),
"energy": Energy(),
"frequency": Frequency(),
"wavevector": Wavevector(),
_available_units = {}
for quantity, qu_class in _quantities.items():
for unit in qu_class.available_units:
_available_units[unit] = quantity
available_units = list(_available_units.keys())
plot_labels = {}
for qu_class in _quantities.values():
def _return_quantity(cls, unit):
Return the quantity of the unit.
unit : str
Physical unit.
quantity : str
Physical quantity.
for quantity_label, quantity in cls._quantities.items():
if unit in quantity.available_units:
return quantity_label
return None
def _convert_units(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
Convert one unit into another.
value : float
Input value.
unit_1 : str
Physical unit of the input value.
unit_2 : str
Physical unit to be converted into.
processed_data : float
Output value.
unit_1 = unit_1.lower()
unit_2 = unit_2.lower()
for unit in [unit_1, unit_2]:
if unit not in cls._available_units.keys():
raise ValueError(f"'{unit}' is not supported for unit conversion.")
# If both units are from the same quantity:
if cls._available_units[unit_1] == cls._available_units[unit_2]:
quantity_class = cls._quantities[cls._available_units[unit_1]]
processed_data = cls._convert_unit(value, quantity_class, unit_1, unit_2)
quantities = [cls._available_units[unit_1], cls._available_units[unit_2]]
method_name = "_".join(sorted(quantities))
conv_method = getattr(cls, "_convert_" + method_name)
processed_data = conv_method(value=value, unit_1=unit_1, unit_2=unit_2)
return processed_data
def _convert_energy_length(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
length = cls._quantities["length"]
energy = cls._quantities["energy"]
# E = h_planck * c / lambda
if unit_1 not in length.available_units:
unit_1, unit_2 = unit_2, unit_1
conv_factor = (energy.Joule / energy.get_unit(unit_2)) * (
length.m / length.get_unit(unit_1)
# We should find here a different way without using private variables from ase...
processed_data = (ase_un._c * ase_un._hplanck * conv_factor) / value
return processed_data
def _convert_frequency_length(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
length = cls._quantities["length"]
frequency = cls._quantities["frequency"]
# f = c / lambda
if unit_1 not in frequency.available_units:
unit_1, unit_2 = unit_2, unit_1
conv_factor = (length.m / length.get_unit(unit_2)) * (
frequency.Hz / frequency.get_unit(unit_1)
processed_data = (ase_un._c * conv_factor) / value
return processed_data
def _convert_length_wavevector(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
length = cls._quantities["length"]
wavevector = cls._quantities["wavevector"]
# k = 2 * pi / lambda
if unit_1 not in length.available_units:
unit_1, unit_2 = unit_2, unit_1
conv_factor = 2 * np.pi / (length.get_unit(unit_1) * wavevector.get_unit(unit_2))
return conv_factor / value
def _convert_energy_frequency(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
energy = cls._quantities["energy"]
function1 = cls._convert_energy_length
function2 = cls._convert_frequency_length
if unit_1 not in energy.available_units:
function1, function2 = function2, function1
return function2(function1(value, unit_1, "angstrom"), "angstrom", unit_2)
def _convert_energy_wavevector(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2): #
energy = cls._quantities["energy"]
function1 = cls._convert_energy_length
function2 = cls._convert_length_wavevector
if unit_1 not in energy.available_units:
function1, function2 = function2, function1
return function2(function1(value, unit_1, "angstrom"), "angstrom", unit_2)
def _convert_frequency_wavevector(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
frequency = cls._quantities["frequency"]
function1 = cls._convert_frequency_length
function2 = cls._convert_length_wavevector
if unit_1 not in frequency.available_units:
function1, function2 = function2, function1
return function2(function1(value, unit_1, "angstrom"), "angstrom", unit_2)
def _convert_unit(value, quantity, unit_1, unit_2):
conv_factor = quantity.get_unit(unit_1) / quantity.get_unit(unit_2)
return conv_factor * value
class UnitConverter(_BaseUnitConverter):
Convert units used in spectroscopy.
def convert_units(cls, value, unit_1, unit_2):
Convert one unit into another.
value : float
Input value.
unit_1 : str
Physical unit of the input value.
unit_2 : str
Physical unit to be converted into.
processed_data : float
Output value.
return cls._convert_units(value, unit_1, unit_2)