
Specific topics on how to adjust the plots are covered in the following sections:

  • The base using principle is described here using the SimplePlot.

  • Settings of the plot like e.g. the axis labels or ranges or the ratio of the plot can be adjusted using the corresponding properties of the plot classes described here.

  • How to plot data sets in several subplots is described here.

List of all plot classes

The following plot classes are implemented:

  • BandStructurePlot: Class to plot electronic or phonon band structures. Additionally, the class implements functions to analyse and compare band structures.

  • DOSPlot: Class to plot electronic or phonon density of states. The class is focused on analysing and plotting the different orbital contributions of a projected density of states.

  • BandStructureDOSPlot: Combines the previous two classes to plot band structures and density of states side by side.

  • PartialChargesPlot: Class to plot partial charges.

  • PartialRDFPlot: Class to plot radial distribution functions.

  • PhasePlot: Class to plot formation energies, stabilities or other properties with regard to the chemical composition.

  • PlanarFieldPlot: Class to plot planar fields intended to be used to analyse output data from the Critic2 code.

  • SimplePlot: Class that implements a simple and flexible interface to all the plotting features.

  • SpectrumPlot: Class to plot spectra.

  • SurfacePlot: Class to plot surface energies and other surface properties.